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BBYTHON [ Better B-Bython]

Why BBYTHON not Bython?

-> Because this is valid BBYTHON and PYTHON dict but not in BYTHON.
my_dict = {"bbython":"works"}

-> Because this is valid  BBYTHON and PYTHON function but not in BYTHON.
def my_func(my_dict={"works":True}):

-> Because you can have code-blocks like in C.
    a = 10
    print(f"outer code block {a=}")
        a = 20
        print(f"inner code block {a=}")
    }print("after inner code block")
    print(f"outer code block {a=}")

Note: except for the source files, other documentations,install scripts ... are copied from Bython itself

B-Bython is a Python preprosessor which translates curly brackets into indentation, but it doesnot use regex like it's predecessor B-Bython

Content of README:

Key features

  • "Forget" about indentaition. You should still write beautiful code, but if you mess up with tabs/spaces, or copy one piece of code to another that uses a different indentation style, it won't break.

  • Uses Python for interpretation, that means that all of your existing modules, like NumPy and Matplotlib still works.

  • You don't have to worry about random curly braces in your code breaking the whole script, as it uses state machine insted of using regular-expression (Yes regEx are also state machine) direclty.So you can use it to replace you indentation with braces and newline with semi-colens.

Code example

def print_message(num_of_times) {
    for i in range(num_of_times) {
        print("B-Bython is more-awesome!",my_dict);

if __name__ == "__main__" {


[TODO installation]

You can install B-Bython directly from PyPI using pip (with or without sudo -H, depending on your Python installation):

$ sudo -H pip3 install b_bython

If you for some reason want to install it from the git repository you can use git clone and do a local install instead:

$ git clone
$ cd b-bython
$ sudo -H pip3 install .

The git version is sometimes a tiny bit ahead of the PyPI version, but not significantly.

To uninstall, simply run

$ sudo pip3 uninstall b_bython

which will undo all the changes.

Quick intro

B-Bython works by first translating B-Bython-files (suggested file ending: .bby) into Python-files, and then using Python to run them. You therefore need a working installation of Python for B-Bython to work.

To run a B-Bython program, simply type

$ b_bython source.bby arg1 arg2 ...

to run source.bby with arg1, arg2, ... as command line arguments. If you want more details on how to run B-Bython files (flags, etc), type

$ b_bython -h

to print the built-in help page. You can also consult the man page by typing

$ man b_bython

Bython also includes a translator from Python to B-Bython. This is found via the py2by command:

$ py2by

This will create a B-Bython file called test.bby. A full explanation of py2by, is found by typing

$ py2by -h

or by consulting the man page:

$ man py2by

For a more in-depth intro, consult the b-bython introduction

Structure of the repository

At the moment, B-Bython is written in Python. The git repository is structured into 4 directories:

  • b_bython contains a Python package containing the parser and other utilities used by the main script
  • etc contains manual pages and other auxillary files
  • scripts contains the runnable Python scripts, ie the ones run from the shell
  • testcases contains a couple of sample *.bby and *.py files intended for testing the implementation


Bython without regex; and with additional features







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