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An “IOT - SmartHome” project uses web page which installed on raspberryPI to control arduino and sensor device


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An “IOT - SmartHome” project uses web page which installed on raspberry to control arduino and sensor device



  • Architecture Hardware

Architecture hardware

  • Architecture Software

Architecture software

  • Architecture Conception

Architecture Conception


  • Hardware

  • Temperature and humidity sensors

    Use the wifi module ESP8266 to send the value detected by DHT22 sensor to the raspberry pi. We use the way of [http get] to sent the data directly to the "add.php" than write its in the mysql database.      

  • Light

    Use json to get the order from webpage then control the on and off of light

  • Software

    • Login

      For entry into the main page, you need first login

    • Auto Refresh

      The home page will auto refresh every 5min and reload the real time value of the sensors.

    • Toolbar

      Click to jump to the position of different module in the main user homepage

    • Health Care System

      The height of the thermometer mercury column, the number of dust particles, and the opacity of the skull will be used to visually represent the temperature, the dust density and the carbon monoxide(CO) concentration. so each time either you refresh by hand or the webpage refresh automatic, it will update the sensors' value here.      

    • Graph

      There is a hide/show botton below the icon of thermometer, it will show a carousel which iclude the curve of temperature、 humidity、dust、CO. But the graph is limited to the last 30 time points.    

    • Table

      If you want to check all the data of every sensor. You can click the link above the each symbol in the "Health Care System" to go to the data table. The data table page allow you to search a day、time、value particular and choose the way of value's rank.  

    • About Us

      This part post the photo of members of our group.

    • Feedback

      There is a feedback form for user to report bug or submit advice.    

    • Logout

      In the field "me" in the toolbar, you can find option of "déconnexion", click for logout. And you wait for 5s, you will be redirected to the login page.


Installer web environment in raspberry PI

  • Apache

       sudo apt-get install apache2
       sudo service apache2 restart
  • Mysql

       sudo apt-get install mysql-server
  • PHP

       sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-gd

Move the file to the defaut path of apache

  ftp the floder webpage on raspberry Pi
  rename the floder webpage to BureauIntelligent
  mv -r -f  BureauIntelligent  ./var/www/html/

Customize database

  Define the configuration options in the /BureauIntelligent/connection.php

Load database

  $ mysql -u [username] -p [password]
  mysql> source /var/www/html/BureauIntelligent/rasp_database.sql
  mysql> show databases; 
  mysql> use bureau;
  mysql> show tables;

Go to the site



  192.168.xx.xx(Intranet ip of raspberry pi)/BureauIntelligent/

Login for check the webpage

  username: test
  password: test

Use ngrok for Intranet penetration

  • view ngrok

  • What is ngrok

    Ngrok allows you to expose a web server running on your local machine to the internet.

ngrok theory

  • Start up

       Download ngrok for LINUX ARM
       cd /path/to/download_ngrok
       ./ngrok http 80
  • Have fun

You will find an URL just like in your terminal. So you can use this URL to let the devices who are not in your local network also Visit this site。

  • Note

 You should keep the terminal always open. Otherwise the URL will lose effectiveness.


Apache License

An IOT project created on November 30, 2016, 14:29 .


An “IOT - SmartHome” project uses web page which installed on raspberryPI to control arduino and sensor device








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