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UPML Killer bot

This bot was created for the game "Killer" in the Ugra Physics and Mathematics Lyceum.


  1. Set env variables (.env.example):

    • TOKEN - Telegram bot token
    • DB_FILE - DB file name
    • LOG_FILE - Log file name
    • BETTER_CALL_SAUL - How to contact with admin
    • ADMIN_ID - Admin Telegram ID
  2. Launch

    • Local
      pip install -r ./requirements.txt
      python -m src
    • Docker
      docker-compose up -d --build

Admin commands

[ids] - DB IDs separated by a space
[text] - any message

  • /check_users
  • /list_alive
  • /delete_users [ids]
  • /kill [ids]
  • /start_game
  • /shuffle
  • /message [text]


  • - Refactor all this shit
  • - Make transactions in the database