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Gameplay Summary

Austen McDonald edited this page Nov 3, 2016 · 2 revisions

When reading this guide, it will be helpful to understand the gameplay envisioned by the authors. Those familiar with Legend of the Red Dragon or Legend of the Green Dragon don't need to read this.

The original LotGD game was based on and expanded the original concept of Legend of the Red Dragon, a BBS Door Game written in the late 1980's by Seth Able Robinson. You can play the web-based, original LotGD at numerous sites, including

LotGD, and LoRD before it, were text-based, turn-based, multiplayer role-playing games. Players moved through a world, described completely in text, by choosing from available menu choices. The original LoRD/LotGD was set in a high fantasy village plagued by a nearby dragon. The player must level-up by participating in fights in the adjacent forest, buying progressively better weapons and armor along the way, until reaching level 15 and attempting to slay the dragon. Players could interact with other players by posting messages in public forums (like a "town square") and via direct messages.

Both LoRD and LotGD supported user-written modules allowing game administrators to change game elements. LotGD was open-source and supported completely changing the plot, premise and look-and-feel, like building a world around the Hogwarts school from Harry Potter.

This Daenerys re-write of LotGD is similar to the original LotGD in that it is open-source and supports complete customization of pretty much any aspect of the game. Most text-based, turn-based systems one could conceive of can be modeled with Daenerys.

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