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Fast bwa-mem dna matching algor implemented in system verilog, fully synthesizable.


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(see Project FPGA Impl. of or pdf in doc/)

Implementation of BWA-MEM in FPGA

1. System Structure

1.1 Read2Seed block

This is a brief introduction of one "Read To Seed" process block, for multi-channel and related memory and cache system, just open the IPI in vivado project.

A "read2seed" block is a complete process block input read and output several seeds.

graph TD
fil[GrpFilter<br>fil1 & fil2]
rsfil[RSFilter<br>& RSQueue]
subgraph ReadMemReseed
   subgraph BiDirEx
       subgraph OccLookUp



  • Extension: input k0, l0, s0 and bp, output k1, l1 and s1.
  • OccLookup & OccDecomp: lookup compressed occ table from memory system and decompress it.
  • MemQu: working queue, temporarily store EMs with different intervals produced by forward extension, those EMs will be used by backward extension.
  • BiDirEx: do forward ex and backword ex at a specified position of a read, output almost all EMs longer than the specified "min_mlen"(normally 18).
  • GrpFilter: filter out shorter EMs included in another EM with same interval, those "shorter included" MEMs are considered as uninformative.
  • RSFilter: pick out EMs should be reseeded.
  • SeedAsm: assemble infomations and packed them for uploading to host.
  • ReadMemRessed: implements "Simple Forward", "Bidir Seeding" and "Reseeding".

1.2 Process Block x16

16 process blocks combined by read dispatcher and seed collector.

graph LR
in --> rd
rd --> pb0
rd --> pb1
rd --> pbx
rd --> pb15
pb0 --> sc
pb1 --> sc
pbx --> sc
pb15 --> sc
sc --> out


  • ReadDispatcher: dispatch incoming read to the least IDed idle process block.
  • SeedCollector: collect seeds from 16 process blocks, seeds with the same read ID will stay together in the output stream.

2. Definitions

package BwaMemDefines;

    typedef logic [2:0] Symbol;
    parameter Symbol sym_N      = 3'b000;
    parameter Symbol sym_$      = 3'b001;
    parameter Symbol sym_A 		= 3'b100;
    parameter Symbol sym_C 		= 3'b101;
    parameter Symbol sym_G 		= 3'b110;
    parameter Symbol sym_T 		= 3'b111;

    function automatic Symbol Compl(input Symbol s);
        Compl = {s[2], ~s[1:0]};

    // // 3-bit Symbol, used only in compressed Occ table and it's decompress
    // typedef logic [2:0] Sym3b;
    // parameter Sym3b sym3b_$       = 3'b000;
    // parameter Sym3b sym3b_A       = 3'b100;
    // parameter Sym3b sym3b_C       = 3'b101;
    // parameter Sym3b sym3b_G       = 3'b110;
    // parameter Sym3b sym3b_T       = 3'b111;
    // parameter Sym3b sym3b_N       = 3'b001;

    // function automatic Symbol Sym3to4(input Sym3b in);
    //     Sym3to4 = {1'b0, in};
    // endfunction

    // function automatic Sym3b Sym4to3(input Symbol in);
    //     Sym4to3 = in[2:0];
    // endfunction

    // extension direction
	parameter logic DirForward	= 1'b0;
	parameter logic DirBackward	= 1'b1;

    // working DW of k, l and s, 2^KLS_W = Max BWT Length
    // don't change this unless you are preparing to review all source code.
    parameter integer KLS_W = 40;

    // 2 * POS_W = n * 8, n = 1, 2, ...
    // POS_W >= Ceiling(Log2(READ_LEN + 3))
    parameter integer POS_W = 16;

    // width of read id
    parameter integer RID_W = 32;

    // 2^BIDIREX_QU_AW - 1 = Capacity of working queue in BiDirEmSeek
    // 2^RESEED_QU_AW = Capacity of reseed queue in ReadMemReseed
    // these 2 params:
    //  * too small may cause queue overflow (it's fatal error!)
    //  * too large ..., make sure you have enough block memory
    //  * Carefully choose their values
    parameter integer BIDIREX_QU_AW = 8; // at least $clog2(read_length), but may not be necessary
    parameter integer RESEED_QU_AW = 6;  // could be smaller than BEX_QU_AW

    // 2^SEEDOUT_QU_AW = Capacity of output queue of each processing block
    // too small will enlarge the probability of backpressure.
    parameter integer SEEDOUT_QU_AW = 8;

    // used in filters which filter mems to seeds
    // can be OVERRIDED in Read2Seeds instantiation.
    // when set to 2, seeds output will cover 95% of effective seeds in ref. result,
    // but generate average 12.4 seeds for each read (more redundant seeds).
    // when set to 1, seeds output will cover 80% of effective seeds in ref. result,
    // and generate average 6.1 seeds for each read (more efficient)
    parameter integer FILTER_GRP_SIZE = 2;

    // block of compressed Occ table
    typedef struct packed {
        logic [31:0][2:0] BwtSlice; //  32 * 3 = 96bit
        logic [39 : 0] OccT;        //  40 * 4 = 160bit
        logic [39 : 0] OccG;        // total: 256bit
        logic [39 : 0] OccC;
        logic [39 : 0] OccA;
    } OccBlock;

    typedef struct packed {
        logic [POS_W - 1 : 0]   j;  // tail position in guarded read
        logic [POS_W - 1 : 0]   i;  // head position in guarded read
        logic [KLS_W - 1 : 0]   s;  // interval
        logic [KLS_W - 1 : 0]   l;  // lower boundary of the reversed complementary
        logic [KLS_W - 1 : 0]   k;  // lower boundary of the original
    } WorkingMem;

    typedef struct packed {
        logic [POS_W - 1 : 0]   j;  // tail position in guarded read
        logic [POS_W - 1 : 0]   i;  // head position in guarded read
        logic [KLS_W - 1 : 0]   s;  // interval
    } ReseedMem;

    // size of AssemMem must be integer number of bytes
    typedef struct packed {
        logic [POS_W - 1 : 0]  j;  // tail position + 1 in read
        logic [POS_W - 1 : 0]  i;  // head position in read
        logic [KLS_W - 1 : 0]  s;  // interval will be saturate to [0,255]
        logic [KLS_W - 1 : 0]  l;  // lower boundary of the reversed complementary
        logic [KLS_W - 1 : 0]  k;  // lower boundary of the original
        logic [RID_W - 1 : 0]  id;
    } AssemMem;

    // parameter ASMMEM_W = $bits(AssemMem);
    // $bits is not supported by vivado ip packager -_-#
    parameter ASMMEM_W = 2*POS_W + 3*KLS_W + RID_W;

3. Modules

3.1. Extension (Bi-dir)

Params and ports list

io type/width name description
input wire clk clock
input wire rst synchronous reset, active high
input Symbol a_in new symbol input
input wire dir_in 0 - forward, 1- backward
input wire [KLS_W] k_in lower boundary of original seq
input wire [KLS_W] l_in lower boundary of rev-compl seq
input wire [KLS_W] s_in interval of seq
input wire start initiate an extension
output logic [KLS_W] k_out new lower boundary of original seq
output logic [KLS_W] l_out new lower boundary of rev-compl seq
output logic [KLS_W] s_out new interval of seq
output logic finish indicate process finished
output logic busy indicate in processing
input wire [KLS_W] acc_cnt_in[4] C table value, 0-A, 1-C, 2-G, 3-T
input wire [KLS_W] pri_pos_in the position of '$' in BWT
input wire bwt_params_valid update acc_cnt and pri_pos
output logic [KLS_W] occ_k k for lookup Occ table
output logic [KLS_W] occ_ks k+s for lookup Occ table
output logic occ_lookup initiate an lookup
input wire [KLS_W] occ_val_k[4] lookup result of Occ[x, k]
x: 0-'A', 1-'C', 2-'G', 3-'T'
input wire [KLS_W] occ_val_ks[4] lookup result of Occ[x, k+s]
x: 0-'A', 1-'C', 2-'G', 3-'T'
input wire occ_val_valid indicate lookup result of
'A', 'C', 'G' and 'T' valid

Calculation sequence

Calculate procedure (dependences among variables are concerned):

  1. Calc. sumks = k + s Store (take care of forward and backward) k, l, s
  2. Lookup O(, k), O(, k+s)
  3. Calc. l['$']=l Calc. k['$'] = C('$') + Occ('$', k)(= k > pos$? 1 : 0) Calc. s['$'] = Occ('$', k+s) - Occ('$', k)(= (k+s > pos$ && k <= pos$)? 1 : 0) ** if(a == '$') finish! **
  4. wait all other O(, k) and O(, k+s) valid Calc. l['T'] = l['$'] + s['$'] Calc. k['T'] = C('T') + Occ('T', k) Calc. s['T'] = Occ('T', k+s) - Occ('T', k) ** if(a == 'T') finish! **
  5. Calc. l['G'] = l'T' + s'T' Calc. k['G'] = C('G') + Occ('G', k) Calc. s['G'] = Occ('G', k+s) - Occ('G', k) ** if(a == 'G') finish! **
  6. Calc 'C'
  7. Calc 'A'

State machine

State machine chart
graph TD
%%subgraph prepare
%%subgraph acgt

idle -- !start --> idle
idle -- start && a_in == 'N' --> idle
idle -- start <br> && a_in != 'N --> prepare
prepare --> lookup
lookup --> calc$
calc$ -- !occ_valid --> calc$
calc$ -- occ_valid <br> && a == '$' --> idle
calc$ -- occ_valid <br> && a != '$' --> calcT((CalcT))
calcT -- a == 'T' --> idle
calcT -- a != 'T' --> calcG
calcG -- a == 'G' --> idle
calcG -- a != 'G' --> calcC
calcC -- a == 'C' --> idle
calcC -- a != 'C' --> calcA
calcA --> idle

State machine table
state event nxt_state do(may be incomplete)
Idle !start Idle
Idle start && a_in == 'N' Idle latch k_out,l_out,s_out,finish
Idle start && a_in != 'N' Prepare latch a,k,l,s,sumks
Prepare Lookup occ_lookup = 1
Lookup Calc$ l$ <= l
k$ <= k > pos$? 1 : 0,
s$ <= (k+s > pos$ && k <= pos$)? 1 : 0
Calc$ !occ_valid Calc$
Calc$ occ_valid && a == '$' Idle latch k_out,l_out,s_out,finish
Calc$ occ_valid && a != '$' CalcT lT <= l$ + s$
kT <= acc_cnt[3] + occ_val_k[3],
sT <= occ_val_ks[3] - occ_val_k[3]
CalcT a == 'T' Idle latch k_out,l_out,s_out,finish
CalcT a != 'T' CalcG lG <= lT + sT
kG <= acc_cnt[2] + occ_val_k[2],
sG <= occ_val_ks[2] - occ_val_k[2]
CalcG a == 'G' Idle latch k_out,l_out,s_out,finish
CalcG a != 'G' CalcC lC <= lG + sG
kC <= acc_cnt[1] + occ_val_k[1],
sC <= occ_val_ks[1] - occ_val_k[1]
CalcC a == 'C' Idle latch k_out,l_out,s_out,finish
CalcC a != 'C' CalcA lA <= lC + sC
kA <= acc_cnt[0] + occ_val_k[0],
sA <= occ_val_ks[0] - occ_val_k[0]
CalcA a == 'A' Idle latch k_out,l_out,s_out,finish

Sim result


3.2. BiDirEmSeek2 (obs.)

Bi-directional exact match seek (NOT compatible with simple forward extension phase)

Params and ports list

IO Type/Width Name Description
param integer GD_REAK_LEN len of the input "guarded read"
input wire clk clock
input wire rst synchronous reset, active high
input wire Symbol gd_read[GD_READ_LEN] "guarded read"
input wire [POS_W] pos_in position to start
input wire bi_dir 0 - for simple forward ex
1 - for bi-dir ex
input wire start initiate an operation
output logic [POS_W] pos_out break bp position
output logic finish
output logic busy
Axi4StreamIf.source m_axis_emout output of seek result(EMs)
Axi4LiteIf.master m_axi_occlu mm master for occ lookup
input wire [KLS_W] acc_in[4] acc count table
input wire acc_valid
input wire [KLS_W] pri_pos_in position of '$' in bwt
input wire pri_pos_valid
input wire [POS_W] min_mlen_in minimum length of output EMs
input wire min_mlen_valid
input wire [KLS_W] bwt_len_in length of BWT(including '$')
input wire bwt_len_valid
input wire [KLS_W] min_intv_in interval to stop ex.
input wire min_intv_valid

State machine

fsm chart
graph TD

idle -->|!start| idle
idle -- start --> fwd_start
fwd_start --> fwd_wait
fwd_wait -- !ex_finish --> fwd_wait
fwd_wait -- ex_finish<br> && s1 != s0 --> wr_fifo
fwd_wait -- ex_finish<br> && s1 == s0 --> nwr_fifo
wr_fifo -- s1 > s_stop --> fwd_start
wr_fifo -- s1 <= s_stop --> rd_fifo
nwr_fifo -- s1 > s_stop --> fwd_start
nwr_fifo -. s1 <= s_stop<br> && !fifo_empty .-> rd_fifo
nwr_fifo -. s1 <= s_stop<br> && fifo_empty .-> idle
rd_fifo --> bwd_prepare
bwd_prepare --> bwd_start
bwd_start --> bwd_wait
bwd_wait -- !ex_finish --> bwd_wait
bwd_wait -- ex_finish<br> && need_out --> output
bwd_wait -- ex_finish<br> && !need_out --> noutput
%%bwd_wait -- ex_finish<br> && !need_out<br> && s1 != 0 --> bwd_start
%%bwd_wait -- ex_finish<br> && !need_out<br> && s1 == 0<br> && !fifo_empty --> rd_fifo
%%bwd_wait -- ex_finish<br> && !need_out<br> && s1 == 0<br> && fifo_empty --> idle
output -- !handshake --> output
output -- handshake<br> && s1 > s_stop --> bwd_start
output -- handshake<br> && s1 <= s_stop<br> && !fifo_empty --> rd_fifo
output -- handshake<br> && s1 <= s_stop<br> && fifo_empty --> idle
noutput -- s1 > s_stop --> bwd_start
noutput -- s1 <= s_stop<br> && !fifo_empty --> rd_fifo
noutput -- s1 <= s_stop<br> && fifo_empty --> idle

State machine table
state event nxt_state do (may be incomplete)
Idle !start Idle
Idle start FwdStart read <= read_in
i1 <= pos j1 <= pos
kls0 <= {0,0,bl}
dir <= DirForward
FwdStart FwdWait ex_start = 1
FwdWait !ex_finish FwdWait
FwdWait ex_finish && s1 != s0 WrFifo
FwdWait ex_finish && s1 == s0 nWrFifo
WrFifo s1 != 0 FwdStart fifo_wr = 1
j1 <= j1 + 1
{i0, j0} <= {i1, j1}
kls0 <= kls1
WrFifo s1 == 0 RdFifo latch pos_out
NoWrFifo s1 != 0 FwdStart j1 <= j1 + 1
{i0, j0} <= {i1, j1}
kls0 <= kls1
NoWrFifo s1 == 0 && !fifo_empty RdFifo latch pos_out
NoWrFifo s1 == 0 && fifo_empty Idle latch finish,pos_out
RdFifo BwdPrepare fifo_rd = 1
BwdPrepare BwdStart i1 <= fifo_q[...] - 1
j1 <= fifo_q[...]
{i0, j0} <= {i1, j1}
kls0 <= fifo_q[...]
dir <= DirBackward
BwdStart BwdWait ex_start = 1
BwdWait !ex_finish BwdWait
BwdWait ex_finish && need_out Output m_axis_data, valid <= ...
BwdWait ex_finish && !need_out NoOutput
Output !handshake Output tvalid = 1
Output handshake && s1 != 0 BwdStart i1 <= i1 - 1
kls0 <= kls1
tvalid = 1
Output handshake && s1 == 0
&& !fifo_empty
RdFifo tvalid = 1
Output handshake && s1 == 0
&& fifo_empty
Idle tvalid = 1
NoOutput s1 != 0 BwdStart i1 <= i1 - 1
kls0 <= kls1
NoOutput s1 == 0 && !fifo_empty RdFifo
NoOutput s1 == 0 && fifo_empty Idle

Sim result


3.3. BiDirEmSeek3

Same as BiDirEmSeek, but with reseed and "simple forward phase" compatible

Params and ports list

IO Type/Width Name Description
param integer GD_REAK_LEN len of the input "guarded read"
input wire clk clock
input wire rst synchronous reset, active high
input wire Symbol gd_read[GD_READ_LEN] "guarded read"
read prefixed and suffixed with 'N'
input wire [POS_W] pos_in position to start
input wire bi_dir_in 0 - for simple forward ex
1 - for bi-dir ex
input wire start initiate an operation
output logic [POS_W] pos_out break bp position
output logic finish
output logic busy
Axi4StreamIf.source m_axis_emout output of seek result(EMs)
Axi4LiteIf.master m_axi_occlu mm master for occ lookup
input wire [KLS_W] acc_cnt_in[4] acc count table
input wire [KLS_W] pri_pos_in position of '$' in bwt
input wire [KLS_W] bwt_len_in length of BWT(including '$')
input wire bwt_params_valid update acc_cnt, pri_pos & bwt_len
input wire [POS_W] min_mlen_in minimum length of output EMs
input wire min_mlen_valid
input wire [KLS_W] min_intv_in interval to stop ex.
input wire min_intv_valid
input wire sf_mlen length of MEM in Simple Forward
input wire sf_max_intv max. interval of MEM in Simple Forward
input wire sf_params_valid

FSM chart

graph TD

idle -->|!start| idle
idle -- start --> fwd_prepare
fwd_prepare --> fwd_start
fwd_start --> fwd_wait
fwd_wait -- !ex_finish --> fwd_wait
fwd_wait -- ex_finish<br> && bi_dir<br> && s1 != s0 --> wr_fifo
fwd_wait -- ex_finish<br> && bi_dir<br> && s1 == s0 --> nwr_fifo
fwd_wait -- ex_finish<br> && !bi_dir<br> && sf_finish --> sf_out
fwd_wait -- ex_finish<br> && !bi_dir<br> && !sf_finish --> fwd_start
sf_out --> idle
wr_fifo -- s1 > s_stop --> fwd_start
wr_fifo -- s1 <= s_stop --> rd_fifo
nwr_fifo -- s1 > s_stop --> fwd_start
nwr_fifo -. s1 <= s_stop<br> && !fifo_empty .-> rd_fifo
nwr_fifo -. s1 <= s_stop<br> && fifo_empty .-> idle
rd_fifo --> fifo_regslice
fifo_regslice --> bwd_prepare
bwd_prepare --> bwd_start
bwd_start --> bwd_wait
bwd_wait -- !ex_finish --> bwd_wait
bwd_wait -- ex_finish<br> && need_out --> output
bwd_wait -- ex_finish<br> && !need_out --> noutput
output -- !handshake --> output
output -- handshake<br> && s1 > s_stop --> bwd_start
output -- handshake<br> && s1 <= s_stop<br> && !fifo_empty --> rd_fifo
output -- handshake<br> && s1 <= s_stop<br> && fifo_empty --> idle
noutput -- s1 > s_stop --> bwd_start
noutput -- s1 <= s_stop<br> && !fifo_empty --> rd_fifo
noutput -- s1 <= s_stop<br> && fifo_empty --> idle

3.4. Mem Filter 1

Filter output effective EMs within a backward group (a group produced in backward extension and with a same end position in read)

Examples of backward group & fiter1 group (see next section):


3.5. Mem Filter 2

Filter output effective EMs from the last N by N array within a filter1 group (when filter1 output a EM has different start pos & end pos from it's N-th previous one, we call this EM starts a new filter1 group and the previous one ends the last filter1 group).

MemFilter2 also generate tlast for the last mem within mems with same read id.

3.6. Mem Assembler

Assemble infomations, see definition of "AssemMem".

3.7. ReadMemReseed2 (obs.)

Find Seeds of a read.

graph LR
fsm(Fsm & Ctrl)
biex -->  filter1
filter1 --> filter2
filter2 --> rsfilter
rsfilter --> assem
rsfilter --> qu
qu --> biex

Params and ports list

I/O Type/Width Name Descr.
input wire [POS_W] min_rslen_in

State Machine

graph LR

idle -- start --> smpfwd
idle -- !start --> idle
smpfwd -- bex_finish && nxt_pos >= GD_READ_LEN --> bidir
smpfwd -- "!bex_finish || nxt_pos < GD_READ_LEN" --> smpfwd
bidir -- bex_finish && nxt_pos >= GD_READ_LEN --> waitfifo
bidir -- "!bex_finish || nxt_pos < GD_READ_LEN" --> bidir
waitfifo -- wait_cnt == 1 --> chkfifo
chkfifo -- fifo_tvalid --> reseeding
chkfifo -- !fifo_tvalid --> waitfilter
reseeding -- bex_finish --> chkfifo
reseeding -- !bex_finish --> reseeding
waitfilter -- filter2_finish --> idle


3.7. ReadMemReseed3

Find Seeds of a read.

graph LR
fsm[Fsm & Ctrl]
filter1[Filter1<br>1D Grp]
filter2[Filter2<br>2D Grp]
biex --> filter1
filter1 --> filter2
filter2 --> rsfilter
filter2 --> assem
rsfilter --> qu
qu --> biex
assem --> output

Params and ports list

I/O Type/Width Name Descr.
input wire [POS_W] min_rslen_in

State Machine

graph TD

idle -- start --> smpfwd
idle -- !start --> idle
smpfwd -- bex_finish && <br>nxt_pos >= GD_READ_LEN --> sfwf
smpfwd -- "!bex_finish || <br>nxt_pos < GD_READ_LEN" --> smpfwd
sfwf -- fil2_finish --> bidir
bidir -- bex_finish && <br>nxt_pos >= GD_READ_LEN --> bdwf
bidir -- "!bex_finish || <br>nxt_pos < GD_READ_LEN" --> bidir
bdwf -- fil2_finish --> waitfifo
waitfifo -- wait_cnt == 1 --> chkfifo
chkfifo -- fifo_tvalid --> reseeding
chkfifo -- !fifo_tvalid --> waitfilter
reseeding -- bex_finish --> chkfifo
reseeding -- !bex_finish --> reseeding
waitfilter -- filter2_finish --> idle


3.8. OccLookup

Lookup Compressed Occ Block, and use decompress module to convet it to Occ values of A, C, G, T.

State Machine

graph TD
idle -- start --> prepare
prepare --> read1
read1 -- rdata_hs --> dec1read2
dec1read2 -- dec_finish & rdata_hs --> decomp2
dec1read2 -- dec_finish --> waitread2
dec1read2 -- rdata_hs --> waitdec1
waitread2 -- rdata_hs --> decomp2
waitdec1 -- dec_finish --> decomp2
decomp2 -- dec_finish --> idle

3.9. OccDecompress

Extra Ultilities


Command line tool wrote in C++, convert bwt file to compressed occ table file used by FPGA.

BWT File

bwt file format (described in c struct, little-endian)

// Total length in bytes: 40 + ceil(BwtLenght / 16.0) * 4
struct BwtFile
    u64 PrimaryPosition;	// position of '$' in bwt
    u64 AccuCount_C;		// c table element of 'C' (without counting '$')
    u64 AccuCount_G;		// c table element of 'G' (without counting '$')
    u64 AccuCount_T;		// c table element of 'T' (without counting '$')
    u64 BwtLength;			// bwt length (without '$')
    // Slice of 16 symbols: 2 bits each symbol, 0b00-A, 0b01-C, 0b10-G, 0b11-T
    // First symbol in lower bits
	u32 SliceOf16Symbol[ceil(BwtLenght / 16.0)];

Occ Table (and Compress)

The (uncompressed) Occ table is constructed from BWT string with '$', and has (BwtLenght + 1) element using the definition: $$ occ(a, i) = \vline { 0 \le j \lt i \vline BWT[j]=a } \vline $$ Becaulful of the "less than" sign, it's different from definitions in some papers.

Compressed file is an array of blocks witch contains 4 40-bit AccuCount values ('A', 'C', 'G' and 'T') and 32 3-bit symbols in BWT.

Compressed block format (described in SystemVerilog struct, little-endian):

// Total lenght 256 bits, 32 bytes
// be aware of that verilog struct place the first element in MSB
typedef struct packed {
    logic [31:0][2:0] BwtSlice; //  32 * 3 = 96bit
    logic [39 : 0] OccT;        //  40 * 4 = 160bit
    logic [39 : 0] OccG;        // total: 256bit
    logic [39 : 0] OccC;
    logic [39 : 0] OccA;
} OccBlock;

The whole compressed file will have $\lfloor BwtLength / 32 \rfloor + 1$ blocks. The last one have at least one dummy symbols at the end if the $BwtLength$ is not a multiple of 32. If $BwtLength$ is a multiple of 32, the last block will be full of dummy symbols, this is intended to maintain consistency of decompress procedure. Compressed file size in bytes: $$ 32 \times ( \lfloor BwtLength / 32 \rfloor + 1) $$ Regardless of the 4 AccuCount_?s, symols in all blocks make up the complete BWT string with '$'.

AccuCount_?s are occurrences of symbol ? in all symbols before the block which it resides in.

Decompress procedure

For looking up $Occ(a, i)$:

  1. Get block = CompressedOccBlock[i / 32] at byte address i & 40'hF_FFFF_FFFE0 (40-bit address)

  2. c = block.AccuCount_<a>, s = block.Symbols

  3. $Occ(a,i) = c + \vline { 0 \le j \lt \textrm{rem}(i, 32)\vline s[j]=a } \vline $ (c plus the count of 'a' before(exc.) rem(i, 32)).


Fast bwa-mem dna matching algor implemented in system verilog, fully synthesizable.








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