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Luca Lewin edited this page Mar 5, 2022 · 1 revision

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Adding your Iserv-Account


The Planer app is not available in the Google Play Store or any other App-Store. Therefor you have to download and install the app manually.


You can find the newest version here. Download the file ending with .apk and open it. Because of security you cannot, by default on any Android phone, run a apk. You will most likely get a popup redirecting you to the settings to enable execution of the .apk file.

Adding your Iserv-Account

When first opening the app you have to provide information of your IServ-Account. Click on the Card to get redirected to the settings.

  • Base URL: Example
  • Username: your username which you use to log into your Iserv-Account
  • Password: your password which you use to log into your Iserv-Account
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