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This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 4, 2022. It is now read-only.


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Getting started

Download the project source code or clone the git repository from GitHub.

Setting up the project

The internal build system that is used (Ant) makes it possible to integrate the project in almost any common IDE like NetBeans.

This guide covers how to setup the project using NetBeans.

The repository is already set up as a NetBeans project, which makes it easy to get started:

  1. Use File > Open Project to open the import dialogue.

  2. Select the folder where you cloned the repository to and click Open Project.

Now you are all set to start and develop plugins or make changes to the base. Current mappings of Ant targets and NetBeans' buttons are (button = target):

  • Build Project = plugin (building the plugins)
  • Run Project = build-base (building the jar file for the OpenDiabetes Base)

Other targets can be executed by right-clicking the build.xml in the Projects pane under Run Target.

Further steps

You now have a working OpenDiabetes project setup on your machine. The following topics guide to documents that will help you on different tasks in the project: