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This project is based off for React.js. This is still a WIP.


Currently building out the module for use.


If you have any additions you want to add, PR them up. There is still many things to pass into this timepicker.


  • appendTo Override where the dropdown is appended. Takes either a string to use as a selector, a function that gets passed the clicked input element as argument or a jquery object to use directly. default: "body"

  • className A class name to apply to the HTML element that contains the timepicker dropdown. default: null

  • closeOnWindowScroll Close the timepicker when the window is scrolled. (Replicates <select> behavior.) default: false

  • disableTimeRanges Disable selection of certain time ranges. Input is an array of time pairs, like ```[['3:00am', '4:30am'], ['5:00pm', '8:00pm']]``. The start of the interval will be disabled but the end won't. default: []

  • disableTextInput Disable typing in the timepicker input box; force users to select from list. More information here. default: false

  • disableTouchKeyboard Disable the onscreen keyboard for touch devices. There can be instances where Firefox or Chrome have touch events enabled (such as on Surface tablets but not actually be a touch device. In this case disableTouchKeyboard will prevent the timepicker input field from being focused. More information here. default: false

  • durationTime The time against which showDuration will compute relative times. If this is a function, its result will be used. default: minTime

  • forceRoundTime Force update the time to step settings as soon as it loses focus. default: false

  • lang Language constants used in the timepicker. Can override the defaults by passing an object with one or more of the following properties: decimal, mins, hr, hrs. default: { am: 'am', pm: 'pm', AM: 'AM', PM: 'PM', decimal: '.', mins: 'mins', hr: 'hr', hrs: 'hrs' }

  • maxTime The time that should appear last in the dropdown list. Can be used to limit the range of time options. default: 24 hours after minTime

  • minTime The time that should appear first in the dropdown list. default: 12:00am

  • noneOption Adds one or more custom options to the top of the dropdown. Can accept several different value types: Boolean (true): Adds a "None" option that results in an empty input value String: Adds an option with a custom label that results in an empty input value Object: Similar to string, but allows customizing the element's class name and the resulting input value. Can contain label, value, and className properties. value must be a string type. Array: An array of strings or objects to add multiple non-time options default: false

  • orientation By default the timepicker dropdown will be aligned to the bottom right of the input element, or aligned to the top left if there isn't enough room below the input. Force alignment with l (left), r (right), t (top), and b (bottom). Examples: tl, rb. default: 'l'

  • roundingFunction Function used to compute rounded times. The function will receive time in seconds and a settings object as arguments. The function should handle a null value for seconds. default: round to nearest step

  • scrollDefault If no time value is selected, set the dropdown scroll position to show the time provided, e.g. "09:00". A time string, Date object, or integer (seconds past midnight) is acceptible, as well as the string 'now'. default: null

  • selectOnBlur Update the input with the currently highlighted time value when the timepicker loses focus. default: false

  • show2400 Show "24:00" as an option when using 24-hour time format. default: false

  • showDuration Shows the relative time for each item in the dropdown. minTime or durationTime must be set. default: false

  • showOn Display a timepicker dropdown when the input fires a particular event. Set to null or an empty array to disable automatic display. Setting should be an array of strings. default: ['focus']

  • showOnFocus DEPRECATED: Display a timepicker dropdown when the input gains focus. default: true

  • step The amount of time, in minutes, between each item in the dropdown. Alternately, you can specify a function to generate steps dynamically. The function will receive a count integer (0, 1, 2...) and is expected to return a step integer. default: 30

  • stopScrollPropagation When scrolling on the edge of the picker, it prevent parent containers () to scroll. default: false

  • timeFormat How times should be displayed in the list and input element. Uses PHP's date() formatting syntax. Characters can be escaped with a preceeding double slash (e.g. H\\hi). Alternatively, you can specify a function instead of a string, to use completely custom time formatting. In this case, the format function receives a Date object and is expected to return a formatted time as a string. default: 'g:ia'

  • typeaheadHighlight Highlight the nearest corresponding time option as a value is typed into the form input. default: true

  • useSelect Convert the input to an HTML <SELECT> control. This is ideal for small screen devices, or if you want to prevent the user from entering arbitrary values. This option is not compatible with the following options: appendTo, closeOnWindowScroll, disableTouchKeyboard, forceRoundTime, scrollDefault, selectOnBlur, typeAheadHighlight. default: false


A React.js timepicker inspired by Google Calendar






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