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Rust Discord Bot with Shuttle

This repository is a Discord bot built using Rust's Serenity. Hosting is provided by Shuttle.

Since it is still under development, it has quite a few features, but the following functions are available

  • When you make a mentions to the Bot, it gets the 5 latest messages and GPT will answer them.
  • When a URL of or is pasted, it is converted to and posted

Install & Build

Install various required packages using Cargo. Build is also performed at the same time.

cargo build


Get a Discord token

To run this bot, you need a valid Discord token; login to the Discord Developer Portal.

The required authority is "MESSAGE CONTENT INTENT"


The official Shuttle website describes how to install the Hello world bot, but it also describes the operation of the Discord Developers Portal, so please refer to that if you are not sure.

Get a OpenAI token

To run this bot, you need a valid OpenAI token; login to the OpenAI Profile | User APPI keys.


You must have charged credits to use OpenAI's ChatGPT API.

Install Shuttle CLI

Please install it beforehand, as it will be installed using cargo-binstall.
Install the cargo-shuttle binary.

cargo binstall cargo-shuttle

Log in to Shuttle.
You will be asked to enter your API key, which can be obtained from the following location after logging into your browser dashboard:

cargo shuttle login

Write various tokens in Secrets.toml

DISCORD_TOKEN="{{ token }}"
CHATGPT_TOKEN="{{ token }}"


Shuttle refers to the value in Secrets.toml, not the env file.

Deploy to Shuttle


Initial project setup for Shuttle. Here you can specify the project name, etc.

cargo shuttle init

Project Start

shuttle project new --idle-minutes 0


Since the application sleeps after 30 minutes of inactivity, the --idle-minutes option can be used to set the application not to sleep when the project is created.


Use the --allow-dirty option to upload Secrets.toml to Shuttle, which will not be pushed to Git the first time.

cargo shuttle deploy --allow-dirty

🎉 Completed

Check the online status of the bot you let join the Discord, and try mentions to see how it works!