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Run Periodic Script Using launchd on iOS

Liza Babu edited this page Aug 24, 2020 · 5 revisions

launchd can be used to continuously run a script or a program on iOS. This works similar to creating a cron job on a Linux based machine. Natively, the cron daemon does not exist on iOS.

First create a .plist file in /Library/LaunchDaemons/. This file will contain information about the job such as what program should be run, its arguments or how often to run it. This file has an xml format.

Below I describe the keys added to the file in order to make it work. The entire set of keys can be found here.

  • The label should be a unique identifier for your running job
  • The user unde which you want the program to run. I used the root user.
  • The program arguments. Use absolute paths here.

On macOS this works without running a /bin/bash with the first argument set to my script, on iOS I didn't manage to get it working. I describe below the error I got when not setting up a /bin/bash.

  • The standard input, output and error can be set to custom files. I only set the standard output and error since my script did not require any user input. Important to know is that launchd will append any output/error to these files and they will not be overwritten by each run of the program.

The output and error files specified above are the ones where the output and errors occured while running your script/program, not while loading or starting it.

  • A key to specify that you want the program to be relaunched if any sort of error occurs.
  • A key to specify that you want your script to run for the first time right after loading.
  • The period of time that should pass between consecutive runs on my program. Below I set it to run every 2 seconds.

After creating a new .plist in /Library/LaunchDaemons/ you have to load it so that the launchd daemon knows about it. There should be not output after running this command. Then start it.

# launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/
# launchctl start /Library/LaunchDaemons/

Check if everything is ok.

# launchctl list | grep lsof
-  0

0 means that no error has occured. Status code 75 means, according to the manual, Function not implemented. I was getting the status code when the .plist file had a misconfiguration. To be exact, the key I was using was Program instead of ProgramArguments and I wasnt' specifying to launch the srcipt as an argument to /bin/bash.

If you want to stop this, simply unload the task from launchd.

# launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/

That's all. Enjoy!

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