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ANSI escape sequence / unicode aware text wrapping for Go.

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Why ansiwrap?

Old text wrappers can't handle ANSI escape sequence formatting, but ansiwrap knows what to do!


  • ANSI escape sequence aware
  • unicode aware
  • Greedy and balanced text wrapping
  • Flexible indenting




package main

import (

// text including ANSI formatting
const text = "Sweet jujubes tootsie roll cotton candy lollipop. Marzipan donut" +
	" gummies tiramisu fruitcake sesame snaps icing danish.  Ice cream sesame snaps" +
	" candy lemon drops toffee oat cake pastry gummies soufflé. Candy chocolate cake" +
	" ice cream tiramisu \033[35mmarshmallow\033[0m sesame snaps" +
	" \033[35mmarshmallow\033[0m tootsie roll. Pastry cupcake biscuit. Tiramisu" +
	" chocolate sweet sugar plum. Pastry cupcake tart chocolate cake gingerbread" +
	" toffee cake gummi bears oat cake. Icing ice cream danish danish bonbon" +
	" \033[35mmarshmallow\033[0m \033[35mmarshmallow\033[0m gummi bears chocolate bar." +
	" Sesame snaps icing chocolate liquorice macaroon sugar plum macaroon ice cream." +
	" Tootsie roll sugar plum oat cake jelly toffee. Sweet cotton candy candy" +
	" caramels carrot cake cotton candy tiramisu gummies cheesecake. Sweet marzipan" +
	" topping jujubes sesame snaps. Cupcake cake jelly beans candy canes ice cream" +
	" jelly gummies."

func main() {
	// Add your favorite ANSI escape code library, and terminal width reporter.

	// A bold and blue label
	label := "\033[1;34mCupcake ipsum:\033[0m "

	// count the printable characters in label
	rc := ansiwrap.RuneCount(label)

	// Wrap the text to 80 chars, aligning with the end of the label
	// Lines are wrapped with minimal raggedness, as the text is long enough
	// to have ansiwrap choose the Balanced algorithm.
	fmt.Println(ansiwrap.WrapIndent(label+text, 70, 0, rc))

For more examples and documentation, see the GoDoc reference