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🥒 Vinegary Sass toolkit.


  • Typography setup that enforce separation of concerns.
  • Declaratives breakpoints system for handling media queries.
  • Opiniated default styles using Sanitize.css, along with custom flavors.
  • Handy management and usage of global colors and variables.



First, add Pickle as dependency into your project:

yarn add pickle.scss

Then, import and initiate using Sass:

/* Import Pickle */
@import 'node_modules/pickle.scss/pickle';

/* Include Pickle mixins and vars */
@include pickle;

/* Inject Pickle styles */
@include pickle-styles;

🎉 Done! Pickle is now ready to use.


First, add Pickle as dependency into your project:

yarn add pickle.scss

Create src/styles/globals.scss with the following:

/* Import Pickle */
@import 'node_modules/pickle.scss/pickle';

/* Include Pickle mixins and vars */
@include pickle;

Inject the previously created file into your project via vue.config.js:

module.exports = {
    css: {
        loaderOptions: {
            sass: {
                data: `@import "@/styles/globals.scss";`

Finally, insert the below into your App.vue:

<style lang="scss">
    /* Inject Pickle styles (only once in your project) */
    @include pickle-styles;

🎉 Done! Pickle is now ready to use.


/* Include Pickle mixins and vars (custom params) */
@include pickle(
    $breakpoints: (),
    $colors: (),
    $fonts: (),
    $sizes: (),
    $vars: ()

/* Inject Pickle styles (fonts only) */
@include pickle-styles(
    $sanitize: false,
    $flavors: false,
    $fonts: true


Table of contents

💠 Breakpoints

By default, Pickle comes with the following declarative breakpoints: phone-only, tablet-portrait-up, tablet-up, desktop-up, and big-desktop-up.

@include pickle-respond('tablet-up') {
    /* ... */

According the Sass guidelines, media queries should not be tied to specific devices, and privilege names such as medium large huge rather than tablet computer tv.

Pickle takes a different stand on the question, as we believe ambiguity breeds confusion. A term like medium is too broad and can be interpreted in many different ways, while tablet is more clear and easy to remember. The idea is not about being 100% accurate across all devices, but to be as declarative as possible and easy to use.

Not happy with the default? You can update the default $breakpoints config with your own config, or by copying one of our recommended alternatives below:

/* Default naming groups */
@include pickle(
    $breakpoints: (
        'phone-only': (max-width: 599px),
        'tablet-portrait-up': (min-width: 600px),
        'tablet-up': (min-width: 900px),
        'desktop-up': (min-width: 1200px),
        'big-desktop-up': (min-width: 1800px)

/* Sizes based naming groups */
@include pickle(
    $breakpoints: (
        'xsmall': (max-width: 575.99px),
        'small': (min-width: 576px),
        'medium': (min-width: 768px),
        'large': (min-width: 992px),
        'xlarge': (min-width: 1200px),
        'xxlarge': (min-width: 1800px)

/* Devices category based naming groups */
@include pickle(
    $breakpoints: (
        'mobile-portrait': (max-width: 567.99px),
        'mobile-landscape': (min-width: 568px),
        'tablet-portrait': (min-width: 768px),
        'tablet-landscape': (min-width: 1024px),
        'laptop-displays': (min-width: 1366px),
        'desktop-displays': (min-width: 1680px)

🎨 Colors

Because colors are an important element of styling, Pickle comes with a way to easily managed colors from a single place, and three different methods to use those within projects:

/* Initiate with colors */
@include pickle(
    $colors: (
        'blue': #0000ff

/* Inherit from previously declared colors */
@include pickle(
    $colors: (
        'darkBlue': darken(map-get($pickle-colors, 'blue'), 20%)

/* Use project colors */
@include pickle-color('blue');
@include pickle-bgcolor('blue');
map-get($pickle-colors, 'blue');

🔤 Typography

Pickle proposed approach for typography styles relies on a strong separation of concerns. In practice, this mean that fonts setup, size groups, and custom styling properties, are all managed independently.


/* Initiate with fonts */
@include pickle(
    $fonts: (
        // primary font
        'Primary': (
            files: './fonts/Helvetica.ttf' './fonts/Helvetica.woff2',
            family: 'Helvetica',
            suffix: #{Arial, sans-serif}
        // primary font variant using different family name
        'PrimaryBold': (
            files: './fonts/Helvetica-Bold.ttf' './fonts/Helvetica-Bold.woff2',
            family: 'HelveticaBold',
            suffix: #{Arial, sans-serif}

Size groups

/* Initiate with sizes */
@include pickle(
    $sizes: (
        'XL': (
            base: 1.6rem,
            breakpoints: (
                'tablet-up': 5rem
        'M': (base: 1.2rem)

Combined usage with custom styling

/* Using both $font and $size */
.title {
    @include pickle-typo($font: 'Primary', $size: 'XL');
    text-decoration: underline;
.subtitle {
    @include pickle-typo($font: 'Secondary', $size: 'M');

/* Using $font and $size independently */
.xlarge {
    @include pickle-typo($size: 'XL');
.secondary {
    @include pickle-typo($font: 'Secondary');

Bonus: Ratio parameters

To understand the ratio parameters, you need to understand the scenarios in which you may want to use it:

  • In case a font need to be changed to another one AFTER the build started. Fonts being designed differently, it can have an impact on your current font-size properties that will need to be updated across your entire project.
  • In case you want to make the typography size groups consistant, no matter which font is used (different fonts usually means different design ratios, making a 16px size look bigger using one font family from another one).

To accomodate for those scenarios and ease developement, Pickle integrates a ratio property (equal to 1 by default) that can be changed for any font:

@include pickle(
    $sizes: (
        'M': (base: 1.2rem)
    $fonts: (
        'Primary': (
            files: './Oswald-Regular.ttf',
            family: 'Oswald',
            ratio: 1
        'Secondary': (
            files: './Oswald-Regular.ttf',
            family: 'Oswald',
            ratio: 1.5

Assuming the above config with Primary and Secondary fonts using the exact same family and files:

@include pickle-typo($font: 'Primary', $size: 'M');
/* |-> Output font-size = 1.2rem */

@include pickle-typo($font: 'Secondary', $size: 'M');
/* |-> Output font-size = 1.8rem */

🔌 Global variables

Sometimes it is important to have a central place to manage global styling variables, so Pickle config comes with a $vars parameter, allowing to declare and use variables globally.

/* Initiate with vars */
@include pickle(
    $vars: (
        'header-height': 5.5rem

/* Inherit from previously declared vars */
@include pickle(
    $vars: (
        'headerLarge-height': calc(#{map-get($pickle-vars, 'header-height')} * 2)

/* Use project vars */
map-get($pickle-vars, 'header-height');


# install Vue instant prototyping
npm install -g @vue/cli-service-global
# or
yarn global add @vue/cli-service-global

# install project dependencies
yarn install

# run the playground
yarn playground