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GitHub Action

Go Release Binaries


Go Release Binaries


Go Release Binaries

Build and Release Go Binaries to GitHub Release Assets


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Go Release Binaries

uses: wangyoucao577/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in wangyoucao577/go-release-action

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Go Release GitHub Action

Build Docker
Automatically publish Go binaries to Github Release Assets through Github Action.


  • Build Go binaries for release and publish to Github Release Assets.
  • Customizable Go versions. golang 1.14 by default.
  • Support different Go project path in repository.
  • Support multiple binaries in same repository.
  • Customizable binary name.
  • Support multiple GOOS/GOARCH build in parallel by Github Action Matrix Strategy gracefully.
  • Publish .zip instead of .tar.gz for windows.
  • No musl library dependency issue on linux.
  • Support extra command that will be executed before go build. You may want to use it to solve dependency if you're NOT using Go Modules.
  • Rich parameters support for go build(e.g. -ldflags, etc.).
  • Support package extra files into artifacts (e.g., LICENSE,, etc).
  • Support customize build command, e.g., use packr2(packr2 build) instead of go build.
  • Support optional .md5 along with artifacts.
  • Support optional .sha256 along with artifacts.


Basic Example

# .github/workflows/release.yaml

    types: [created]

    name: release linux/amd64
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - uses: wangyoucao577/go-release-action@master
        github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        goos: linux
        goarch: amd64


Parameter Mandatory/Optional Description
github_token Mandatory Your GITHUB_TOKEN for uploading releases to Github asserts.
goos Mandatory GOOS is the running program's operating system target: one of darwin, freebsd, linux, and so on.
goarch Mandatory GOARCH is the running program's architecture target: one of 386, amd64, arm, s390x, and so on.
goversion Optional The Go compiler version. 1.14 by default, optional 1.13.
It also takes download URL instead of version string if you'd like to use more specified version. But make sure your URL is linux-amd64 package, better to find the URL from Go - Downloads.
project_path Optional Where to run go build.
Use . by default.
binary_name Optional Specify another binary name if do not want to use repository basename.
Use your repository's basename if not set.
pre_command Optional Extra command that will be executed before go build. You may want to use it to solve dependency if you're NOT using Go Modules.
build_command Optional The actual command to build binary, typically go build. You may want to use other command wrapper, e.g., packr2, example build_command: 'packr2 build'. Remember to use pre_command to set up packr2 command in this scenario.
build_flags Optional Additional arguments to pass the go build command.
ldflags Optional Values to provide to the -ldflags argument.
extra_files Optional Extra files that will be packaged into artifacts either. Multiple files separated by space. Note that extra folders can be allowed either since internal cp -r already in use.
E.g., extra_files: LICENSE
md5sum Optional Publish .md5 along with artifacts, TRUE by default.
sha256sum Optional Publish .sha256 along with artifacts, FALSE by default.

Advanced Example

  • Release for multiple OS/ARCH in parallel by matrix strategy.
  • Go code is not in . of your repository.
  • Customize binary name.
  • Use go 1.13.1 from downloadable URL instead of default 1.14.
  • Package extra LICENSE and into artifacts.
# .github/workflows/release.yaml

    types: [created]

    name: Release Go Binary
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        # build and publish in parallel: linux/386, linux/amd64, windows/386, windows/amd64, darwin/386, darwin/amd64 
        goos: [linux, windows, darwin]
        goarch: ["386", amd64]
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - uses: wangyoucao577/go-release-action@master
        github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        goos: ${{ matrix.goos }}
        goarch: ${{ matrix.goarch }}
        goversion: ""
        project_path: "./cmd/test-binary"
        binary_name: "test-binary"
        extra_files: LICENSE

More Examples

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