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martinescardo committed Jul 18, 2024
1 parent 6ff8f5a commit 8e8a295
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Showing 4 changed files with 56 additions and 27 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion source/CoNaturals/index.lagda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ Martin Escardo
module CoNaturals.index where

import CoNaturals.Type -- The type of conatural numbers.
import CoNaturals.UniversalProperty
import CoNaturals.Type2 -- An equivalent copy.
import CoNaturals.UniversalProperty
import CoNaturals.Equivalence
import CoNaturals.Type2Properties
import CoNaturals.BothTypes
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -181,7 +181,8 @@ module examples where
p₄ : ℕ∞ → 𝟚
p₄ (α , _) = α 5 == α 100

to-something : (p : ℕ∞ → 𝟚) → is-decidable ((n : ℕ) → p (ι n) = ₁) → (p (ι 17) = ₁) + ℕ
to-something : (p : ℕ∞ → 𝟚)
→ is-decidable ((n : ℕ) → p (ι n) = ₁) → (p (ι 17) = ₁) + ℕ
to-something p (inl f) = inl (f 17)
to-something p (inr _) = inr 1070

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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions source/TypeTopology/SequentiallyHausdorff.lagda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ open import Taboos.WLPO


A topological space is sequentially Hausdorff if every sequence of
points converges to at most one point. In our synthetic setting, this
can be formulated as follows, following the above blog post by Chris
A topological space is sequentially Hausdorff if every sequence
converges to at most one point. In our synthetic setting, this can be
formulated as follows, following the above blog post by Chris

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72 changes: 50 additions & 22 deletions source/UF/DiscreteAndSeparated.lagda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,8 +76,10 @@ props-are-discrete i x y = inl (i x y)

ℕ-is-discrete : is-discrete ℕ
ℕ-is-discrete 0 0 = inl refl
ℕ-is-discrete 0 (succ n) = inr (λ (p : zero = succ n) → positive-not-zero n (p ⁻¹))
ℕ-is-discrete (succ m) 0 = inr (λ (p : succ m = zero) → positive-not-zero m p)
ℕ-is-discrete 0 (succ n) = inr (λ (p : zero = succ n)
→ positive-not-zero n (p ⁻¹))
ℕ-is-discrete (succ m) 0 = inr (λ (p : succ m = zero)
→ positive-not-zero m p)
ℕ-is-discrete (succ m) (succ n) = step (ℕ-is-discrete m n)
step : (m = n) + (m ≠ n) → (succ m = succ n) + (succ m ≠ succ n)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,9 +144,14 @@ retract-is-discrete (f , (s , φ)) d y y' = g (d (s y) (s y'))
g (inl p) = inl ((φ y) ⁻¹ ∙ ap f p ∙ φ y')
g (inr u) = inr (contrapositive (ap s) u)

𝟚-retract-of-non-trivial-type-with-isolated-point : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } {x₀ x₁ : X} → x₀ ≠ x₁
→ is-isolated x₀ → retract 𝟚 of X
𝟚-retract-of-non-trivial-type-with-isolated-point {𝓤} {X} {x₀} {x₁} ne d = r , (s , rs)
: {X : 𝓤 ̇ }
{x₀ x₁ : X}
→ x₀ ≠ x₁
→ is-isolated x₀
→ retract 𝟚 of X
𝟚-retract-of-non-trivial-type-with-isolated-point {𝓤} {X} {x₀} {x₁} ne d =
r , (s , rs)
r : X → 𝟚
r = pr₁ (characteristic-function d)
Expand All @@ -157,7 +164,11 @@ retract-is-discrete (f , (s , φ)) d y y' = g (d (s y) (s y'))
rs ₀ = different-from-₁-equal-₀ (λ p → pr₂ (φ x₀) p refl)
rs ₁ = different-from-₀-equal-₁ λ p → 𝟘-elim (ne (pr₁ (φ x₁) p))

𝟚-retract-of-discrete : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } {x₀ x₁ : X} → x₀ ≠ x₁ → is-discrete X → retract 𝟚 of X
𝟚-retract-of-discrete : {X : 𝓤 ̇ }
{x₀ x₁ : X}
→ x₀ ≠ x₁
→ is-discrete X
→ retract 𝟚 of X
𝟚-retract-of-discrete {𝓤} {X} {x₀} {x₁} ne d = 𝟚-retract-of-non-trivial-type-with-isolated-point ne (d x₀)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -260,7 +271,9 @@ tight fe s f g h = dfunext fe lemma₁
tight' : {X : 𝓤 ̇ }
→ funext 𝓤 𝓥
→ {Y : X → 𝓥 ̇ }
→ ((x : X) → is-discrete (Y x)) → (f g : (x : X) → Y x) → ¬ (f ♯ g) → f = g
→ ((x : X) → is-discrete (Y x))
→ (f g : (x : X) → Y x)
→ ¬ (f ♯ g) → f = g
tight' fe d = tight fe (λ x → discrete-is-¬¬-separated (d x))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,9 +321,12 @@ binary-sum-is-¬¬-separated {𝓤} {𝓥} {X} {Y} s t (inl x) (inl x') = lemma
lemma : ¬¬ (inl x = inl x') → inl x = inl x'
lemma = ap inl ∘ s x x' ∘ ¬¬-functor claim

binary-sum-is-¬¬-separated s t (inl x) (inr y) = λ φ → 𝟘-elim (φ +disjoint )
binary-sum-is-¬¬-separated s t (inr y) (inl x) = λ φ → 𝟘-elim (φ (+disjoint ∘ _⁻¹))
binary-sum-is-¬¬-separated {𝓤} {𝓥} {X} {Y} s t (inr y) (inr y') = lemma
binary-sum-is-¬¬-separated s t (inl x) (inr y) =
λ φ → 𝟘-elim (φ +disjoint )
binary-sum-is-¬¬-separated s t (inr y) (inl x) =
λ φ → 𝟘-elim (φ (+disjoint ∘ _⁻¹))
binary-sum-is-¬¬-separated {𝓤} {𝓥} {X} {Y} s t (inr y) (inr y') =
claim : inr y = inr y' → y = y'
claim = ap q
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -412,7 +428,8 @@ equality-of-¬¬stable-propositions fe pe p q f g a = γ
→ f ⊥ = ₁
→ f ⊤ = ₁
→ (p : Ω 𝓤) → f p = ₁
⊥-⊤-density fe pe f r s p = ⊥-⊤-Density fe pe f 𝟚-is-¬¬-separated (r ∙ s ⁻¹) p ∙ s
⊥-⊤-density fe pe f r s p =
⊥-⊤-Density fe pe f 𝟚-is-¬¬-separated (r ∙ s ⁻¹) p ∙ s


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -460,9 +477,12 @@ m =[ℕ] n = (χ= m n) = ₁
infix 30 _=[ℕ]_

=-agrees-with-=[ℕ] : (m n : ℕ) → m = n ↔ m =[ℕ] n
=-agrees-with-=[ℕ] m n = (λ r → different-from-₀-equal-₁ (λ s → pr₁ (χ=-spec m n) s r)) , pr₂ (χ=-spec m n)
=-agrees-with-=[ℕ] m n =
(λ r → different-from-₀-equal-₁ (λ s → pr₁ (χ=-spec m n) s r)) ,
pr₂ (χ=-spec m n)

≠-indicator : (m : ℕ) → Σ p ꞉ (ℕ → 𝟚) , ((n : ℕ) → (p n = ₀ → m = n) × (p n = ₁ → m ≠ n))
≠-indicator : (m : ℕ)
→ Σ p ꞉ (ℕ → 𝟚) , ((n : ℕ) → (p n = ₀ → m = n) × (p n = ₁ → m ≠ n))
≠-indicator m = indicator (ℕ-is-discrete m)

χ≠ : ℕ → ℕ → 𝟚
Expand All @@ -477,10 +497,14 @@ m ≠[ℕ] n = (χ≠ m n) = ₁
infix 30 _≠[ℕ]_

≠[ℕ]-agrees-with-≠ : (m n : ℕ) → m ≠[ℕ] n ↔ m ≠ n
≠[ℕ]-agrees-with-≠ m n = pr₂ (χ≠-spec m n) , (λ d → different-from-₀-equal-₁ (contrapositive (pr₁ (χ≠-spec m n)) d))
≠[ℕ]-agrees-with-≠ m n =
pr₂ (χ≠-spec m n) ,
(λ d → different-from-₀-equal-₁ (contrapositive (pr₁ (χ≠-spec m n)) d))


We now show that discrete types are sets (Hedberg's Theorem).


decidable-types-are-collapsible : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } → is-decidable X → collapsible X
Expand All @@ -491,7 +515,8 @@ discrete-is-Id-collapsible : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } → is-discrete X → Id-collapsible
discrete-is-Id-collapsible d = decidable-types-are-collapsible (d _ _)

discrete-types-are-sets : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } → is-discrete X → is-set X
discrete-types-are-sets d = Id-collapsibles-are-sets (discrete-is-Id-collapsible d)
discrete-types-are-sets d =
Id-collapsibles-are-sets (discrete-is-Id-collapsible d)

being-isolated-is-prop : FunExt → {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (x : X) → is-prop (is-isolated x)
being-isolated-is-prop {𝓤} fe x = prop-criterion γ
Expand All @@ -509,7 +534,8 @@ being-isolated'-is-prop {𝓤} fe x = prop-criterion γ
γ : is-isolated' x → is-prop (is-isolated' x)
γ i = Π-is-prop (fe 𝓤 𝓤)
(λ x → sum-of-contradictory-props
(local-hedberg' _ (λ y → decidable-types-are-collapsible (i y)) x)
(local-hedberg' _
(λ y → decidable-types-are-collapsible (i y)) x)
(negations-are-props (fe 𝓤 𝓤₀))
(λ p n → n p))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -646,12 +672,14 @@ Added 14th Feb 2020:


discrete-exponential-has-decidable-emptiness-of-exponent : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } {Y : 𝓥 ̇ }
→ funext 𝓤 𝓥
→ (Σ y₀ ꞉ Y , Σ y₁ ꞉ Y , y₀ ≠ y₁)
→ is-discrete (X → Y)
→ is-decidable (is-empty X)
discrete-exponential-has-decidable-emptiness-of-exponent {𝓤} {𝓥} {X} {Y} fe (y₀ , y₁ , ne) d = γ
: {X : 𝓤 ̇ } {Y : 𝓥 ̇ }
→ funext 𝓤 𝓥
→ (Σ y₀ ꞉ Y , Σ y₁ ꞉ Y , y₀ ≠ y₁)
→ is-discrete (X → Y)
→ is-decidable (is-empty X)
{𝓤} {𝓥} {X} {Y} fe (y₀ , y₁ , ne) d = γ
a : is-decidable ((λ _ → y₀) = (λ _ → y₁))
a = d (λ _ → y₀) (λ _ → y₁)
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