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Assignment 1

Project for the first assignment in PROG2005-Cloud Technologies 2022. This rest api is used to fetch some information about a university together with some information about the country it is located in. The search can be based on name, country or both. The api also have the capability to search for a university name in a given country together with its neighbouring countries. All endpoints need to be passed url parameters for conducting a search (see the documentation for the given endpoints for how to use them).

The api is using for retrieving the university information and for retrieving the country information. Without access to these apis this api will not work.

The heroku deployed instance of this project can be reached at:



The api has three endpoint:


If no endpoint is found the error code 404 not found is returned. This indicates that the user entered a wrong path.


The uniinfo endpoint can be used to find information about a university with some country information. You can search for all universities within a given country, just based on the name or for both the name and the country.


The uniinfo endpoint can be used either based on university name or country name or both.


name is the English name of the university, it can be partial or complete.

country is the country the university is in. The complete english name must be provided.

Example search:



A response will have the content type application/json.

Status codes:

  • 200: Everything is ok.
  • 204: No university found based on the request.
  • 400: Client side error, wrong parameter/other.
  • 405: When using other methods than get.
  • 500: Undefined server side error.
  • 502: Unable to reach the backend apis.

A response with the http code 200 will always be a list of universities even when only one is found.

Example body:

    "name": "Molde University College",
    "country": "Norway",
    "isocode": "NO",
    "webpages": [
    "languages": {
        "nno": "Norwegian Nynorsk",
        "nob": "Norwegian Bokmål",
        "smi": "Sami"
    "map": ""


This endpoint searches for universities based on name in the given country and in its neighbouring countries. A list of json objects are returned.


The neighbourunis endpoint can be used to search based on university name and country name. An optional parameter limit can be used to limit the number of objects that are returned.


name is the English name of the university, it can be partial or complete.

country is the country that the api uses as the basis for finding neighbouring countries. The complete english name must be provided.

limit is the number of results that are returned. The limit must be a number bigger than zero. This is an optional parameter and can be omitted. If not set by the user all results are returned.

Example search:



A response will have the content type set to application/json.

Status codes:

  • 200: Everything is ok.
  • 204: No university found based on the request.
  • 400: Client side error, wrong/missing parameter/limit/other.
  • 405: When using other methods than get.
  • 500: Undefined server side error.
  • 502: Unable to reach the backend apis.

A response with the http code 200 will always be a list of universities even when only one is found.

Example body:

	"name": "Norwegian University of Science and Technology",
	"country": "Norway",
	"isocode": "NO",
	"webpages": [
	"languages": {
		"nno": "Norwegian Nynorsk",
		"nob": "Norwegian Bokmål",
		"smi": "Sami"
	"map": ""


Returns some information about the service. The information may include: information about the availability of the backend apis, uptime of the service and the api version.


The request takes no parameters.

Example request:



Status codes:

  • 200: Everything is ok.
  • 405: When using other methods than get.
  • 500: Undefined server side error.
  • 502: Unable to reach the backend apis.

Example body:

"universitiesapi": 200,
"countriesapi": 200,
"version": "v1",
"uptime": "1983s"

How to deploy

There are three ways to deploy this app. You can: manually build the project using go build, deploy it on heroku and use the Dockerfile to build it as a docker image.

Go build

These steps require you to have go installed on the computer.

1: Clone the repo.

2: Enter the folder and run the command go build main.go.

3: Use ./main to run the project.


First create an account and a project in Heroku according to their documentation.

1: Clone the repo

2: Enter the folder in the terminal and run heroku login

3: Then run heroku git:remote -a followed by the app name chosen in the heroku project.

4: You can then push it to the heroku master using git push heroku. It will then be deployed onto heroku.

Container (experimental)

The project has a Dockerfile that can be used to deploy the application. For using this method you should know what you are doing. The project does not provide a prebuilt docker image, so you will have to build it yourself. The following instructions gives a high level overview of how you could build the image.

It can be built using docker build or using the gitlab pipeline. The only tested method is using the gitlab pipeline. To use the pipeline you have to create you own gitlab repo with available runners. The docker registry in the ci/cd yaml file must be changed to match a docker registry that is available for you.

When the docker image is built it can be run with the runtime of choice (that support docker images) with the exposed port 80. The deployment has been verified to work on a kubernetes cluster (k3s version v1.22.4+k3s1).

Design choices

The feature set of this is api is close to the specification given in the assignment. Some additional features have been added, see the Extra section. The project aims for high cohesion and loose coupling. This project is created to be highly modular to ease the maintenance and the re-usability in further projects. The api relies on the two backend apis heavily, without them this api will not work.

I chose to use parameters when searching instead of adding the search string(s) into the path. This to make it clearer for the user to see what information is to be added where. It also makes it easier to add additional features like: searching for multiple names and/or countries. It also makes it easier to reuse the code for other endpoints.

Known bugs

  • Because of a bug in the university info api using the country name Vietnam can be a bit flaky because the university api has it registered as Viet Nam.
  • When the country name in the university api is different from the common name in the country api there might occur some edge cases where no results will be shown.


Some additional features that this project has compared to the assignment description is:

  • Extensive error handling
  • Using parameters instead of url paths (makes it more flexible when adding more features)
  • a high level of modularity
  • some additional parameters and search options in the uniinfo endpoint (you can also search for country)
  • support for building the project as a docker image
  • a caching mechanism to minimize the number of requests to the countries api.


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