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Assignment 2

The deployed version of this project can be reached at: This is only available on the NTNU network. A public version of the api is available at

The docker image can be found on docker hub:

Project for the second assignment in PROG2005-Cloud Technologies 2022. This rest api is created for getting information about covid policies and cases in different countries around the world. With this api you can se any past or present covid policies and the stringency of the policies in a country at a given time. With the cases endpoint the most recent data regarding confirmed cases, deaths, growth rate and some other information.

This api relies on the covidtracker api from the university of Oxford: for the policy information. For the covid cases this api relies on from rlindskog on GitHub. It uses data from the Johns Hopkins University. This service also relies on restcountries api for converting cca3 country codes to country names. The documentation can be found here:

The api also supports webhooks. Webhooks can be registered with custom triggering parameters. When a webhook is triggered information about how many times a given country has been search for is provided.



The api has four endpoint:


If no endpoint is found the error code 404 not found is returned. This indicates that the user entered a wrong path.


This endpoint can be used to get information about policies in a given country at a given date. If no date is provided, today's date is used.


The policy endpoint can be used with both a scope and country parameter or just the country parameter.


country is the country that the stringency and policy information is returned for. It must be the alpha three code for the country and not the full name.
scope is the date that you want to see the stringency and policy information for. The date must be provided on the form yyyy-mm-dd. The date can not be set to the future.

Example request:



A response will have the content type application/json.

Status codes:

  • 200: Everything is ok.
  • 400: Client side error, wrong parameter/other.
  • 405: When using other methods than get.
  • 500: Undefined server side error.
  • 502: Unable to reach the backend apis.

Example body:

  "country_code": "nor",
  "date_value": "2022-01-02",
  "stringency": 51.85,
  "policies": 20


This endpoint returns information about the most recent covid cases in a given country. The data includes number of cases, number of deaths and growth rate.


A request to this endpoint must be a get request and contain the country parameter.


country is the country that to retrieve the cases information for. It can be a full name or an alpha three code. Note that not all alpha three codes will work correctly, please see the known bugs section.

Example request:



A response will have the content type application/json.

Status codes:

  • 200: Everything is ok.
  • 400: Client side error, wrong parameter/other.
  • 405: When using other methods than get.
  • 500: Undefined server side error.
  • 502: Unable to reach the backend apis.

An invalid country parameter will yield an empty json structure.

Example body:

  "country": "Norway",
  "date": "2022-03-28",
  "confirmed": 1399714,
  "recovered": 0,
  "deaths": 2339,
  "growth_rate": 0.0014853631627073677


The notification endpoint is for retrieving, adding and fetching webhooks. Webhooks can be registered and set to be triggered when a specified country has been called x number of times in any of the endpoints.


The endpoint supports three rest methods: get, post and delete.

Get request

When the request is of method get, it can be used with and without a parameter. When no parameter is used, all registered webhooks will be in the response. If the id parameter is used with a webhook id (64 characters) of a registered webhook, information of that webhook is in the response.

Example request:


Post request

When registering a new webhook the rest method post is used. The body of a valid post request must have a json body following the following pattern:

  "url": "https://cool.webhook/safag3wwgwefsoij9",
  "country": "Norway",
  "calls": 10

The url field should contain the url that is to be triggered when the webhook is triggered. The country field should contain the full name of a country. The country must be in either the cases api or the countries api, please see the know bugs section for more information. The calls field should contain the number of times the country should be called before the webhook is triggered.

The body should be sent to the following url:


Delete request

For deleting a webhook the rest method delete should be used followed by the id parameter containing the id of the webhook to be deleted.

Example request:



id the webhook id to delete or get information about.


A response will have the content type application/json.

Status codes:

  • 200: Everything is ok.
  • 400: Client side error, wrong parameter/other.
  • 405: When using other methods than the supported ones.
  • 500: Undefined server side error.
  • 502: Unable to reach the backend apis.

Get response

One webhook

When using the id parameter to get information about a given webhook the following body is returned:

  "url": "https://cool.webhook/safag3wwgwefsoij9",
  "country": "Norway",
  "calls": 10

It contains the same information as the one being posted at registration.

All webhooks

When fetching all webhooks, they will be returned as a list. All registered webhooks, with their ids will be in the list. Example response:

    "id": "21222154417c758332ab2764adccf61d809bcab49f92ddde8796debd2c18b20b",
    "url": "https://cool.webhook/safag3wwgwefsoij9",
    "country": "Norway",
    "calls": 10
    "id": "a2c4d3e5e592a8b75da5d9b3a27ad846a40338ffe2ed00771179e63991619470",
    "url": "",
    "country": "Sweden",
    "calls": 2

Post response

When sending a post request to register a new webhook the following body with a webhook id will be returned:

  "webhook_id": "21222154417c758332ab2764adccf61d809bcab49f92ddde8796debd2c18b20b"

This is the only time to view the webhook id, so save it if needed.

Delete response

When doing a delete request the status code 200 will be returned. To verify that it has been deleted it is possible to send a get request with the id, the body should be empty.

  "message": "webhook deleted"


The status endpoint provides information about the service and the availability of the backend apis the service is reliant on.


Only a get request is possible.

Example request:



The response will contain the status code of the backend apis, the number of currently registered webhooks, the version of the services and the uptime of the service. An example body is:

  "cases_api_status": 200,
  "policy_api_status": 200,
  "country_api_status": 200,
  "number_of_webhooks": 1,
  "version": "v1",
  "uptime": "0h 0m 14s"

Webhook triggered

When a webhook is triggered the server does a post request to the provided url. The body will contain the webhook id, the name of the country and the total amount of times the country have been searched for in the api.

Example body:

  "webhook_id": "a2c4d3e5e592a8b75da5d9b3a27ad846a40338ffe2ed00771179e63991619470",
  "country": "Sweden",
  "calls": 24

How to deploy

This project can be deployed either using the provided Dockerfile or building it using go build. Either way a firestore service account credential file must be provided. It must be present in the root directory and be called auth.json.

Both of the following methods have some common steps to be done.

1: clone the repo, using git clone
2: change into the cloned directory: cd assignment-2.
3: follow the firestore documentation to create an empty database and a service account authentication file.
4: move the file into the current folder (assignment-2) and rename it to auth.json.
5: to make the application more secure you need to change the hash secret. To do this, change the string on line 16 in the file internal/hashing/hash.go. The longer the string is, the better. Try to make it unguessable.
6: follow the steps for you desired deployment method following:


A docker image of this project is available on docker hub as mathiasws/assignment2:latest. To run the image use: docker run --name assignment-2 -d -p 80:80 --restart unless-stopped mathiasws/assignment2:latest .

Build locally

If not already done, please follow the general steps before proceeding. These steps will help you build a docker image of the project and do a simple deployment. This method requires you to already have a working docker environment on linux.

1: run docker build . -t assigmnet2:latest, this can take some time so be patient.
2: run the container using docker run --name assignment-2 -d -p 80:80 --restart unless-stopped assigmnet2:latest. The service can be reached on port 80 on the ip of the host.

Please see docker's documentation for more parameters or ways to deploy a docker image. The deployment option in step two is just a simple way to quickly get it running.

Go build

If not already done, please follow the general steps before proceeding. These steps will help you compile the project and run the binary. To build this project go 1.17 or higher must be installed. Se the go docs for how to check you version and how to install go.

1: to build the binary run the following command: go build -a -ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -o assignment-2 cmd/main.go, it should provide a self-contained binary called assignment-2. This file can be moved anywhere you please.
2: in the location the assignment-2 file is placed use ./assignment-2 to run the service. The service should be available on port 80 on the ip of the host.


Some tests assume that there are some data in the database. Without these all the tests won't run.

Country collection:

  • Norway
  • France
  • Latvia
  • Netherlands
  • Sweden

Counter collection:

  • Netherlands, count 1

Policy collection:

  • CountryCode: "swe", Policy 2, Scope "2022-10-05", Stringency 13.89

Cases collection:

  • confirmed 1399714, country "Norway", date "2022-03-28", deaths 2339, growth_rate 0.0014853631627073677, recovered 0
  • confirmed 1399714, country "Sweden", date "2022-03-28", deaths 2339, growth_rate 0.0014853631627073677, recovered 0

Webhook collection:

Design choices

The feature set of this is api is close to the specification given in the assignment. Some additional features have been added, see the Extra section. The project aims for high cohesion and loose coupling. This project is created to be highly modular to ease the maintenance and the re-usability in further projects. The api relies on the three backend apis heavily, without them this api will not work.

I chose to use parameters when searching instead of adding the search string(s) into the path. This to make it clearer for the user to see what information is to be added where. It also makes it easier to add additional features like: searching for multiple names and/or countries. It also makes it easier to reuse the code for other endpoints.

The Dockerfiles ends up building the docker image based on the scratch base image for security and reliability reasons. Only the necessary packages and dependencies are added to the container image. This minimizes the attack surface and there will be fewer things to break making it more stable and reliable.

For testing, I decided to use a third party library for assertion. This was because the code was cleaner, so it is easier to read. I used the same library as the one that was shown in class.

The tests are reliant on having some test data already populated into the database. This will make it impossible to run the tests without the test database. Some tests might also contain some sleeps or use some functions that is being tested later to make the tests run. This is because of some concurrency issues when go is running tests in parallel. For example the test for adding a webhook in the logic package might run at the same time as the database function for getting all webhooks are tested. This will cause the number of webhooks to maybe be different. This could have also been solved using go test -p ./... as the tests are run sequentially.

The test coverage ended up being 100% of the files and 75,3% of the statements according to goland.

Known bugs

  • The country api does not always return the same name of a country as the cases api uses. This can cause some issues causing the service to not return a valid response.
  • The cases api uses some inconsistent names of countries. This is not handled by this service. Some examples are: South, Korea and US. Please see the documentation of the backend case api to see what country names it is using.
  • The default scope of the policy endpoint will almost always return an error because the backend api does not usually have data for the current day.
  • Country api might sometimes show up with the status code of 502, and therefor not be available. This is probably because of a certificate issue with the service. Usually it works again after trying multiple times.


  • A short term cache of the cases endpoint is implemented to reduce requests to the backend api and to make the api respond faster. The cache is short-lived (12 hours) to always give the most up-to-date information.
  • Collection of statistics of how many times a given country is called. This is also returned in the webhooks to give the user some information.
  • Hashing of the database collection and document names, and also the webhook ids.
  • Added a pipeline that run tests and automatically builds the image and pushes it to my docker registry.
  • Caching of the country api to reduce time for the user and to reduce the load on the country api.
  • Use of some goroutines to parallelize some tasks.
  • Advanced tasks: converting cca3 codes to country names in the cases endpoint.
  • Advanced tasks: unified counting of country name and cca3 codes.
  • Advanced tasks: cca3 converts to country name when registering a webhook.
  • Advanced tasks: the caches are automatically purged after x number of hours.


Some known things that could be improved in the project. These have not been implemented yet because of time constraints.

  • Use goroutines on the status endpoint to fetch data faster.
  • Some better error handling.
  • Some better tests, that don't have concurrency issues.


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