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Minio-Webhook is a platform to manage your Minio's webhooks.

The current version is providing thumbnail generation.

Quick start

Clone project and run

dotnet publish -c Release
docker-compose up -d

Task queue dashboard is available here http://localhost:9002/hangfire


Update appsettings.json according to you needs:

"MinioSettings": {
    "Endpoint": "assets:9000",
    "AccessKey": "Use appsettings.production.json",
    "SecretKey": "Use appsettings.production.json",
    "WebhooksOptions": {
      "ThumbnailGeneratorWebhook": {
        "Buckets": [ "img" ],
        "ThumbnailSize": [ 100, 250, 500, 1024 ]

If you are not using the default docker configuration, or you are exposing the API somewhere else, you must edit .docker/assets/.minio.sys/config.json and change the webhook endpoint:

"webhook": {
	"1": {
		"enable": true,
		"endpoint": "http://webhooks:5000/api/Webhook",
		"queueDir": "/home/queue",
		"queueLimit": 10000


Change webhook endpoint in .docker/assets/.minio.sys/config.json to:

 "endpoint": "http://host.docker.internal:5000/api/Webhook",

Change appsettings.json to point to your minio local instance.

"MinioSettings": {
	"Endpoint": "localhost:9001",
	"AccessKey": "devkey",
	"SecretKey": "devsecret",

Then run only the minio instance from the docker file:

docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d assets

Adding new hooks

Create a new service class in Services/Webhooks implementing IWebhook, use ThumbnailGeneratorWebHook as a template.

Then register the service in Startup.ConfigureServices:

services.AddSingleton<IWebhook, MyNewWebHook>();