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Releases: mattia72/DRipGrepper


30 Aug 12:53
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v3.3.0-beta Pre-release


Marked with checkmark if ready, else planned as next.

  • replace
  • filter result
  • own prettifier switcher as toolbar button
  • save search histories in file
  • hint on history items
  • Open Search Form..., Copy Command Line, popup menus on history items
  • path of rg.exe in vs code detected automatically
  • extension: new menu item for 'Open with active file in IDE'
    • toolbar button opens active file in Delphi if nothing selected

Search Dialog

  • extension: search opened projekt files only

⚠️ Bugs

Marked with checkmark if fixed, else it is known bug.

  • extension: Open with... opens active file in delphi, not the selected
  • search whole word won't be highlighted
  • search form init without file masks
  • extension: dblclik on history shouldn't search selected.
  • save as default doesn't save every combo boxes
    • Extension: save as default causes exception
    • Additional Options has to have saved defaults also
    • Extension First open doesn't load defaults
  • Encoding is duplicated if switched from windows-xxx to utf8
  • open search form from history and change filemask duplicate -g parameters
  • Extension: refresh F5 disabled
  • delete of some history entry causes exception
  • drip icon in menu has no transparent background

Full Changelog: v3.2.0-beta...v3.3.0-beta


02 Aug 10:58
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v3.2.0-beta Pre-release


Marked with checkmark if ready, else planned as next.

  • own prettifier switcher as toolbar button
  • replace
  • filter result
  • F3 find next

Search Dialog

  • extension: search open projekt files
  • --encoding
  • Set as Default button

⚠️ Bugs

Marked with checkmark if fixed, else it is known bug.

  • rg options helper grid has weird entries (before rg 14.0 parsing fails. Workaround update rg!)
  • drip icon in menu has no transparent background
  • rg.exe not found if path surrounded with ""
  • non unicode characters causes exception. Workaround: --encoding=UTF8
  • can't delete additional options
  • extension: Open with... opens active file in delphi, not the selected
  • reopen search dlg after search with gui set parameters
    • reopen by dblclick on history item: sets the parameters of history item
    • open by toolbar button: opens with default parameters... (can be saved in search form Set as Default)
  • search whole word won't be highlighted

Full Changelog: v3.1.0-beta...v3.2.0-beta


29 Jul 05:14
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v3.1.0-beta Pre-release

🚀 Improvements

Marked with checkmark if ready, else planned as next.

Main Window

  • own prettifier switcher as toolbar button
  • replace
  • filter result
  • search success unicode char indicators (Ok:'✔' Nothing found:'⛒' Error:'⚠')

💧 Extension

🔍 Search Dialog

  • extension: search open projekt files

⚠️ Bugs

Checkmarked if fixed, else it is known bug.

  • rg options helper grid has weird entries
  • drip icon in menu has no transparent background
  • search unicode character:
    • parsing fails
    • highlight fails
    • tree doesn't show unicode
  • searching fixed text with regex chars (.*) won't highlighted

Full Changelog: v3.0.0-beta...v3.1.0-beta


25 Jul 12:24
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v3.0.0-beta Pre-release

🚀 Improvements

Marked with checkmark if ready, else planned as next.


Main Window

  • own prettifier in case if rg.exe of vs code doesn't support --pretty
  • own prettifier switcher as toolbar button
  • history item can be deleted
  • history item with colored statistic

💧 Extension

  • drip icon in menu
  • adding "insert as uses" in result context menu

🔍 Search Dialog

  • extension: search open projekt files

⚠️ Bugs

Checkmarked if fixed, else it is known bug.

  • path not saved in history
  • indent sometimes not working
  • rg options helper grid has weird entries
  • drip icon in menu has no transparent background
  • context causes exception
  • search after delete all history causes exception
  • open with fails if command has spaces

Full Changelog: v2.9.0-beta...v3.0.0-beta


19 Jul 12:21
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v2.9.0-beta Pre-release

🚀 Improvements

Marked with checkmark if ready, else planned as next.


Main Window

  • own prettifier in case if rg.exe of vs code doesn't support --pretty
  • own prettifier switcher as toolbar button

💧 Extension

  • drip icon in menu

🔍 Search Dialog

  • extension: search open projekt files

⚠️ Bugs

Checkmarked if fixed, else it is known bug.

  • path not saved in history
  • indent sometimes not working
  • rg options helper grid has weird entries
  • drip icon in menu has no transparent background

Full Changelog: v2.8.1-beta...v2.9.0-beta


17 Jul 06:28
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v2.8.1-beta Pre-release

🚀 Improvements

Marked with checkmark if ready, else next planned.


Main Window

  • other icon for rg.exe error and for not parsed lines
  • poor man's prettifier, if rg.exe of vs code doesn't support --pretty

💧 Extension

🔍 Search Dialog

⚠️ Bugs

Checkmarked if fixed, else it is known bug.

  • path not saved in history
  • dummy text in additional options, can't be deleted from command line
  • rg.exe of vs code doesn't support --pretty
  • after searching invalid path and reopen search window, search path is weird
  • extension: search projekt files:
    • too large project fails with ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE(206), command slicing is necessary
    • if large project has error it doesn't appear at the top
    • show full, relative path doesn't work
    • shortcut doesn't work

Full Changelog: v2.8.0-beta...v2.8.1-beta


28 Jun 19:13
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v2.8.0-beta Pre-release

🚀 Improvements (marked with ✅, if ready)

💧 Extension

  • icon on splash screen at start of the IDE
  • icon in about box of the IDE

🔍 Search Dialog

  • extension: search current file
  • [?] extension: search projekt files
    • too large project fails
  • [?] extension: search open projekt files
  • prevent multiline text search
  • invert match

⚠️ Bugs (marked with ✅, if fixed)

  • dummy text in additional options, can't be deleted from command line
  • what if too much projekt file are listed?
  • first open of search form doesn't update command line
  • the default search is case-sensitive; however, it is not set as rg parameter
  • extension: toolbar doesn't show all buttons

Full Changelog: v2.7.0-beta...v2.8.0-beta


17 Jun 06:30
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v2.7.0-beta Pre-release

Improvements and Bug Fixes

🔍 Search Dialog

  • redesigned, some common options can be set by GUI (--hidden, --no-ignore, --pretty, --context)

⚠️ Bug Fixes

  • version info corrected on status bar
  • selected text in Delphi should override search text history, if nothing selected then history will be used
  • result form doesn't appear after search on layouts, which doesn't contained result form
  • hotkeys, like Ctrl+S not working if extension window active

Full Changelog: v2.6.1-beta...v2.7.0-beta


31 May 11:10
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v2.6.2-beta Pre-release

Improvements and Bug Fixes

⚠️ Bug Fixes

  • scoop install persists an empty directory instead of ini
  • get variant conversion error on empty settings ini

Full Changelog: v2.6.0-beta...v2.6.2-beta


31 May 09:25
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v2.6.1-beta Pre-release

Improvements and Bug Fixes

⚠️ Bug Fixes

  • Align toolbars on split move and resize
  • Commands in "Open with..." settings form will be saved to settings even if they are not valid


  • First release of DripExtension280.bpl
  • Docking window location saved in layout file
  • Selected text search started on hotkey (default: Shift+Alt+R)
  • ⚠️ View settings, like ShowIcons will be stored in Ini on button click

Full Changelog: v2.6.0-beta...v2.6.1-beta