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Releases: mayswind/ezbookkeeping


10 Aug 11:10
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  • [Breaking]

    • Remove the api of retrieving the total amount of monthly expense and income
    • Remove the global default chart type and default time range options, and add independent options for categorical analysis and trend analysis settings
    • Move currency display type to user settings
    • Move thousands separator setting to user settings
    • Redesign the default request id generator
  • [Features]

    • Add trends analysis
    • Transaction list filter supports multiple accounts / transaction categories
    • Add transaction amount filter in transaction list page
    • Add transaction tag filter in transaction list page
    • Add support to create transaction from transaction template (long press the add button on the main page for the mobile version, hover over the add button in the transaction list for the desktop version)
    • Add option to set whether display transaction tag in transaction list page
    • Add option to set decimal separator and digit grouping symbol
    • Add option to set expense / income amount color (#24)
    • Add option to set which time zone should be used for the statistical data
    • Add support to update user avatar by user self
    • Add duplicate checker to prevent duplicate submissions for new record
    • Map provider supports CartoDB
    • Map provider supports TianDiTu
    • Map provider supports custom tile server
    • Redesign time picker in date/time selection sheet for mobile device
    • Show exchange rate in transaction edit page when the currencies of source account and destination account are different
    • Switch the time zone of the transaction or the default time zone by clicking the transaction time in mobile version transaction view page when the transaction time zone is not the default time zone
    • Show transaction time in default time zone on tooltip in desktop version transaction list page when the transaction time zone is not the default time zone
    • Add menu item to show hidden accounts / categories / tags in filter page / dialog
    • Support exporting to tsv (tab-separated values) file
    • Add menu item to swap account and/or amount in transaction edit page
    • Add support to set proxy for requesting exchange rates data and map data
    • Add support to set token minimum refresh interval
    • Add notification when user registers, logs in or opens the app each time
    • Support logging request logs and database query logs to separate files
    • Support rotating log files
  • [Enhancements]

    • Add date navigation button in transaction list page
    • Data export adds transaction geographic location
    • Allow to change primary category of transaction category
    • Update the url address after the settings in the statistics analysis page changed
    • Use the account / transaction category filter of the statistics page when navigating from the statistics page to the transaction list page
    • Show the preset name if custom date range matches a preset item
    • Currency symbol supports plural symbol
    • Amounts can be displayed together with currency unit
    • Update exchange rates data api of National Bank of Poland
    • Add seconds to time column in exported data
    • PIN code input supports Home & End key
    • Command transaction-check supports to check whether transaction tag index has transaction time
    • Update to latest currency list
    • Not allow to set hidden account as default account
    • Not allow to add / modify / delete transaction with parent account or parent account which is hidden
    • Not allow to add transaction with hidden transaction category / tag
    • Other user interface optimization
  • [Development]

    • Add build script for Windows
    • Upgrade golang to 1.21.12
    • Upgrade node.js to 18.20.3
    • Upgrade docker base image to alpine 3.20.1
  • [Bug Fixes]

    • Fix transaction time not saved into the transaction tag index table, and add command transaction-tag-index-fix-transaction-time to fix these invalid transaction tag index data
    • Fix the bug that cannot use multiple sessions to access at the same time when application lock is enabled
    • Fix secondary transaction categories not display after modifying the primary transaction category
    • Fix loading more bug in transaction list page after clicking cancel button in custom time range dialog
    • Fix the bug that the overview amounts in home page would not update after changing the first day of week
    • Hide the hidden transaction categories in transaction edit page
    • Show the hidden accounts, transaction categories and transaction tags in the filter menu which are selected
    • Always show the transaction tag name in transaction view page even the tag is hidden
    • Fix the wrong default time in add transaction dialog when default time zone is not the browser time zone in desktop version
    • Fix the data range in date selection dialog is not the current range in desktop version
    • Fix the first day of week setting not take effect in the transaction list page in desktop version
    • Fix the amount in transaction edit dialog may not display after unhiding the amount in desktop version
    • Fix the status of email changed to unverified after clicking reset button in the user basic setting page
    • Fix the text size of action menu title label not changed after changing the app text size


25 Sep 15:16
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  • [Bug Fixes]
    • Fix update database table structure failure when upgrading from old version (#21)


17 Sep 11:40
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  • [Breaking]

    • Use pinia to replace vuex
    • transactions/list/by_month.json api now always returns all transactions in specified month
  • [Features]

    • Add desktop version frontend page
    • Support validating user email address
    • Support password reset
    • Support changing text size for mobile page
    • Support set Gravatar as user avatar provider
    • Support setting user disabled
    • Map provider supports Google Map
    • Map provider supports Baidu Map
    • Map provider supports Amap
    • Map provider supports TomTom
    • Map provider supports more providers based on OpenStreetMap, including OpenStreetMap(Humanitarian), OpenTopoMap, OPNVKarte and CyclOSM
    • Add parsing request id command-line utility
  • [Enhancements]

    • Show time difference between the transaction timezone and the default timezone on transaction edit/view page
    • Show tips whether data is updated after pulling down or clicking the refresh button
    • Only show add default categories button when there are really no category
    • Auto set the first secondary category of selected primary category as default category when create transaction from transaction list page
    • Optimize service worker cache strategy
    • Support disable boot log by command-line argument
    • Support skipping TLS verification when request exchange rates data
    • Other user interface optimization
  • [Development]

    • Update golang to 1.20.8
    • Update node.js to 18.17.1
  • [Bug Fixes]

    • Fix the bug that the default end time of custom time range does not equal to the current time in transaction list page when timezone is not set to browser timezone
    • Fix the bug that system default timezone is not browser timezone when custom timezone is set
    • Fix the bug that overview info in home page would not be updated after updating exchange rates data
    • Fix wrong account icon in transaction statistics data page
    • Fix the bug that cannot search the keywords which contains & symbol in the transaction list page
    • Fix incorrect monthly total income/expense amount
    • Fix the bug that not automatically scroll to selected item when opening color selection sheet or icon icon selection sheet
    • Fix the bug that the time zone of the modify balance transaction generated by creating a new account is wrong
    • Fix wrong log content when content has % symbol
    • Fix generating old uuid bug


10 Jun 10:04
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  • [Breaking]

    • Move language setting to user settings
    • Update vue to 3.3.4
    • Update framework7 to 8.0.5
  • [Features]

    • Support storing transaction geographic location and showing in map
    • Support user custom date & time format
    • Add Monetary Authority of Singapore data source for exchange rates data
    • Redesign new datetime picker baed on vue-datepicker
    • Redesign new pin code input
  • [Enhancements]

    • Add thousands separator in amount in exchange rates page
    • Support turning on dark theme manually
    • Disable export button when user does not hava any transaction
    • Display icon / color in one line in account edit page / category edit page
    • Add swipe handle to top of sheet
    • Show none in transaction edit page when user does not have any visible accounts or categories
    • Show no available category / account in transaction statistics filter page when there are no available accounts or categories
    • Change the background color of system title bar
    • Automatically change the system title bar background color when popup/sheet/dialog/popover shows or dark theme changes
    • Other user interface optimization
  • [Development]

    • Automatically run the background lint/unit test and frontend lint when building
    • Update golang to 1.20.4
    • Update node.js to 18.16.0
  • [Bug Fixes]

    • Fix not redirect to login page problem when user click logout but there are no tokens
    • Fix the problem that cannot generate uuid in 32bit os (#15, thx @vigdail)
    • Fix the problem that account list page does not update when modify category of account
    • Fix the problem that the statistics page cannot display any data when db is set to only_full_group_by (#17)


05 Apr 15:51
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  • [Breaking]

    • Remove the support getting token and timezone from url query string for data export api
    • Update golang to 1.20.2
    • Update node.js to 18.15.0
  • [Features]

    • Add splash screen for iOS
    • Support setting user default account
    • Support storing transaction created ip
    • Support auto setting transaction type when creating a transaction from transaction list page that filtered by transaction category
    • Support filtering account by parent account in tranaction list page
    • Support clicking parent account in account page
    • Add "sort by" shortcut in statistics page
    • Support changing base amount in exchange rates page (#9)
    • Support showing user total data count in data management page
    • Add health check api
    • Add generating secret key utility in command line
  • [Enhancements]

    • Add showing currency code after currency name
    • Support showing the exchange rates data is up to date tip when update exchange rates data
    • Improve user data export
    • Change transaction view page style
    • Other user interface optimization
  • [Bug Fixes]

    • Fix the home page information error when mysql server sql_mode is set to only_full_group_by (#1 , thx @jiangshengwu)
    • Fix the recent time calculation error in transaction list page (#12)
    • Fix the time between the related transaction id and the original transaction id is not in one second


20 Jun 12:01
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First release