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Bash scripts for genome assembly using ONT and Illumina datasets.

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Exploring Microctonus aethiopoides: Genome Assembly and Annotation of Eight Ecotypes (ONPROGRESS)

This repository contains bash scripts used for the genome assembly and annotation of different strains of Microctonus aethiopoides. The scripts facilitate various stages of the genome assembly process, including basecalling, demultiplexing, quality control, read trimming, assembly, and post-assembly analysis.

Genome Assembly

Eight M. aethiopoides strains were sequenced using both ONT and Illumina sequencing platforms. ONT was used for genome assembly, while Illumina was used for polishing. For ONT, two libraries were made, resulting in two datasets (R0119, R0120). Basecalling is done individually on each library. Conversly, two samples (MO_04 and MO_05) did not produce good quality data, so a replacement library (R0149) with two new samples was sequenced. In the following steps, MO_04 and MO_05 will not be represented in the codes.

Files received after sequencing are POD5 files (similar to fast5 and blow5 files). It's like:

  • Fast5, BLOW5 = OLD versions
  • POD5 = NEW version

STEP 1: ONT reads Basecalling

Tool used is Dorado with simplex "basecaller" super accuracy model (sup).

Sample Sheet Format

Dorado requires a sample sheet, which has to be in the following format.

Sample Sheet 1: R0119

kit experiment_id flow_cell_id barcode alias
SQK-NBD114-24 R0119 PAQ57576 barcode01 MO_03
SQK-NBD114-24 R0119 PAQ57576 barcode02 MO_04
SQK-NBD114-24 R0119 PAQ57576 barcode03 MO_05
SQK-NBD114-24 R0119 PAQ57576 barcode04 MO_07
SQK-NBD114-24 R0119 PAQ57576 barcode05 MO_08
SQK-NBD114-24 R0119 PAQ57576 barcode06 MO_13
SQK-NBD114-24 R0119 PAQ57576 barcode07 MO_16
SQK-NBD114-24 R0119 PAQ57576 barcode08 MO_19

Sample Sheet 2: R0120

kit experiment_id flow_cell_id barcode alias
SQK-NBD114-24 R0120 PAQ57576 barcode01 MO_03
SQK-NBD114-24 R0120 PAQ57576 barcode02 MO_04
SQK-NBD114-24 R0120 PAQ57576 barcode03 MO_05
SQK-NBD114-24 R0120 PAQ57576 barcode04 MO_07
SQK-NBD114-24 R0120 PAQ57576 barcode05 MO_08
SQK-NBD114-24 R0120 PAQ57576 barcode06 MO_13
SQK-NBD114-24 R0120 PAQ57576 barcode07 MO_16
SQK-NBD114-24 R0120 PAQ57576 barcode08 MO_19

Sample Sheet 3: R0149

kit experiment_id flow_cell_id barcode alias
SQK-NBD114-24 R0149 PAW14881 barcode09 MO_06
SQK-NBD114-24 R0149 PAW14881 barcode19 MO_40

Note: The information in the 'alias' column will be used to produce output filenames for each sample in a library.

Dorado Basecaller Syntax

### Library R0119
dorado basecaller sup /nesi/nobackup/acc_name/PX024_Parasitoid_wasp/R0119/LX0030/20240115_1457_1D_PAQ57576_8b278f23/pod5_pass --recursive --device 'cuda:all' --kit-name SQK-NBD114-24 --sample-sheet sample_sheet_R0119.csv > /nesi/nobackup/acc_name/PX024_Parasitoid_wasp/BAM_basecall/R0119_sup_calls.bam

### Library R0120
dorado basecaller sup /nesi/nobackup/acc_name/PX024_Parasitoid_wasp/R0120/LX0030/20240117_1251_1D_PAQ57576_b43c06c8/pod5_pass --recursive --device 'cuda:all' --kit-name SQK-NBD114-24 --sample-sheet sample_sheet_R0120.csv > /nesi/nobackup/acc_name/PX024_Parasitoid_wasp/BAM_basecall/R0120_sup_calls.bam

### Library R0149
dorado basecaller sup /nesi/nobackup/acc_name/PX024_Parasitoid_wasp/01_raw/03_R0149/LX0038/20240402_1733_1F_PAW14881_72e2c281/pod5_pass  --recursive --device 'cuda:all' --kit-name SQK-NBD114-24 --sample-sheet sample_sheet_R0149.csv > /nesi/nobackup/acc_name/PX024_Parasitoid_wasp/02_Basecaller_sup/01_BAM_basecall/R0149_sup_calls.bam

Note: In my case, two unmapped BAM files are produced after basecalling, one for each of the two libraries. Since running in slurm gpu node is activated using following in config section "#SBATCH --gpus-per-node=A100:1"

STEP 2: Demultiplexing

Tool used is Dorado "demux". This process separates individual samples into unmapped BAM files within a library, using the names provided in the "alias" column of the previous sample sheet.

#### Library : R0119
dorado demux --output-dir demux_sample --no-classify /nesi/nobackup/acc_name/PX024_Parasitoid_wasp/BAM_basecall/R0119_sup_calls.bam

#### Library : R0120
dorado demux --output-dir demux_sample --no-classify /nesi/nobackup/acc_name/PX024_Parasitoid_wasp/BAM_basecall/R0120_sup_calls.bam

#### Library : R0149
dorado demux --output-dir /nesi/nobackup/acc_name/PX024_Parasitoid_wasp/02_Basecaller_sup/02_demux_sample/R0149 --no-classify /nesi/nobackup/acc_name/PX024_Parasitoid_wasp/02_Basecaller_sup/01_BAM_basecall/R0149_sup_calls.bam

STEP 3: BAM to Fastq conversion

Tool used here is SAMtools "fastq". Unmapped individual BAM files are transformed into FASTQ files during this step.

#### Library : R0119
for i in 03 07 08 13 16 19; do samtools fastq MO_${i}.bam > MO_${i}.fastq ; done;
### Library : R0120
for i in 03 07 08 13 16 19; do samtools fastq MO_${i}.bam > MO_${i}.fastq ; done;
### Library : R0149
for i in 06 40; do samtools fastq MO_${i}.bam > MO_${i}.fastq ; done;

Step 4: Concatenate R0119 and R0120

During this step, the samples from libraries R0119 and R0120 are combined:

cat ../04_demux_sample/R0119/01_fastq_files/MO_03.fastq ../04_demux_sample/R0120/01_fastq_files/MO_03.fastq > MO_03_cat.fastq
cat ../04_demux_sample/R0119/01_fastq_files/MO_07.fastq ../04_demux_sample/R0120/01_fastq_files/MO_07.fastq > MO_07_cat.fastq
cat ../04_demux_sample/R0119/01_fastq_files/MO_08.fastq ../04_demux_sample/R0120/01_fastq_files/MO_08.fastq > MO_08_cat.fastq
cat ../04_demux_sample/R0119/01_fastq_files/MO_13.fastq ../04_demux_sample/R0120/01_fastq_files/MO_13.fastq > MO_13_cat.fastq
cat ../04_demux_sample/R0119/01_fastq_files/MO_16.fastq ../04_demux_sample/R0120/01_fastq_files/MO_16.fastq > MO_16_cat.fastq
cat ../04_demux_sample/R0119/01_fastq_files/MO_19.fastq ../04_demux_sample/R0120/01_fastq_files/MO_19.fastq > MO_19_cat.fastq

This concatenation process merges the corresponding samples from libraries R0119 and R0120 into single FASTQ files (e.g., MO_03_cat.fastq, MO_07_cat.fastq, etc.).

STEP 5: QC of fastq files

Tool used is NanoPlot & BBMap.

NanoPlot Syntax:

for i in 03 06 07 08 13 16 19 40;
NanoPlot --verbose -t 8 --fastq MO_${i}_cat.fastq -o 01_QC/MO_${i} ;

BBMap Syntax:

for i in 03 06 07 08 13 16 19 40;
do in=${i}_cat_fil.fastq out=${i}_histogram.txt

This step involves using NanoPlot to perform quality checks on the FASTQ files. The BBMap tool is also utilized to check the read length statistics for specific files.

STEP 6: Filtering reads using chopper

This step involves using chopper to filter reads based on quality (minimum quality score of 10) and read length (minimum length of 500 bases). The --headcrop 10 parameter is used to remove the first 10 bases from each read. The filtered reads are then saved to new FASTQ files (e.g., MO_${i}_cat_fil.fastq) for each sample.

for i in 03 06 07 08 13 16 19 40;
chopper --threads $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK -q 10 -l 500 --headcrop 10 < ../MO_${i}_cat.fastq > MO_${i}_cat_fil.fastq ;

STEP 7: Repeat Quality Check (NanoPlot, BBMap, FastQC)

Repeat previous QC steps on filtered fastq files.

STEP 8: Genome Assembly using FLYE

In this step, FLYE is used for genome assembly using the cleaned reads (MO_${i}cat_fil.fastq). The assembly results are saved to the directory (./MO${i}_flye). The --threads 16 option is used to specify the number of threads , and -g 129m specifies an estimated genome size of 129 megabases (varies based on species).

for i in 03 06 07 08 13 16 19 40; do
    flye --nano-hq /nesi/nobackup/acc_name/PX024_Parasitoid_wasp/02_Basecaller_sup/03_fastqfiles/02_filtered/MO_${i}_cat_fil.fastq --out-dir ./MO_${i}_flye --threads 16 -g 129m;

STEP 9: Polishing using MEDAKA

MEDAKA is used to polish the assembled genome using the filtered reads (MO_${i}cat_fil.fastq). The polished assembly results are saved to the directory ./MO${i}_flye_medaka.

for i in 03 04 05 07 08 13 16 19; do
    medaka_consensus -t $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK -i /nesi/nobackup/acc_name/PX024_Parasitoid_wasp/02_Basecaller_sup/03_fastqfiles/02_filtered/MO_${i}_cat_fil.fastq -d MO_${i}_flye/assembly.fasta -o MO_${i}_flye_medaka ;

STEP 10: Remove haplotigs and contig overlaps using purge_dups

For this step, the output from MEDAKA is used. The following code demonstrates the process for one sample, which is similarly applied to other samples.

1. Convert the BAM file produced in MEDAKA to PAF file


samtools view -@ 8 -h calls_to_draft.bam > calls_to_draft.sam

SAM to PAF using paftools.js:

paftools.js sam2paf calls_to_draft.sam > MO_40.paf

2. Load purge_dups in NeSI and execute the following commands

Generate statistics for PAF file:

pbcstat MO_40.paf

Calculate cutoffs:

calcuts PB.stat > cutoffs 2> calcuts.log

Split the consensus fasta file:

split_fa ../consensus.fasta > con_split.fa

Generate self-mapping PAF file:

minimap2 -xasm5 -DP con_split.fa con_split.fa | gzip -c - > con_split.self.paf.gz

Purge duplicates:

purge_dups -2 -T cutoffs -c PB.base.cov con_split.self.paf.gz > dups.bed 2> purge_dups.log

Extract sequences:

get_seqs -e dups.bed ../consensus.fasta

Two files are produced: purged.fa and hap.fa. The former is used for further analysis.

Refer to this link for more information: purge_dups GitHub & purge_dups academic paper.

STEP 11: QC using CompleASM and QUAST


In this step, BUSCO assessment is performed on the polished assemblies using CompleASM. Here I am not downloading the specific lineage database. Instead, I have mentioned the lineage database using the “-l” flag, which automatically downloads the required files.

for i in 03 06 07 08 13 16 19 40; do run -a MO_${i}_purged/purged.fasta -o MO_${i}_compleasm -l hymenoptera_odb10 -t 12 ;


QUAST (Quality Assessment Tool for Genome Assemblies) is a software tool used for evaluating the quality of genome assemblies. It provides various metrics such as N50, number of contigs, genome size, and misassemblies that is used to assess and compare the accuracy and completeness of assembled genomes. QUAST also generates informative visualizations to facilitate the interpretation of assembly results.

Individual Quast Here I used the closet reference genome(optional) for the comparative evaluation of individual genome

for i in 03 06 07 08 13 16 19 40; do --fragmented -t 16 -o ./MO_${i}_purged/01_quast -r ../../../06_reference/ncbi_dataset/data/GCA_030347275.1/GCA_030347275.1_UoO_Maeth_IR_genomic.fna MO_${i}_purged/purged.fasta;

Comparative Quast Compare stats of all the assembly produced -t 16 -o ./01_quast_compare -l 'MO_03,MO_06,MO_07,MO_08,MO_13,MO_16,MO_19,MO_40'  MO_03_purged/purged.fasta MO_06_purged/purged.fasta MO_07_purged/purged.fasta MO_08_purged/purged.fasta MO_13_purged/purged.fasta MO_16_purged/purged.fasta MO_19_purged/purged.fasta MO_40_purged/purged.fasta

Processing Illumina Reads

STEP 12: Concatenating Fastq files

The samples in Novoseq are run in two lanes. Therefore, once the data is received, samples from replicate lanes are combined using the cat command.

Script for Concatenating Illumina FASTQ Reads from Two Lanes

# Loop through all FASTQ.gz files recursively in the current directory
for i in $(find ./ -type f -name "*.fastq.gz" | while read F; do basename $F | rev | cut -c 22- | rev; done | sort | uniq)
    echo "Merging R1"
    cat "$i"_L00*_R1_001.fastq.gz > /nesi/nobackup/acc_name/PX024_Parasitoid_wasp/01_raw/04_LIC_Data/02_cat_data/"$i"_R1.fastq.gz
    echo "Merging R2"
    cat "$i"_L00*_R2_001.fastq.gz > /nesi/nobackup/acc_name/PX024_Parasitoid_wasp/01_raw/04_LIC_Data/02_cat_data/"$i"_R2.fastq.gz

STEP 13: Quality check using Fastqc & Multiqc

fastqc -t 8 -o 00_QC/fastqc/ /nesi/nobackup/acc_name/PX024_Parasitoid_wasp/01_raw/04_LIC_Data/02_cat_data/*.fastq.gz

multiqc /nesi/nobackup/acc_name/PX024_Parasitoid_wasp/01_raw/04_LIC_Data/02_cat_data

STEP 14: Illumina data Filtration using TrimGalore

I performed quality trimming of bases with a Phred score of 20 and below.

for i in MI-19 MI-03 MI-07 MI-08 MI-13 MI-16 MI-40  MI-06;
    trim_galore -q 20 --paired --fastqc --cores 20 ${i}_R1.fastq.gz ${i}_R2.fastq.gz -o ../03_fil_data;

STEP 15: Nextpolish Genome Polishing using Illumina Reads

NextPolish is a tool used for polishing genomes using Illumina reads. In the script, NextPolish is applied to the purged genome fasta file obtained from a previous step. The process involves the following steps:


  • Alignment: The purged genome fasta file is indexed and aligned to filtered Illumina paired-end reads using BWA-MEM.
  • Alignment Processing: The aligned reads are processed using SAMtools to remove duplicate reads, sort the alignments, and mark duplicates.
  • Polishing Round 1: NextPolish is used with specific parameters (-t 1) to polish the genome based on the alignments from the first round. This step generates a temporary polished genome file (genome.polishtemp.fa).
  • Polishing Round 2: The temporary polished genome file from Round 1 is indexed and aligned again to the Illumina reads. NextPolish is then applied again (-t 2) to perform a second round of polishing, resulting in the final polished genome file (genome.nextpolish.fa).
for sam in 03 07 08 13 16 19 06 40;
    # PARAMS #
    mkdir -p $OUTDIR
    cd $OUTDIR
    for ((i=1; i<=${round};i++)); do
        # Step 1:
        echo index the genome file and do alignment $i;
        bwa index ${REF};
        bwa mem -t ${threads} ${REF} ${read1} ${read2} | samtools view --threads 3 -F 0x4 -b - | samtools fixmate -m --threads 3 - - | samtools sort -m 2g --threads 5 - | samtools markdup --threads 5 -r - sgs.sort.bam;
        echo index bam and genome files $i;
        samtools index -@ ${threads} sgs.sort.bam;
        samtools faidx ${REF};
        echo polish genome file $i;
        python ${NEXTPOLISH} -g ${REF} -t 1 -p ${threads} -s sgs.sort.bam > genome.polishtemp.fa;
        echo round $i complete;
        # Step 2:
        echo index genome file and do alignment $i;
        bwa index ${REF};
        bwa mem -t ${threads} ${REF} ${read1} ${read2} | samtools view --threads 3 -F 0x4 -b - | samtools fixmate -m --threads 3  - - | samtools sort -m 2g --threads 5 - | samtools markdup --threads 5 -r - sgs.sort.bam;
        echo index bam and genome files $i;
        samtools index -@ ${threads} sgs.sort.bam;
        samtools faidx ${REF};
        echo polish genome file $i;
        python ${NEXTPOLISH} -g ${REF} -t 2 -p ${threads} -s sgs.sort.bam > genome.nextpolish.fa;
        echo round $i complete;
    echo genome polished for Maethio_${sam}
# Finally polished genome file: genome.nextpolish.fa

STEP 16: Perform QC on polished assembly using Compleasm and Quast (Same as step 11)

Step 17: Kmer analysis using Illumina reads & Genome quality completeness estimation using Merqury

  1. Create kmer database of high-quality Illumina reads using meryl

  2. Create histogram plot in Genomescope Generate histogram from meryl data Example:

    • meryl histogram MO_03_k18.meryl > MO_03_k18.hist

    Note: The .hist file contains two columns separated by \t (TAB) which needs to be replaced by a space.

    • tr '\t' ' ' <MO_03_k18.hist > MO_03_k18_s.hist
    • Run GenomeScope by loading the .hist file at GenomeScope
    • Adjust kmer length accordingly
  3. Run merqury

#!/bin/bash -e
#SBATCH --account=acc_name
#SBATCH --job-name=merqury
#SBATCH --time=15:00:00
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=32
#SBATCH --mem=26G
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH [email protected]
#SBATCH --output merqury_%j.out    # save the output into a file
#SBATCH --error merqury_%j.err     # save the error output into a file

# purge all other modules that may be loaded, and might interfare
module purge
## load module 
module load Merqury/1.3-Miniconda3
module load R
# Need argparse, ggplot2, scales
Rscript -e 'install.packages(c("argparse", "ggplot2", "scales"),repos = "")'

module load SAMtools/1.19-GCC-12.3.0
module load BEDTools/2.30.0-GCC-11.3.0
module load Java/20.0.2
module load IGV/2.16.1

for i in 03 06 07 08 13 16 19 40;
mkdir Maethio_${i}/00_QC/02_merqury
cd Maethio_${i}/00_QC/02_merqury
#### Link files
ln -s /nesi/nobackup/acc_name/PX024_Parasitoid_wasp/05_ncgenome/02_fil_Illumina/00_QC/02_meryl/MI_${i}_k18.meryl
ln -s /nesi/nobackup/acc_name/PX024_Parasitoid_wasp/05_ncgenome/01_assembly/05_nextpolish/Maethio_${i}/genome.nextpolish.fa
####meryl count
/nesi/project/acc_name/softwares/merqury-master/ MI_${i}_k18.meryl genome.nextpolish.fa Maethio_${i}_nxtplsh_mqry
cd ../../../

Step 18: KAT analysis (similar to merqury, uses Illumina reads)

#!/bin/bash -e
#SBATCH --account=acc_name
#SBATCH --job-name=kat_analysis
#SBATCH --time=5:00:00
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=2
#SBATCH --mem=26G
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH [email protected]
#SBATCH --output kat_analysis_%j.out    # save the output into a file
#SBATCH --error kat_analysis_%j.err     # save the error output into a file

# purge all other modules that may be loaded, and might interfere
module purge
ml KAT/2.4.2-gimkl-2018b-Python-3.7.3

########## Loop ##############
for i in 03 06 07 08 13 16 19 40;
    mkdir -p Maethio_${i}/00_QC/04_kat_results
    cd Maethio_${i}/00_QC/04_kat_results
    #### Link files
    #ln -s /nesi/nobackup//PX024_Parasitoid_wasp/05_ncgenome/01_assembly/05_nextpolish/Maethio_${i}/genome.nextpolish.fa
    ####kat command
    kat comp -t 16 -o Mei_${i}_kat “/nesi/nobackup/acc_name/PX024_Parasitoid_wasp/05_ncgenome/02_fil_Illumina/MI_06_R?.fq.gz” genome.nextpolish.fa
    cd ../../../


Bash scripts for genome assembly using ONT and Illumina datasets.






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