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SYNTCOMP reference implementations

This is a collection from specifications obtained from the TLSF/LTL track of the Reactive Synthesis Competition (SYNTCOMP), together with reference implementations verifying realizability/unrealizability of most specifications. Scripts are provided for verifying the implementations and additionally a few utility scripts for inspecting them.

Verifying the circuits

Dependencies for verification

Running the verification process

To start the verification process for all specifications, simply run


where <TIMELIMIT> should be the time limit for the verification in seconds. The results will be output into the file results.csv.

The results of a run on a machine equipped with an Intel Core i7-4810MQ CPU and 16 GB of memory and with a time limit of three hours are given in results_verification.csv The results of an older run with a monolithic composition are given in results_verification_monolithic.csv

To simply collect all combined files for model checking with a different tool, one can call the script with time limit 0:

./ 0

The combined files will then be output into the folder combined.

Verification results

Currently, almost all implementations can be verified within the time limit. The few that cannot be verified directly using the default method can be verified using alternative means, for this see the list of unverified implementations.

Adding new reference implementations

New reference implementations that improve upon the existing ones are always welcome. Further, some implementations are not yet minimal or it is unknown whether their size is minimal, for more info see the notes on minimal sizes.

Remarks on specifications

The specification simple_arbiter_2.tlsf in previous SYNTCOMP iterations had a typo and used n=3 in its parameter specification, making it equivalent to simple_arbiter_3.tlsf. This is fixed in this selection of benchmarks, where we use n=2. However this needs to be taken into account when comparing the reference implementation to previous implementations from SYNTCOMP.

The specification prioritized_arbiter_2.tlsf in previous SYNTCOMP iterations used n=1 instead of n=2. Here, we use n=2 in accordance to the other instances and added a specification prioritized_arbiter_1.tlsf with n=1.

The specification genbuf6.tlsf has a typo in line 40, missing a G in the second part of the assumption for [spec_unit s2b_1], which makes the specification unrealizable. This typo was left as it is, however now the specification is different from generalized_buffer_6.tlsf.

Implementation sources

Some implementations were obtained by past participants in the SYNTCOMP competition, among them Strix, ltlsynt, BoSy, BoWSer, Party and Acacia. The AIGER files were taken from the EDACC instance for 2016-2018 and the StarExec folder for 2019-2020. These implementations were also postprocessed by the minimization and stripping scripts of this repository.

Other implementations were written by hand, especially those for parameterized specifications for which also an easy to construct parameterized implementation exists, or those for which there is a easy to find smaller solution than any one constructed by the tools above.


SYNTCOMP reference implementations






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