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Supported Third Party Libraries

Drew Johnson edited this page Apr 19, 2017 · 5 revisions

Supported Third-Party Libraries

As many iOS apps make use of third-party libraries and SDKs, we're working to make sure some of the most popular ones work with the iOS bridge so your app can continue to use them on Windows 10. Below is an in-progress, partial list of third-party libraries and their respective statuses with the iOS bridge.


SBJSON: Usage sample is available in WinObjC-Samples repository.

OAuthConsumer: OAuthConsumer is supported by existing WinObjC APIs.

Partially supported

Bolts: The Bolts library is partially supported.

Facebook iOS SDK: The Facebook iOS SDK is partially supported. Basic scenarios work, including login. This SDK is a top priority for the iOS bridge team and more functionality will be added in the coming weeks and months. More information coming soon.

AFNetworking: AFNetworking v2 is currently partially supported. More information coming soon.

JSONKit: JSONKit is partially supported. More information coming soon.

OpenAL: OpenAL is partially supported. More information coming soon.

OpenUDID: OpenUDID is partially supported. More information coming soon.

Reachability: Apple's Reachability framework is partially supported. The UI in the sample app does not work, but Reachability's main functionality does.

Not presently supported

KeyChainItemWrapper: The GitHub KeyChainItemWrapper code is supported by WinObjC APIs. It is, however, specific to iOS' KeyChain implementation, not to Windows' Protected Storage.

GTMLogger: GTMLogger is dependent upon the Apple System Log, which is a component of the iOS/Mac ecosystem. See WinObjC Issue #102.

CocoaLumberjack: CocoaLumberjack 2.4.0 is dependent upon the Apple System Log, which is a component of the iOS/Mac ecosystem. See WinObjC Issue #102.

Not supported

We do not presently support any proprietary, closed-source iOS-specific libraries.