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Child Arrangements Informational Tool


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CI and CD

Private Family Law - Child Arrangements Information Tool


brew install nvm
nvm install 12.22.6

Node Version Manager

Node 12.22.6

Yarn >= 1.12



(Required if running a11y checks and/or pushing code to the repo - see .githooks/pre-push)


Clone the repo

git clone [email protected]:ministryofjustice/pflr-cait.git

Install node module dependencies

yarn install


yarn start

By default the app runs on port 3000, so the app will be available at:



Running in dev mode

yarn dev:start

Installing new modules

Use yarn add <new_module> rather than npm install <new_module>

Similarly, use yarn remove <old_module> rather than just deleting it from package.json

If you do add or remove a module, please run the dockerised prepush tests to confirm that everything is as it should be - though you'll find out soon enough when Jenkins tries to build it…

Application architecture

  • .githooks/

    Scripts that run before commits and pushes

  • app/

    • assets/

      • images/

      • javascripts/

      • stylesheets/

      Static files

    • components/

      Bundles comprising component templates, code, styling and tests

    • css/

      Entrypoint for compiling CSS files

    • templates/

      Bundles comprising page templates, code, styling and tests

  • ci/

    Scripts for continuous integration

  • lib/

    Application modules

  • metadata/

    JSON files

  • spec

    Miscellaneous tests (ie. ones that do not reside in the same directory as the code they’re testing)

  • Dockerfile

    provides the details to build the image that is used for running the app and tests against it

  • start.js

    Entry point to the application

Auto-generated directories

The following locations are created and are ignored by git

  • public/

    Built assets

  • reports/

    Output of tests



Processed with PostCSS using the CSSNext plugin and output to public/stylesheets/

The following paths are passed to PostCSS:

  • app/css/

  • app/templates/

  • app/components/

  • app/assets/stylesheets/

Files found in app/css/ are used as entry points


Installing the project's node modules also sets the repo's hooksPath to .githooks.

.githooks provides:

  • pre-commit

    • ensures that all necessary files are linted and tested

    • ensures that commits are not made to the main branch

    NB. can be skipped by passing --no-verify flag

  • pre-push

    • ensures all unit, functional and a11y tests are run

    NB. can be skipped by setting SKIP_PRE_PUSH_CAIT environment variable to true

    eg. env SKIP_PRE_PUSH_CAIT=true git push

Disabling githooks

Git hooks can be disabled

yarn githooks:unset

and reenabled

yarn githooks

See Git manual for more info on git hooks


Unit tests

yarn test:unit

Unit tests are run before every commit (see .githooks/pre-commit), every push (see .githooks/pre-push) and as part of every build

AVA is used as the test runner

The unit tests live next to the file/module they are for

They have the extension .unit.spec.js

To run the tests in a docker container as they would be in during CI

yarn test:unit:prepush

Functional tests (end-to-end)

yarn test:functional

Functional tests are run before every push (see .githooks/pre-push) and as part of every Jenkins build

CodeceptJS is used as the end-to-end test framework

WebdriverIO is used as the backend driver

The CodeceptJS configuration file is codecept.conf.js

The functional tests live in spec/functional/

and have the extension .functional.spec.js

A .wallaby.conf.js file is provided if you use Wallaby.js for continuous testing in your editor

To run the tests in a docker container as they would be in during CI

yarn test:functional:prepush

NB. this starts up a selenium container of its own automatically

A11Y checks (accessibility)

yarn test:a11y

Accessibility checks are run every push (see .githooks/pre-push)

pa11y-crawl is used as the accessibility checking tool

The checks are performed using a docker container and the resulting report is output to reposts/a11y.json

Run all the tests

yarn test

Lints and runs both unit and functional tests

yarn test:prepush

Runs all the tests plus a11y checks in the same context as used in CI (as used by pre-push githook)


yarn lint

Runs eslint and jsonlint over various locations

Linting is performed before any commit (see .githooks/pre-commit)

Javascript linting

JS files are linted with ESLint using the configuration file from pflr-express-kit

The following locations are linted:

  • lib/**/*.js

    application files

  • app/**/*.js

    client-side js

  • spec/**/*.js

    tests that don't sit next to the file they are testing, eg. functional tests

CSS linting

CSS files are linted with stylelint

The following locations are linted:

  • app/**/*.pcss

    CSS files written to be compiled using CSSNext

  • app/**/*.css

    Any other CSS files

Template linting

The following location are checked to ensure the Nunjucks templates located there are syntactically valid

  • app/**/*.njk

  • app/**/*.html

JSON linting

The following locations are linted:

  • metadata/blocks**/*.json

    application json for routes and content

  • metadata/*.json

    auxilliary json files

Deploy to kubernetes cloud platform

Refer to the deploy repository

Ops Manual (deprecated)

There is a PFLR Cait entry in the MoJ Ops Manual

Please note the ops manual has some references to the old template deploy.
This has now been replaced with kubernetes (see above), but other than that, the ops manual is accurate and the service has not changed its architecture or code base.