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User Manual

Violet Forest edited this page Apr 16, 2021 · 6 revisions

Instructions for using the Android app with the Brunel Hand.

How to Pick up a cup

  • Hit the record, then hold the grip until the timer runs out You can choose 5s, 10s, 20s, infinite for timer
  • Only thumb, index, middle, ring fingers can be recorded
  • The thumb moves with an in and out motion. When picking up a cup, you want to first move the thumb in, then move the rest of the fingers.

How to Release an object

Hold the button the hand or use the app to release

How to freeze the thumb

For better control when recording a grip, you can freeze thumb. This is done in a two step process. First you record the position of the thumb that you need, let the timer run out, then click the button on the back of the hand to turn the freeze of the thumb. The LED should be illuminated when the thumb is frozen. Then you can record the rest of the fingers.

How to use the button on the back of the hand

Freeze Thumb / Unfreeze thumb (toggle) --> Quick Single click

Save current grip --> Quick Triple click

Load saved grip --> Quick Double click

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