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Mário Cristóvão edited this page Jun 11, 2023 · 4 revisions


To facilitate the automation features provided by this repository, it is necessary to tag your code with appropriate versions. Tagging helps in identifying and organizing different versions of the codebase. To assign a version to a specific point in your code history, follow the command below:

git tag [version_name]

In this repository, we adhere to the following versioning standards for consistency. Let's assume the current version is v0.0. The following guidelines outline the meaning behind version numbers:

  • v0.1 represents a minor update to the existing version. Typically, minor updates involve incremental changes, bug fixes, or additions to existing chapters.

  • v1.0 indicates a major update. Major updates are generally associated with significant modifications, such as the introduction of a new chapter or substantial revisions to existing chapters.

The decision to classify an update as minor or major ultimately depends on the magnitude of changes made to the document. You have the discretion to determine whether a particular update warrants a major or minor version increment (or none).

Remember to tag your code with the appropriate version name before utilizing the automation features provided by this repository.

If you have any further questions or concerns about versioning, please feel free to reach out for assistance.

Setting up GitHub Pages

Generate difference PDF

The latex-dissertation-template offers a useful feature that allows you to generate a PDF file that highlights the differences between different versions of your dissertation. This can be particularly handy when you want to track and visualize the modifications made between different iterations.

To generate the difference PDF, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that you have correctly versioned your code using the v[number1].[number2] standard. This versioning system helps in identifying and organizing the different releases of your dissertation.

  2. After versioning your code, push the changes and tags to your GitHub repository using the command:

    git push --tags

    This action triggers a GitHub action that will automatically initiate the process of creating a new release based on the corresponding tag version.

  3. Once the release is created, you can navigate to the release page on GitHub. In the release assets section, you will find a file named diff.pdf. This PDF file highlights the differences between the current release and the previous one, making it easy to visualize the changes that have been made, check this example diff.pdf.

By utilizing this feature, you can conveniently track and analyze the modifications made to your dissertation over time. It provides a visual representation of the changes between different versions, aiding in reviewing and documenting the progress of your work.

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