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Dataform utility library that allow fast bootstrapping for data-vault model on bigquery

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Dataform utility library that allow you to build a data vault model using a configuration based technique.

What is Data Vault ?

Data vault is a relatively new design methodology for data warehouses. Data vaults store raw data as-is without applying business rules. Data transformation happens on-demand, and the results are available for viewing in a department-specific data mart. While a traditional data warehouse structure relies on extensive data pre-processing, the data vault model takes a more agile approach. This can help tackle difficult use cases, although it’s not always easy to implement.

Advantages of the Data Vault

  • Raw Data Retention
  • Simpler Transformations
  • Decoupling of Rules and Data
  • Department-Specific Data Transformations

Disadvantages of a Data Vault

  • Increased Resource Usage
  • Expanded Data Storage
  • Solution Complexity
  • Slower Data Mart Results

Data Vault Architecture Layers

  • Staging Layer does not apply any changes to the data, it provides a temporary area to support the process of moving data from various sources into the Data Warehouse.
  • Raw Vault stores persistently the data in a model built around the identification of the business keys in the data sources.
  • Business Vault in which we deal with Soft Business Rules, Data Quality. There are many reasons to refactor it over time.
  • Information Mart is needed because data in the Business Vault is still in the Hub, Link, Satellite shape and has to be shaped as expected by the final business user (e.g., star schema, feature store for Data Mining etc)

All these layers can be stored and maintained in separated BigQuery datasets as shown in below architecture diagram

alt architecture

CitiBike Example

Citibike entities are ingested into Stage Layer where we are keeping the data without applying any changes to it.

alt citibike_model

The Data Vault Model consists of 3 concepts:

  • Hub Tables: collects all the business keys present in a source entity for each Hub table we add 3 columns.

    Column Description
    Hash_Id A new String column to uniquely identify a record in the hub table, and it’s calculated based on the business keys. e.g user_hash_id : md5(user_id)
    Source A new String column to capture the source data location / table.
    Load_Time A new Timestamp column to represent the ingestion time into the table.
  • Link Tables: represents as N-to-N relationship and uses the business keys to connect 2 Hubs for each Link table we add 3 columns.

    Column Description
    Hash_Id A new String column to uniquely identify a record in the link table. e.g. bike_trip_hash_id : md5(bike_hash_id, trip_hash_id)
    Source A new String column to capture the source data location / table.
    Load_Time A new Timestamp column to represent the ingestion time into the table.
  • Satellite Tables : store all data that describes a row in a Hub or a Link for each satellite table we add 4 columns.

    Column Description
    Hash_Id A new String column to refer to the hub hash id. e.g user_hash_id
    Hash_diff A new String column to uniquely identify non-business key columns. e.g. users hash_diff: md5(user_type, gender, birth_year, customer_plan)
    Source A new String column to capture the source data location / table.
    Load_Time A new Timestamp column to represent the ingestion time into the table.

So we need to change the citibike data model as below to store it at the data vault Layer

alt citibike_data_vault_model

How to use DVForm to create a data vault model ?

DVForm is a utility library based on Dataform that allow you to create easily create you data vault model in a generic, automated and configurable way.


Add the package to your package.json file in your Dataform project. You can find the most up-to-date package version on the releases page. or you can download the index.js file and import it into includes/index.js then you can it from js or sqlx scripts for more details refer to reuse code guide

  "name": "demo",
  "dependencies": {
    "@dataform/core": "2.0.1",


1. create citibike entities configuration includes/models.js citibike models example

  • Define the entity configurations in the following structure

    Record Name Description
    name String of the name for the entity e.g. (users, bikes, ..)
    columns Array of columns object structure
    columns_descriptions Array of columns description object structure


    var entity_example = {
      "name": "entity_name",
      "columns": entity_columns_obj,
      "columns_descriptions": entity_columns_descriptions_obj
    • Define the entity columns configurations in the following structure

      Record Name Description
      source_column_name String for the name for the column in the source table e.g. (users_id,user_type, ..)
      source_data_type String for the data type of the column in the source table (stirng , int, float, timestamp)
      target_column_name String for the name for the column in the source table e.g. (users_id,user_type, ..)
      target_data_type String for the data type of the column in the target table (stirng , int, float, timestamp)
      is_key "Y/N" yes or no flag represents if this column is a unique business key
      is_calculated "Y/N" yes or no flag if this column is calculated based on external logic
      calculated_by String for the sql logic to be applied for this column
      description String description for the column that should appear at BigQuery Documentation


        var entity_columns_obj =  [{
            "source_column_name": "col1",
            "source_data_type": "integer",
            "target_column_name": "col2",
            "target_data_type": "integer",
            "is_key": "Y",
            "is_calculated": "N",
            "calculated_by": "",
            "description": "col2 breif description"
          }, ... ]
  • Define the entity columns configurations in the following structure

    Record Name Description
    <COLUMN_NAME> String for the column description the should appear in bigquery documentations


      var entity_columns_descriptions_obj =  [{
          "col2": "col2 breif description",
        }, ... ]

you have 3 options to use DVForm based on the level of customization required

Argument Description
load_id String for a unique id to differentiate between different runs
source_schema_name String for source tables dataset name
stage_schema_name String for staging tables dataset name
data_vault_schema_name String for data vault tables dataset name
source_tables_prefix String for source tables prefix or empty if not applicable
stage_tables_prefix String for stage tables prefix or empty if not applicable
hubs_tables_prefix String for hub tables prefix or empty if not applicable
satellites_tables_prefix String for satellites tables prefix or empty if not applicable
links_tables_prefix String for links tables prefix or empty if not applicable
tables_type String for tables type (incremental/ table / view)
all_models List for all entities objects
links_tables List of link tables to be created

for example create the staging layer tables

Argument Description
load_id String for a unique id to differentiate between different runs
schema_name String for stage tables dataset name
source_tables_prefix String for source tables prefix or empty if not applicable
stage_tables_prefix String for stage tables prefix or empty if not applicable
tables_type String for tables type (incremental/ table / view)
staging_tables List for all objects

another example to create data vault layer hub tables


Argument Description
source_tables_prefix String for source tables prefix or empty if not applicable
stage_tables_prefix String for stage tables prefix or empty if not applicable
tables_type String for tables type (incremental/ table / view)
schema_name String for hub tables dataset name
hubs_tables List for all objects

e.g. to create users stage table

config {
  type: "incremental",
  schema: "citibike_stage_sql",
  name: "stg_sql_users",
  description: "Cleaned up data for users data source",
  columns: models.users.columns_descriptions,
  tags: ["stage-sql"],
   bigquery: {
    partitionBy: "DATE(load_time)",
    clusterBy: ["load_id"]


e.g. to create users hub table

config {
  type: "incremental",
  schema: "citibike_sql_dvm",
  name: "hub_sql_users",
  columns: models.users.columns_descriptions,
  description: "hub users table",
  uniqueKey: ["users_hash_id"],
  tags: ["data-vault-sql"]


CI/CD for Dataform Pipelines

  • Push a new change to the dataform project git repository.
  • CI pipeline triggered.
  • Create an image and push it into Container Registry.
  • Deploy the dag to the cloud composer bucket.
  • Composer Dag task will run and create the dataform code.
  • All tables will be created/updated in BigQuery.

CI/CD Pipeline flow for dataform projects on GCP but could be extended on your ci/cd tool. check gitlab-ci example

alt ci-cd


Cloud Composer as dataform scheduler:

  • Dataform can be scheduled using DAG/task in Cloud Composer
  • Dataform will run on top of Kubernetes Cluster (compared to local machine / VM)
  • The Kubernetes Cluster can be a standalone or Cloud Composer GKE cluster. If using the Cloud Composer GKE cluster, each Dataform run will run in a dedicated Kubernetes pod.
  • Cloud Composer can manage the variables and environment variables which can also be further used by Dataform pipelines.

Logging and monitoring

We can see the dataform logs from Cloud Composer UI for each DAG run. As an example, this is the dataform run log that you can open from the Airflow UI: alt ci-cd alt ci-cd


One of the best features in the Airflow is how it handles backfill. This Airflow feature can be implemented together with dataform.

For example, this is an example of DAG that runs dataform: alt ci-cd As a usual Airflow DAG, you can rerun any of the tasks or DAG run to backfill the data. Using the correct setup, the dataform will be able to handle the backfill mechanism from Airflow.

Data Quality

Dataform Assertions

Assertions enable you to check the state of data produced by other actions. An assertion query is written to find rows that violate one or more rules. If the query returns any rows, then the assertion will fail.

config {
  type: "table",
  assertions: {
    uniqueKey: ["user_hash_id"],
    nonNull: ["user_id", ""]
select ... 

By Default DVForm creates an assertions for tables based on the is_key flag in the entity object to ensure the data uniqueness, but you can extend this behaviour and write a custom assertions.

config { type: "assertion" }

WITH base AS (
  SUM(1) as rows
FROM ${ref("stg_citibike_users")}
SELECT * FROM base WHERE rows > 1

Dataform Tests

Unit tests give you confidence that your code produces the output data you expect. Unit tests differ from assertions in that assertions are used to check the contents of datasets in your data warehouse, while unit tests are used to validate your SQL code. Assertions verify data, and unit tests verify logic.

A SQLX unit test passes fake input to a table or view query, checking that the output rows match some expected output data.

By default, DVForm is not generating any unit-tests, but you can still write your test cases, add it your dataform code and run it as part of the ci/cd pipeline

  • Example

Suppose we have the following view SQLX query:

config {
  type: "view",
  name: "age_groups"
  FLOOR(age / 5) * 5 AS age_group,
  COUNT(1) AS user_count
FROM ${ref("ages")}
GROUP BY age_group

We might want to write a unit test to check that the age_groups query works as we expect it to.

config {
  type: "test",
  dataset: "age_groups"

input "ages" {
  SELECT 34 AS age

SELECT 15 AS age_group, 1 AS user_count UNION ALL
SELECT 20 AS age_group, 2 AS user_count UNION ALL
SELECT 30 AS age_group, 1 AS user_count

his unit test replaces the ages input to the age_groups query, and checks that the resulting output rows match the three expected age_group rows.


Dataform utility library that allow fast bootstrapping for data-vault model on bigquery






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