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Getting started

tommasoviciani edited this page Jun 1, 2020 · 3 revisions

Follow the following steps to correctly apply the framework:

  • Establish the job goals of our project and catalog them in an Enum class.

We will need them to make certain modules perform actions when a certain job goal occurs in the queue.

class JobGoal(Enum):
    GOAL1 = 1
    GOAL2 = 2

  • Write the classes of our modules which will inherit the Module class. In this case, we will write two modules.
class Module1(Module):

    # The pattern object must always be present in our modules because it stores our decorated methods
    mp = Module.Pattern()

    # The tag is a string that identifies a specific module for distributing jobs
    tag = 'm1'

    def __init__(self):
        # Call the constructor of the Module class. As arguments, it accepts the tag of the module that we are going
        # to initialize, and the instance of module needed to reach the jobs of the other modules.
        # Always put on top of the code
        super().__init__(instance=self, tag=self.tag)

        # Always make sure to call this method after each call to the Module class constructor.
        # Record the module pattern

        # Some variables of example
        self.count = 2
        self.recevied_count = 0

    def setup(self):
        The method decorated with @setup() will be executed only once when starting our module. It is used to configure our
        print(f'{self.tag}: setup')

    def on_incoming_data(self, job):
        The method decorated with @on_incoming_data() will be called when a new job is available in the queue. When
        we use this decorator, there must be an input job which is precisely the one obtained from the queue
        print(f'{self.tag}: received a new job')

        # Call this method to execute the job just obtained from the queue

    @mp.timer(name='timer', interval=5)
    def timer(self):
        The method decorated with @timer() is a subprocess which will be executed cyclically. There can be multiple timers in
        a module and each of them needs a name to distinguish one from the other and a time interval expressed in seconds
        print(f'{self.tag}[timer]: send job')
            Job(data={'x': 'module1'}, goal=JobGoal.GOAL1, producer=self.tag, recipient='m2'))

    def main_loop(self):
        The method decorated with @main_loop() is the subprocess that continues to run indefinitely until the module process
        is killed. It is performed cyclically and is the last decorated method that is called
        print(f'{self.tag}: count = {self.count + self.recevied_count}')
        self.count += self.recevied_count
class Module2(Module):

    # The pattern object must always be present in our modules because it stores our decorated methods
    mp = Module.Pattern()

    # The tag is a string that identifies a specific module for distributing jobs
    tag = 'm2'

    def __init__(self):
        # Call the constructor of the Module class. As arguments, it accepts the tag of the module that we are going
        # to initialize, and the instance of module needed to reach the jobs of the other modules.
        # Always put on top of the code
        super().__init__(instance=self, tag=self.tag)

        # Always make sure to call this method after each call to the Module class constructor.
        # Record the module pattern

        # Some variables of example
        self.count = 0

    def setup(self):
        The method decorated with @setup() will be executed only once when starting our module. It is used to configure our
        print(f'{self.tag}: setup')

    def on_incoming_data(self, job):
        The method decorated with @on_incoming_data() will be called when a new job is available in the queue. When
        we use this decorator, there must be an input job which is precisely the one obtained from the queue

        # Call this method to execute the job just obtained from the queue

    @mp.timer(name='timer', interval=8)
    def timer(self):
        The method decorated with @timer() is a subprocess which will be executed cyclically. There can be multiple timers in
        a module and each of them needs a name to distinguish one from the other and a time interval expressed in seconds
        print(f'{self.tag}[timer]: send job')
            Job(data={'x': 2}, goal=JobGoal.GOAL2, producer=self.tag, recipient='m1'))

  • Establish goal solvers for both modules. The method decorated with @solve() defines how the module should behave when a given job with the usual JobGoal passed as input to the decorator is executed by the run_job() method of the controller. The decorated method should, therefore, accept this job as an argument


def solve_goal1(self, job):
    print(f'{self.tag}: Received {} from {job.producer}')
    self.recevied_count =['x']


def solve_goal2(self, job):
    print(f'{self.tag}: Received {} from {job.producer}')

  • Finally, write the class of our MCU that will have to assign the jobs that the modules are sent. To do this we need two methods decorated with @on_receiver() and @assinging_job()
class MyMcu(Mcu):

    # The pattern object must always be present in our MCU because it stores our decorated methods
    mp = Mcu.Pattern()

    tag = 'mcu'

    def __init__(self):
        # Call to the constructor of the MCU class. As arguments, it accepts the name of the MCU that we are going
        # to initialize. Always put on top of the code
        super().__init__(instance=self, tag=self.tag)

        # Always make sure to call this method after each call to the MCU class constructor.
        # Record the MCU pattern

    def on_receiver(self, job):
        The method decorated with @on_receiver() as a receiver has as input the job sent by the sending module
        if job is None:

    def assigning_job(self, job):
        The method decorated with @assinging_job() is called when a job shows up in the queue. In a nutshell, this decorated
        method is used to distribute shared queue jobs to modules

        # Here the recipient module is obtained to which the job in question must be assigned
        module_recipient_result = self.controller.get_recipient_module(lambda module_recipient: module_recipient.tag == job.recipient)

        module_recipient_result.queue.put(job) if module_recipient_result else print(
            f'{self.tag}: the {} destination of the job {job.goal} is unreachable')

  • We have to register the modules in the MCU by calling the register_modules() method. To start the whole application call the method from the instance of MCU start(). Let's add the following content to the bottom of the code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    mcu = MyMcu()
    mcu.register_modules([Module1(), Module2()])
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