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[UNDER DEVELOPMENT] A userscript to hide blocked user and custom keyword/user list in Bahamut forum.


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UserScript Template

An out-of-the-box template simplifying userscript development with auto-rebuilds on file changes, seamless WebDAV integration for extension syncing, semantic commit-based versioning, and a robust CI/CD pipeline for automated releases.

Getting Started

1. Use this template to create a new repository

Click the Use this template > Create a new repository button to create a new repository based on this template.

2. Clone the repository

git clone <YOUR REPOSITORY URL>/userscript-template.git

3. Install dependencies with pnpm install

This project uses pnpm as package manager, you can install it by running:

npm install -g pnpm

or directly install it:

curl -fsSL | sh -

Then install dependencies by running:

pnpm install

4. Adjust script basic informations in package.json

This template will read informations in package.json to generate the script header, so you have to adjust the informations in package.json to fit your script.

The following fields are recommended to be filled first:

Field Required Description
name Yes The name of the script.
description Yes The description of the script. Yes The author of the script, fill your name there.
homepage No This will be the namespace and the homepage of the script.

The script will read the user-script-meta field in package.json as the base of the script header, then read above fields as an alternative value if empty. It will take the key as the header field name, and take the value as the header field value. So you can add any field you want to the user-script-meta field.

For more detail, you can see webpack.config.js.

The version here will be auto updated by semantic commit message when you pushes commits to main branch, by supporting of standard-version.

If you're not familiar with semantic commit message, you can see Conventional Commits for more detail.

5. Start the dev server with pnpm dev

pnpm dev

For more detail, you can see 1. Start the dev server.

6. Setup sync for script to your extension

You could follows any one step in Sync with extension.

7. Start developing!

All done! Open src/index.ts and start editing.


1. Start the dev server

To start a development WebDAV server and auto rebuild the script on file changes, run:

pnpm dev

There are some environment variables you can use to customize the dev server:

  • PORT: The port of fake WebDAV server, default is 9000.
  • HOST: The host of fake WebDAV server, default is
  • UUID: The uuid of the scipt. This will force the script to use this UUID instead of detected or generated one. If not set, it will be a default value "12345678-1234-1234-123456789012", and it will be auto updated by matching the title of the script with the name got from package.json when the extension sync.
  • DEBUG: Enable debug mode, default is false.

For example, if you want to change the port to 8080, you can run:

PORT=8080 pnpm dev

2. Build the script

pnpm build

The built script will be in dist folder.

Sync with extension

There are two way to setup the sync. To use the auto sync feature, you have to start the dev server first.

pnpm dev

You can see 5. Start the dev server with pnpm dev for more detail.

Way 1. Use @require to import script

Step 1-1. Add a loader script to your extension

This is the easiest way to sync the script with extension. You can add a loader script to your extension, then use @require to import the script.

e.g. Create a new script with the following content:

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Import script from url
// @description  A proxy script to import script from url
// @version      0.0.1
// @namespace    localhost
// @match        *://*/*
// @require      http://localhost:9000/bundle.user.js
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

Then the script will be loaded by this script. You may now browse the website and you'll find it works.

If you're using this way, you might have to check the script header.

Step 1-2. Clear the cached script in extension or set the cache time to 0

Note that if you use this way, the external script will be cached by the extension. You can either manually clear the cached script in extension or set the external script update time to always.

Manual clear the cached script in extension:

e.g. For Tampermonkey, you can go to Externals > Requires in script editor and click Delete button.

Set the external script update time to always:

e.g. For Tampermonkey, you can go to Settings > Externals in extension Settings and set Update Interval to Always.

Way 2. Sync with fake WebDAV by extension

Step 2-1. Install the script to extension

After you start the dev server, you can install the script to extension.

The console output should hint you the link to install the script like this:

WebDAV server is listening on
You can install current script from:

Or if this is the first time you start this dev server, you should be able to install the script from the link below:


Step 2-2. Setup WebDAV sync in extension

Then you can setup the WebDAV sync in extension.

For Tampermonkey, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Tampermonkey > Settings > General > Config Mode and set as Advanced.
  2. Fill URL in Userscript Sync with http://localhost:8080/.
  3. Check Enable Userscript Sync in Userscript Sync.
  4. Click Save.

Then you can click the "Run now" button to start sync.


How to get the script's UUID?

The script's UUID is generated by your extension when you install the script. So you have to install the script first, then you can find the UUID.

To find the UUID, you can click the script and open the built-in editor, then you'll see the UUID in the URL.

e.g. chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/options.html#nav=ac6c73b7-55ec-446e-884c-7cab2087278c+editor

For example above, ac6c73b7-55ec-446e-884c-7cab2087278c is the UUID.

Or you can then click the "Settings" tab, there will be a "UUID" field in "Details" section.


[UNDER DEVELOPMENT] A userscript to hide blocked user and custom keyword/user list in Bahamut forum.





