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Provide examples of how to use Rust to compile to Web Assembly

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The goal of this repo is to provide examples of how to use Rust to compile to Web Assembly.


I recently completed a hack-a-thon where my team made a Rust Javascript AST parser, which compiled to Web Assembly. I found several pieces of information on the web, but everything felt disconnected. This repo aims to bring together the information I learned so that others can compile to Web Assembly.

Getting Started

Assumptions: * You have a basic understand of Rust and Web Languages (HTML/JS) * You have Rust installed

Web Assembly Target

You'll need to add the Web Assembly target, so that Rust can compile to it. Run this command in your terminal:

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-emscripten

Emscripten SDK + tool chain

Next, you need to install the emscripten tool chain. You can either compile it from source, or install the portable. Download the portable version from:

Extract it some where, and execute source ./ against the included

This should cause emcc to become available to your terminal. Test this by reading the version string: emcc -v, if it doesn't appear, you may need to update your $PATH to include the path to the extracted emsdk.

Now we need install the toolchain.

Update the list of available binaries: emsdk update Install latest: emsdk install latest Activate latest: emsdk activate latest

If you don't want latest, or want to install a different version, first execute emsdk list to get a list of available binaries, then install the matching version.

Ready to compile


When compiling with EMSDK using rustc, you'll generate an example HTML file, and a Module Javascript file in addition to the WASM. The following example presumes you have a "hello world" rust file.

rustc --target=wasm32-unknown-emscripten -o hello.html


cargo build

Compiling using cargo build is a bit more complex. The following examples presumes you have a "hello world" cargo project, i.e, cargo new hello-world.

cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-emscripten

This will create a release with the WASM target. Unlike the rustc example, this will only generate the .wasm and .js file (amongst other cargo build files).

You'll need to create an HTML file which includes the generated script. Note: the generated JS file assumes the WASM is in the same directory as the JS file.

# index.html
		<script type="text/javascript" src="./hello-cargo.js"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript">
			Module.addOnInit(function () {
				console.log('Module ready!');

Executing methods in rust

Now lets do something meaningful, and execute a method defined in our rust application.

Lets say that you have a string, "One apon a time" and you want to replace "One" with "Once".

use std::os::raw::c_char;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::ffi::CString;

fn my_string_safe(i: *mut c_char) -> String {
  unsafe {

pub fn fix_story(in: *mut c_char) -> *mut c_char {
	let data = my_string_safe(in);
	let out = data.replace("one", "once");


rustflags = [
    "-Clink-args=-s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=['_fix_story'] -s ASSERTIONS=1",

<script type="text/javascript">
	Module.addOnInit(function () {
		var story = "One apon a time";
		// Execute `cwrap`(
		// This gives us a function that will store the string in memory, and pass that pointer to the binary
		// Parameters ('rust_fn_name', 'expected_return_type', ['parameter type'])
		var fix_story = Module.cwrap('fix_story', 'string', ['string']);
		console.log(fix_story(str)); // Once apon a time

So how does this work?

In rust, we declare that we expect a raw pointer defined as a c_char type. We use CStr to access that pointer, and convert it to a std::String. Finally, we use CString to convert the std::String back into a c_char pointer and return that back to Web Assembly. emscripten does the work (within cwrap) to capture the string from memory, and return it to the JS runtime (and ultimately console.log it).

How does Web Assembly know how to access fix_story ?

In the .cargo/config file we define a set of exported functions to the compiler via EXPORT_FUNCTIONS. Note: You must prepend the exported function with an underscore.


I've included several examples under the examples directory. Just cd into one, and run make to build the example.

Note: You will need a server to host the released files. I personally use serve which can be found over at


[x] Create string -> String example [x] Create number -> i32 example [ ] Create array -> vec example [ ] Create object -> struct example possible?


Provide examples of how to use Rust to compile to Web Assembly






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