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Jellyfish VSIX

Marc Rousavy edited this page Aug 22, 2018 · 3 revisions


The Jellyfish Visual Studio Extension (VSIX) provides easy to use project templates for creating an MVVM project using Jellyfish, aswell as item templates for creating Views or Windows using a backing ViewModel and Model.

The Visual Studio Extension can be downloaded on the Visual Studio Marketplace and works with Visual Studio 2017+.

Visual Studio Marketplace Badge

Jellyfish Project

You can create new MVVM Projects using Jellyfish by clicking File > New > Project and selecting the "Jellyfish MVVM Project" under the Category Visual C# > Jellyfish

New Project Screenshot

This will create a new WPF Project with an IInjector singleton instance (See Dependency Injection πŸ“–, an empty Preferences file (See Preferences πŸ“–), a View-Model Locator (See View-Model Locator πŸ“–) and a default Main Window including Model and ViewModel (See Models πŸ“– and View Models πŸ“–)

Project Structure Screenshot

Item Templates

Create new MVVM Views by right-clicking the Project, Add > New Item and selecting the "Jellyfish MVVM UserControl View" or "Jellyfish MVVM Window View" under the Category Visual C# > Jellyfish.

New MVVM View Screenshot

Enter a name this View can be described as without a "View", "Control" or "Window" suffix, for example: User

The VSIX will create a new folder for this View, and create the corresponding Model, ViewModel and View (Window or UserControl).

⚠️ Make sure to add the ViewModel to the ViewModelLocator, otherwise the View will not be able to set the DataContext (See View-Model Locator πŸ“–) ⚠️

The Source code for the Visual Studio Extension can be found under /vsix/.