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Java: Programming in the Small

About this Repository

This repo contains several programs that emphasize the basic building blocks of a Java program. Listed, the programs are:


This program draws a CheckerBoard utilizing the JavaFX toolkit for GUI programming. checkers.png

Compute Average

This program reads a sequence of positive integers input by the user, and it will print out the average of those integers.

Count Divisors

This program reads a positive integer from the user. It counts how many divisors that number has, and then it prints the result.

Length Converter

This program will convert measurements expressed in inches, feet, yards, or miles into each of the possible units of measure.

List Letters

This program lists all the letters contained in a string and also counts the number of different letters.

List Words in a String

A program that reads one line of input text and breaks it up into its individual words. The words are output one per line.

Most Divisors

This program finds an integer between 1 and 10000 that has the largest number of divisors.

Moving Rectangles

12 x 12 Multiplication Table

This program prints out a 12 by 12 multiplication table.

Print Square

A program that reads an integer typed in by the user and computes and returns the square of that integer

Random Circles

Roll the Die

This program simulates rolling a pair of dice. The number showing on each die is output as well as the total of the two dice rolls.

Sales Figures

Taking a file that contains information about sales figures for a company in various cities, this program computes and prints the total sales from all the cities together. It also reports the number of cities for which data was not available. We use the test file "sales.dat"

Simple Calculator

This program evaluates simple math expressions.

Simple Graphics Starter

Snake Eyes

This program simulates rolling a pair of dice until they come up snake eyes. It reports how many rolls were needed.

3N + 1

This program reads in a positive integer from the user and prints out the 3N+1 sequence starting from that integer.