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QuantumJson (In Beta)

QuantumJson is an attempt to create the fastest JSON parser for C++.

It is a parser generator, using a schema file. The result is type-safe and fast json parser for data of known schemas.

View Building section for instructions.


When talking to a JSON API, the JSON values are often in a well defined format. Parsing them using a generic JSON library can be an overkill for memory and CPU time, also it may make the code more verbose for type checking.

A reason generic JSON parsers are slower is they need to store object field names and value types.

All generic JSON parsers have an API similar to:

JsonValue v;
v.parse("{...input json...}")

// Runtime key lookup
// Returns a generic JsonValue or null or throws an exception.
field = v.get_field("status")

// To check if the input is the expected type

// Returns value, or throws an exception.
field.get_value< std::string >()

QuantumJson instead generates a header only library, having structs and parser code. The parser is able to directly parse into struct elements while validating the types.

With QuantumJson, the code would look like:

// A struct type defined in the schema file.
DataType1 v;

// Parses a valid json, ignores unknown fields, throws if defined fields
// have different types.
v.parse("{...input json...}")

// Accessing a field is same as accessing a struct member.

Therefore the code would not be cluttered with type checks, and performance will be better.


Such rationale allows QuantumJson to be faster. But for that, it can not do following:

  • Accessing fields by name.
  • Fields having multiple value types.
  • Lists of generic values (JSON lists are implemented via std::vector<T> and value types must be defined too.
  • ...

So if your task requires processing JSON values of unknown types, QuantumJson is not the right tool.

Schema Definition

Schema file uses a similar syntax to C++, and .json.hpp extension is used.

The file must be processed by jc tool to produce .gen.hpp file, which is a header only parser.

Following is a valid schema definition for StackOverflow API


struct BadgeCounts
	int bronze;
	int silver;
	int gold;

struct User
	BadgeCounts badge_counts;
	int account_id;
	bool is_employee;
	int last_modified_date;
	int last_access_date;
	int age;
	int reputation_change_year;
	int reputation_change_quarter;
	int reputation_change_month;
	int reputation_change_week;
	int reputation_change_day;
	int reputation;
	int creation_date;
	string user_type;
	int user_id;
	int accept_rate;
	string location;
	string website_url;
	string link;
	string profile_image;
	string display_name;

struct UsersResult
	vector<User> items;
	bool has_more;
	int quota_max;
	int quota_remaining;

And it can be used in your C++ program as follows:


#include "StackOverflow.gen.hpp"

UsersResult res = QuantumJson::Parse( json_string );

// Access as usuals since it is a regular C++ struct
for ( const auto &user : res.items )
    std::cout << user.user_id << " " << user.badge_counts.bronze << "\n";

Native Types

Native types that are already defined are:

  • bool
  • double
  • int
  • string
  • vector ( JSON list )


Building QuantimJson requires ninja build system and python3 installed.

./ configure

Running tests:

./ run-tests

Running benchmarks:

./ run-benchmarks


To generate parser for the schema file, use following command. Generated parser is header-only.

jc --in Foo.json.hpp --out Foo.gen.hpp


The MIT License. See COPYING file.