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Hotstrings application

Written in AutoHotkey script language, application Hotstrings has many useful features:

  • quick text replacement aka hotstrings; short alphanumeric strings (aka triggerstrings) are used to automatically replace long alphanumeric strings (aka hotstrings);

  • defined hotstrings are operating system wide; it means that can be triggered in any text / edit window, in any application; runs on Microsoft Windows family operating systems;

  • GUI (Graphical User Interface); for easy definition and/or edition of hotstrings;

  • clipboard ready; useful especially for long text strings, as it enables entering the long hotstring in a blink of an eye;

  • one triggering abbreviation can call several different text strings of your choice; chosen from menu;

  • overview of existing hotstrings with search capabilities;

  • definitions of hotstrings are stored in .csv files, as many, as you like; each file can contain hotstring belonging to specific category, e.g. emojis, physical symbols, first and second names etc.;

  • undoing of hotstrings; conversion of last entered hotstring again into triggering abbreviation;

  • written in AutoHotkey script language but does not require this language interpreter to be installed and can be run standalone thanks to .exe file; nevertheless installation of AutoHotkey is greatly adviced).

Table of content

  1. FAQ: Introduction to hotstrings

  1.1. What are the hotstrings?

  1.2. How the Hotstrings application work?

  1.3. Why somobody may want to use hotstrings?

  1.4. Why somebody may want to use Hotstrings application?

  1.5. How to reset the hotstring recognizer?

  1. Installation of Hotstrings application

  2. The first run of Hotstrings application

  3. Main window of Hotstrings application

  4.1. Menu

    4.1.1. Configure Undo last hotstring Triggerstring tips Save window position Launch Sandbox Toggle EndChars

    4.1.2. Search Hotstrings

    4.1.3. About / Help

  4.2. Definition or edition of (triggerstring, hotstring)

    4.2.1. Enter triggerstring

    4.2.2. Select trigger option(s) Default (no trigger option selected) Immediate Execute (asterisk) No Backspace (B0) No End Char (O) Case Sensitive (C) Inside Word (question mark) Disable

    4.2.3. Select hotstring output method SendInput (SI) Clipboard (CL) Menu and SendInput (MSI) Menu and Clipboard (MCL)

    4.2.4. Enter hotstring

    4.2.5. Add a comment

    4.2.6. Select hotstring library

    4.2.7. Buttons

  4.3. Library content

  4.4. Shortcuts

  1. Libraries

  5.1. PriorityLibrary.csv

  5.2. Abbreviations.csv

  5.3. AccentsDiacritics.csv

  5.4. Autocorrect.csv

  5.5. CapitalLetters.csv

  5.6. EmojiHotstrings.csv

  5.7. PhysicsHotstrings.csv

  5.8. TimeHotstrings.csv

  5.9. Format of libraries

  5.10. Import of libraries

  5.11. Export of libraries

  5.12. Enable or disable triggerstring tips

  5.13. Loaded hotstrings counter

  1. Localization

  2. Command line options

  7.1. Light mode

  7.2. Debug mode

  1. Other remarks

  8.1. Order of loading AutoHotkey scripts matter

  8.2. Autostart of Hotstrings application

  8.3. Not always applying clipboard output function is a good idea

  8.4. Overlapping triggerstrings

  1. Credits

  9.1. Tools used to prepare this documentation

  1. ToDo List

(Frequently Asked Questions) about Hotstrings application and notion of hotstrings.

How automatic text conversion works:

╔════════════╗    ╔══════════════════╗
║ user input ║ →  ║ automatic output ║ 
╚════════════╝    ╚══════════════════╝


╔════════════╗    ╔═══════════════════╗
║ btw[space] ║ →  ║ by the way[space] ║ 
╚════════════╝    ╚═══════════════════╝
user input conversion options conversion trigger automatic output
(what you type) (defined for specific triggerstring + hotstring) (automatic recognition of triggerstring) (what you get)
btw[space] (empty = wait for ordinary ending character, e.g. [space] or [.] or [,] etc.) [space] by the way[space]
triggerstring (conversion) options → hotstring
alphanumeric string alphanumeric string → alphanumeric string
Wording convention: usually the corresponding notions (option(s), triggestring, hotstring) are also called as hotstring. So hotstring is in fact single definition of text conversion.

To take place pairs of text strings (user input and automatic output) must be defined together with conversion rule(s), called options:

definition (input, option(s), output) or for short: input, option(s), output.

So you need to define set of definitions, e.g.

input1, option(s)1, output1
input2, option(s)2, output2
input3, option(s)3, output3
input4, option(s)4, output4

store it according to given syntax and
 run Hotstrings application. Since this moment each time you'll type any set of characters (input) recognized as one of previously defined it will be automatically converted into corresponding output. Or, what I personally prefer: each time you'll type any of your triggerstrings, it can be triggered (converted) into corresponding hotstring.

In short

The Hotstrings application:

  • keeps in memory definitions of hotstrings defined by user: (triggerstring, (trigger) option(s), hotstring)


  • applies the hotstring recognizer to input stream of keyboard pressed keys, searching for the triggestring according to rules defined in option(s).

If the triggestring is recognized (user pressed appropriate sequence of keys) and it fits to option(s):

  • the hostring is issued,
  • the hotstring recognizer is reset.

The concept and usage of hotstrings is based and compatible to AutoHotkey hotstring notion.

In long

Please carefully analyse the Pic. 1. From the bottom up:

  1. User sits in the front of input and output devices. Let's assume for this moment that input device is just a keyboard and output device is just a computer monitor.

  2. The input / output devices are connected to computer which contains:

    i. operating system (set or universe of various applications), ii. applications (set or universe of various applications).

  3. We pay special attention to:

    i. operating system: Input Buffer. ii. applications: Hotstrings and Microsoft Word.

The operating system exchange information with input device, character by character. Let's observe, what is going on (1-5 on the picture):

  1. Input: user presses a key of keyboard. This key is send from input device to Input Buffer.
  2. Hotkeys applications picks up information about new information in Input Buffer. It examines current content of the buffer with hotstring recognizer.
  3. If hotstring recognizer recognizes one of the triggerstrings and conditions to trigger are met (determined by option(s)), the content of Input Buffer is altered accordingly (e.g. some characters are deleted, some are inserted).
  4. Other applications, like Microsoft Word, get information from operating system and display / react to altered input accordingly.
  5. Next Microsoft Word do some operations if required and output is send to Output (e.g. computer monitor).
                  |                                                                                 |
                  |                                                                                 |
                  |                                                                                 |
 (UNIVERSE OF)    |                                                        +------------------+     |
 APPLICATIONS     |                                                        |                  |     |
                  |                                                        |    Microsoft Word|     |
                  |+--------------------------+                            |                  |     |
                  || Hotstrings               |                            +----^-------|-----+     |
                  ||                          |                                 |       |           |
                  ||                          |                                 |       |           |
                  ||                          |                                 |       |           |
                  |+----------^------|--------+                                 |       |           |
                  |           |      |                                          |       |           |
                  |           |      |                                          |       |           |
                  |           |      |                                          |       |           |
                  |        2  |      | 3                                        |       |           |
 (UNIVERSE OF)    |           |      |                                          |       |           |
 OPERATING SYSTEM |           |      |                                          |       |    5      |
                  |       +---|------v---+                   4                  |       |           |
                  |       | Input Buffer ---------------------------------------|       |           |
                  |       +--------------+                                              |           |
                  |               ^                                                     |           |
                  |               |                                                     |           |
                  |               |                                                     |           |
                                  |                                                     |            
                                  |                                                     |            
                                1 |                                                     |            
                                  |                                                     |            
                                  |                                                     |            
                  +---------------|---------------+                         +-----------v-----------+
                  |    INPUT                      |                         |  OUTPUT               |
                  |    e.g.                       |                         |  e.g.                 |
                  |    KEYBOARD                   |                         |  MONITOR              |
                  |                               |                         |                       |
                  |    character by character     |                         |                       |
                  |                               |                         |                       |
                  +-------------------------------+                         +-----------------------+
                                                            |     |                                  
                                                            |     |                                  
                                                        -\  +--|--+                                  
                                                          -\   |                                     
                                                            -\ |   /---                              
                                                THE USER      -----                                  
                                                             -/  \---                                
                                                           -/        \-                              
Picture 1. Long story about Hotstrings application.

Because they can significantly make life easier and... longer? Please see below just few supporting arguments.

  • The triggestring can be short. Opposite to that the hotstring can be long in comparison to triggestring. As a consequence one can save some time when uses hotstrings.


triggerstring hotstring
title1 This is very long title of technical document with lots of numeric data which are hard to remember EN 982182 : 12 and is referenced in a few places in your newly edited document

  • The triggerstring can be used to trigger special symbols / letters / emoji, which are not present on a keyboard. Then it can happen that the triggerstring could be longer than actual hotstring.


triggerstring hotstring
elephant/ 🐘

  • To correct / auto correct spelling of words or enter unique letters.


triggerstring hotstring
email e-mail

  • Nowadays we still frequently use keyboard as input device to so called personal computer. This computer is not so "personal" as you can't easily define system wide (working in any application) triggering your personal hotstrings.


triggerstring hotstring
fs@ [email protected]

So let's make your PC really personal (again). Now with use of hotstrings and Hotstring application.

Because it doesn't require much knowledege and text editing to run your own hotstrings. Hotstrings application can be run even without installation (e.g. from USB pendrive, run Hotstrings.exe). Thanks to GUI (Graphical User Interface) you will master defining and applying of your own hotstrings in a blink of an eye 😉.

The alternative, traditional way, is based on text file edition, when hotstrings are prepared in AutoHotkey script (text file with .ahk extension), keeping attention to syntax of AutoHotkey syntax. Definitely this is at most flexible way, but do we need that to define auto-replace hotstrings?

  • pressing of some keys immediately resets the hotstring recognizer, e.g.: <→>, <←>, <↑>, <↓>, <PageUp>, <PageDown>, <Home>, <End>;
  • entering the EndChar;
  • switching to another window;
  • any click of any mouse button.

The Hotstrings application can be downloaded from Github (Hotstrings). The project structure:

Level one Level two Comment
Libraries Folder
|------ Abbreviations.csv Examply library file
|------ CapitalLetters.csv Examply library file
|------ EmojiHotstrings.csv Examply library file
|------ PhysicsHotstrings.csv Examply library file
|------ TimeHotstrings.csv Examply library file
Config.ini ─ Configuration file
Hotstrings.ahk ─ AutoHotkey script file
Hotstrings.exe ─ (Microsoft) Windows executable file
LICENSE ─ GNU GPL ver. 3 license file

Hint. At the moment it's mandatory to run the Hotstrings application to keep above structure. It means there must be created the Libraries folder and Config.ini file must be present just aside the Hotstrings executable or .ahk file.

Hint. One can run Hotstrings application without installation of AutoHotkey environment. In that case just run Hotstrings.exe. Nevertheless installation of AutoHotkey environment is recommended.

In order to run the Hotstrings application after downloading of all the files just mark the Hotstrings.ahk file or Hostrings.exe file in your favorite file browser and hit . Nothing special should happen as Hotstrings application starts in minimized form. The only visible occurrence is default icon visible in System Tray. (You can access the System Tray with your keyboard by pressing # + B shortcut and preƛing ):

Example of system tray

Now Hotstrings application runs in its default mode: running mode. All the (triggerstring, hotstring) pairs are activated, operating system wide. So no matter in which text window is currently active pointer, one can already benefit from loaded (if any) libraries of hostrings. Enjoy!

The second mode of operation requires GUI (Graphical User Interface) window, because then one can define new hotstrings or edit existing. When GUI window is active still all the (triggerstring, hotstring) pairs are ative, just GUI window is additionally available.

Let's define the first hotstring

Our primary goal: we would like to define our first pair of (triggerstrin, hotstring). The triggerstring btw with the hotstring by the way, just for the sake of example: (btw, by the way).

In order to start the GUI of Hotstrings application just double click on the Hotstrings icon (capital letter H as Hotstrings on green background) in system tray:

Example of system tray

or... use hotkey Ctrl + # + h (Control + Windows modifier key + h).

Next you'll see main GUI (Graphical User Interface) window which enable you to edit hotstrings:

Main window

At first please observe the main window again. In order to define any hotstring one have to follow top down the screen (in blue):

Defining of hotstring

1. Enter triggerstring.
2. Select trigger option(s).
3. Select hotstring output function.
4. Enter hotstring.
5. Select hotstring library.
6. Add optional comment.
7. Set the hotstring.

We will start by defining of by the way hotsring with plain btw triggerstring and no options.

1. Enter triggestring

Let's input in this text edit field triggerstring text:


Enter triggerstring, example

2. Select trigger option(s)

Default trigger option

By default no option is set (option string is empty). Then after triggerstring is entered, additionally one trigger (endchar) have to be entered by user in order to trigger the hotstring.

The trigger key is defined as one of the following endcharkeys: -()[]{}':;"/,.?!`n☐`t (note that `n is Enter, `t is Tab, and there is a plain space between `n and `t marked as ☐ according to our convention).

Let's leave no option set and continue to the next step.

3. Select hotstring output function

Select hotstring output function

Select one and only one option from this list. By default SendInput (SI) is set. It means that the hotstring will be output by AutoHotkey SendInput function, without menu and not by Clipboard. More about output functions later on.

Let's leave it as it is.

4. Enter hotstring

Let's input our first hotstring:

by the way

Enter hotstring, example

5. Select hotstring library

This list contains all and only .csv files from withing folder ..\Hotstrings\Libraries. One can have as many libraries (.csv) files as necessary.

Let's select the AutocorrectionHotstring.csv for sake of example. The new defined (triggersring, hotstring) pair will be added to this particular file.

Select hotstring library

6. Add a comment

This step is optional. User can add additional comment to new defined hotstring. It can be ueful in some situations, e.g. if some definitions are very similar to each other. For sake of this example let's leave this edit field empty.

Add a comment

7. Set the hotstring

Select / click the Set hostring button. The function and meaning of two others is hopefully quite obvious. It will be explained in details later on.

Set the hotstring


You've defined your first hotstring. Have a look now into the left part of the main screen, into the Library content. Find there your newly defined hotstring:

Library content

Animated Gif1

Now let's dive into more detailed description of available functions

Main window

The purpose of this window is enabling hotstring definition and/or edition.

It can be divided into the following parts:

1. Menu.
2. Hotstring definition or edition.
3. Display of existing hotstrings: library content.
4. Shortcuts.

Main window parts

Main menu

Available menu positions:

  • Configure
  • Search Hotstrings
  • Clipboard Delay
  • About / Help

In order to access menu by keyboard just press the left Alt key or F10 key.

Menu: configure

The state of Configure menu is reflected in Config.ini file.

Available options:

This option can be toggled (on or off).

If it is on: when hotstring is triggered, user can undo it just after, by pressing usual shortcuts: Ctrl + z or Ctrl + Backspace. When shortcut is used, the hotstring is removed with triggestring: hotstring ← triggestring.

If it is off: when hotstring is triggered, reaction to shortcuts Ctrl + z or Ctrl + Backspace is application dependant. The Hotstrings application do not interfere.


It can be useful in numerous situations, e.g. if hotstring is very similar or identical to another word. Example: word 'can' and abbreviation 'CAN' (Controller Area Network).

This option can interfere with inbuild undo function in some application. It is known to be a problem in Inkscape application.

Caution: In some applications the same hotkeys are used for undoing the last action. Then the overall result sometimes is unpredictable or unwanted. In case of some trouble use undoing hotstring several times in a raw.

This option can be toggled (on or off).

If it is on: when user is typing and some triggestrings are common to the actual string entered by user, additional list of available triggestrings is displayed at the tip of a cursor. Thanks to that user may consciously finish any of the available triggestrings in order to trigger on purpose any hotstring.

If it is off: no additional list of available triggerstrings is displayed.

Example: after entering


one can get:

Menu: triggerstring tip


If this function is enabled, it helps to remember available triggestrings.

It starts to work after the second letter is entered.

This function is activated immediately after menu position is chosen. It saves current position of Hotstrings window. So when next time user will call for Hotstrings window (e.g. by double click over Hotstrings icon in system tray or pressing Ctrl + # + h shortcut), it will open in the last saved position (on the same screen).

This option can be toggled (on or off). The Sanbox stands for "safe place to play with a tool(s); the playground".

If it is on: the Hotstrings window is extended below the buttons, left column, with small editing window called Sandbox where user can check how actually pairs (triggerstring, hotstring) work in practice.

If it is off: the Hotstrings window isn't extended anymore with Sandbox text editign window.

Example: Sanbox enabled.

Menu: Launch Sandbox


Sometimes it can be helpful to check if new defined hotstring actually work as expected. In order to check it one should find any text editing window, e.g. open text editor. The Sandbox helps to spare some time in such situation.

This option let user to toggle each of the EndChars individually.

Menu: Toggle EndChars


Let's imagine user input string, so stream of keyboard pressed keys:

Example☐of☐the☐sentence☐where☐user☐would☐like☐to☐exchange☐triggerstring☐e@☐with☐his☐e-mail:☐[email protected]

The hostring recognizer observes input stream which contains besides letters also other categories of characters: digits, punctuation characters, blank characters, special characters etc. Some of them belong to special group called end character or endchar for short. The characters belonging to the endchar group has the following purposes, helping to hotstring recognizer:

  1. recognize when triggestring begins,
  2. recognize when triggerstring ends,
  3. reset itself.

Maybe endchar is not the right therm and better would be stopchar or trigger separator? For compatibility with official documentation of AutoHotkey the term endchar is kept in this manual.

By default triggerstring begins after a character belonging to endchar but with special trigger option called Inside Word (?) it can trigger triggerstring even between endchar, e.g. witin a word. It's done on purpose that endchar by default containts the following set of characters:


(note that `n is Enter, `t is Tab, and there is a plain space between `n and `t marked as ☐).

These characters are usually used to separate words or sentences. So often hotstring recognizer starts to recognize if triggestring is there, word by word and resets after each endchar.

User of Hotstrings application can change this default behavior thanks to configuration of endchar.

Enable searching of hotstring among all available libraries. New window is opened.

Menu: Search Hotstrings


In order to quickly close this window it is enough to press key.

All .csv files (library files) are searched. This option is helpful e.g. to find duplicates of hotstrings.

This window is helpful for finding duplicates of hotstrings. After some time or in particular if the same set of libraries is used by group of users, it can be the case that some of the triggerstrings are duplicated. Then is is nice to have option to find them and... move them along the existing libraries.

In order to move library in this window is available Move button.

In order to delete duplicated (triggerstring, hotstring) definition one can mark it, next close the Search Hotstrings window and then choose the Delete hotstring button.

Enable change of the delay between copying of the hotstring from clipboard to specific text window from which it was triggered. By default equal to 200 ms. The maximum value is equal to 500 ms (0.5 s).

The separate window is opened for that purpose:

Menu: Clipboard Delay

Tip: Sometimes when long hotstrings are triggered and clipboard is applied to immediately enter it, strange behaviour can occurre. Instead of expected hotstring the previous content of clipboard may appear. The reason is that operating system can not gurantee the time to insert the content of clipboard into specific window / editing field. In order to support operating system, enlarge the delay. The shorter the delay than better, but if too short, mentioned behaviour can be observed.

About / Help

Hotstrings.ahk (script). Let's make your PC personal again....

Displays the following text:

Enables convenient definition and use of hotstrings (triggered by shortcuts longer text strings). This is 3rd edition of this application, 2020 by Jakub Masiak and Maciej SƂojewski (🐘). License: GNU GPL ver. 3. Source code. Maciej's homepage.


Application help: link to this file.

Genuine hotstrings AutoHotkey documentation: link to hotstring documentation.

This time all 7 steps discussed in details, with examples and comments.

The text edit field used to define the triggerstring.

Enter triggerstring

In general the shorter triggerstring then the better. The triggerstring can be at most 40 characters long. This edit field works as any other ordinary window edit field, so it doesn't support e.g. text block operations.

The Hotstrings application doesn't have protection agains duplicate (triggerstring, hotstring) pairs: user can accidently duplicate them, adding the same definition to different libraries. Therefore its worth to search prior to adding new definition if it doesn't exist already.

Trigger options controls how hotstring recognizer works. All these options can be used concurrently. For clarity in the following descriptions each of them is described separatedly.

Select trigger option(s)

Tab. 1. Trigger options compatibility between AutoHotkey hotstring and Hotstrings app.

Option full name Option short name AutoHotkey Hotstrings application Comment
No option (default) X X GUI
Immediate Execute * X X GUI
Inside Word ? X X GUI
No Backspace B0 X X GUI
Case Sensitive C X X GUI
No Endchar O X X GUI
Execute X X not implemented
Reset Recognizer Z X not implemented
Disable En/Dis X GUI


  • GUI (Graphical User Interface) means that specified option is directly available in the GUI of this application.

Tab. 2. Comparison of implemented option(s) valid for trigger recognizer.

option full name option shortname previous endchar required? triggestring erased? separate trigger? trigger erased? triggerstring case sensitive?
No option (default) yes yes yes no no
Immediate Execute * yes yes no n.a. no
Inside Word ? no yes yes no no
No Backspace B0 yes no yes no no
Case Sensitive C yes yes yes no yes
No End Char O yes yes yes yes no


Please note that there are just 5 trigger conditions which represent answers to the following questions:

  1. Is previous endchar required?

    If answer to this question is positive (yes), then the hotstring recognizer starts its work only just after the last endchar or reset. Another words it's only able to recognize the triggerstring if it starts new phrase or word.

    If answer to this question is negative (no), then the hotstring recognizer starts its work just after the last endchar or reset, but is able to determine presence of triggerstring even in a middle of a phrase or word.

    By default only one option (?) let you search for triggerstring within the words.

  2. Is the triggerstring erased after the hotstring?

    If answer to this question is positive (yes), then after trigger condition is met the triggerstring is erased before hotstring is output.

    If answer to this question is negative (no), the after trigger condition is met the triggerstring is not erased before hotstring is output.

    By default only the option (B0) let you not erase the triggerstring before hotstring is output.

  3. Is the trigger character separated from triggerstring?

    If answer to this question is positive (yes), then after the triggerstring the endchar is required to output the hotstring.

    If answer to this question is negative (no), then trigger is the last character of triggerstring. Another words the endchar is not required after the triggerstring to output the hotstring.

    By default only the option (*) let you use the last character of triggerstring as a trigger.

  4. Is the trigger character erased after the trigger conditions are met?

    If answer to this question is positive (yes), then the trigger (endchar) is erased when triggering condition is met.

    If answer to this question is negative (no), then the trigger (endchar) is not erased when triggering condition is met.

    By default only the option (O) erases the trigger(endchar) when triggering conditions are met.

    The abbreviation n.a. in this column means not applicable, as for option (*) there is no trigger character.

  5. Is the triggerstring case sensitive?

    If answer to this question is positive (yes), then the triggerstring is case sensitive.

    If answer to this question is negative (no), then the triggerstring isn't case sensitive.

    By default only the option (C) let the triggerstring to be case sensitive.

Example, no options

triggerstring hotstring option(s)
btw by the way

Example, execution Comment: cursor position is shown as |.

input string previous endchar triggerstring trigger (endchar) replaced by hotstring trigger (endchar)
Something,☐something ☐ btw ☐ by☐the☐way ☐|


Example, immediate execute

triggerstring hotstring option(s)
btw/ by the way *

The option (*) is called immediate execute because entering of the last character of triggerstring immediately executes exchange of the triggerstring with the hotstring. Cursor position is shown as |.

Example, execution

input string previous endchar triggerstring trigger replaced by hotstring trigger
Something,☐something ☐ btw/ by☐the☐way|

Something,☐something☐btw/ by☐the☐way|

Example, no Backspace

triggerstring hotstring option(s)
btw by the way B0

The triggerstring is not removed. The hotstring is placed just after the trigger (endchar). Cursor position is shown as |.

Example, execution

input string previous endchar triggerstring trigger (endchar) added hotstring
Something,☐something ☐ btw . by☐the☐way|


Example of useful B0 hotstring

Example, useful B0

triggerstring hotstring option(s)
<em> </em>{left☐5} B0*

The B0 option is useful for example to define HTML tags. In the following example the sequence {left☐5} is used to move to the left (back) cursor (shown as |) after he sequence is entered. So now the cursor is in a feasible place.

input string previous endchar triggerstring trigger added hotstring
Something,☐something ☐ <em> |</em>


Example No EndChar

triggerstring hotstring option(s)
btw by the way O

The trigger (endchar) is removed. Cursor position is shown as |.

Example, execution

input string previous endchar triggerstring trigger replaced by hotstring
Something,☐something ☐ btw ☐ by the way|


Example Case Sensitive

triggerstring hotstring option(s)
Btw by the way C

Similar to default option, but this time the triggerstring is case sensitive. Cursor position is shown as |.

Example, execution

input string previous endchar triggerstring trigger replaced by hotstring
Something,☐something ☐ Btw ☐ by the way☐|


Example, Inside Word

Similar to default option, but this time endchar directly before the triggerstring is not required.

triggerstring hotstring option(s)
btw by the way ?

Example, execution

input string previous endchar triggerstring trigger replaced by hotstring
Something,☐something btw ☐ by the way☐|


Disable example

The hotstring definition is left in library file (.csv) in the same state as on time of last edition, but is disabled (switched off). So hotstring recognizer does not detects it anymore.

The opposite action can take place upon user action: if user will edit definition of particular hotstring and uncheck the tick disable, then hotstring becomes active again. Next time when corresponding triggerstring will occurre in input stream, the hotstring recognizer will trigger corresponding hotstring according to previously defined option(s).

Tab. 3. Output method compatibility between AutoHotkey hotstring and Hotstrings app.

Option full name Option short name AutoHotkey Hotstrings application Comment
Raw output R X Not implemented
SendInput SI X X GUI
SendPlay SP X Not implemented
SendEvent SE X Not implemented
Text raw T X Not implemented
Clipboard CL X GUI
Menu & SendInput MSI X GUI
Menu & Clipboard MCL X GUI

Only one ouput method is valid at a time for particular hotstring.

The default output function, common with AutoHotkey SendInput. The hotstring is send character by character. It goes very fast, but if hotstring is long, is noticable for user. Therefore if long hotstring have to be send, one can consider Clipboard (CL) output function.

The hotstring is copied to clipboard (part of memory, managed by operating system) and then pasted from clipboard to specific application, as requested by user. Thanks to that it is possible to enter even very long hotstrings "at once", in a blink of an eye.

The downside of this method is that in Microsoft Windows operating system time required to paste content of clipboard is neither specified nor guaranteed. The Hotstrings application enable change of this time by menu: Configure → Clipboard Delay. Also check description above.

Sometimes it is the case that one triggerstring is valid for several hotstrings.


Triggerstring Hotstring
bom/ Bill of Materials
bom/ Byte Order Mark

This output function enable convenient solution. Let's check how that particular hotstring definition looks like:

Hotstring Menu Example

The Hotstrings application enable up to 7 different hotstrings to be triggered by one triggerstring. The function Menu & SendInput (MSI) outputs all hotstring by the SendInput (character by character). The first definition from the list is the default one.

When user enters the triggerstring associated with several hotstrings, the following menu opens on a screen close to the mouse pointer:

Output function: menu

The default hotstring is the first one from the top. To enter it just press . To enter any other hotstring use keys <↑> <↓> and press . Clicking by mouse is not supported. In order to cancel (undo), just press key.

Tip. In some languages (e.g. German, Polish) form of a noun changes depending on grammar rules called declension. The menu option is in particular helpful to keep correct form of a nouns for first and second names.

As above, with one exception: the hotstrings are output by clipboard, with all the consequences as described for Clipboard (CL) output function.

Enter hotstring

The edit text field used to display / edit the hotstring. The single hotstring can be up to 5000 characters long.

When Hotstrings application GUI window is available (no matter in mimized state or not) and you press + shortcut (copy), then copied content is automatically pasted to this field.

If hotstring output function is set to function SendInput (SI) (or Menu & SendInput (MSI)) , then ss a consequence special characters such as {Enter} or {+} are supported. See key names for complete list.

In particular Unicode characters (e.g. emojis) can be entered both ways: explicite (e.g. 🐘) or as hexadecimal Unicode character: {U+1F418}.

Tip: Advice: for Unicode characters it is good to keep double representation, when defining hotstring: if you choose explicite Unicode character as hotstring, add its hexadecimal version to comment section of the definition and other way around: if you choose hexadecimal form, add explicite version to comment section. This way you will never loose track of your special characters.

If hotstring output function is set to function Clipboard (CL) (or Menu & Clipboard (MCL)), then hotstring, including special characters is send raw, e.g. {Enter} is send with opening and closing curly bracket.

Add a comment

Optional (not mandatory) part of (triggerstring, hotstring) definition. Added to library (.csv) files and also displayed in Library content and Search window as the last column to the right.

Tip. Can be useful in some circumstances, for example to add a source of a hotstring definition in form of URL (a link).


List of text files with extenstion .csv available in ../Libraries folder of Hotstrings application.

Together with Hotstrings application just few files are delivered. These files can be seen as set of good practices or examples in order to aid user with management of newly created (triggerstring, hotstring) pairs.

The .csv files are chosen from Hotstring library drop-down list.

There is no limitation for number of .csv files stored within ../Libraries folder. All hotstrings are uploaded on time of (re)start of Hotstrings application.

If user would like to create new .csv file, the Add library button should be pressed. Next name of the new .csv file have to be specified. The newly created file will be located within ../Libraries folder.

Tip. Try to store (triggerstring, hotstring) which are somehow related to each other in separate .csv files. The files shouldn't be too long, because searching / management of them can be cumbersome at certain point.


Set hotstring: sets configuration for (triggerstring, hotstring) pair. Also if (triggerstring, hotstring) pair is edited (changed) in any way, this button have to pressed in order to apply the change. Whenever this button is pressed, also corresponding library file (.csv) is updated.

Clear: when pressed, all configuration fields of (triggerstring, hotstring) pair are cleared except of hotstring library, which will be still preselected.

Delete hotstring: deletes selected in the right part of the screen (table: Library content) pair of (triggerstring, hotstring). The pair is permanently deleted, so prior to that user have to confirm her/his decision. Next, if decision is positive, the Hotstrings application restarts.

Comment: Restart is required as a selected (triggerstring, hotstring) pair is removed from library file (.csv). In order to just switch off (e.g. temporarily) any selected pair (triggerstring, hotstring), use Disable setting in Select trigger option(s) section.

Library content

Right part of the Hotstrings window in form of a table. It can be reached e.g. by pressing shortcut. Next user can move down / up over this list with keys <↑> and <↓>. Each time user selects row of this table, the next definition of (triggerstring, hotstring) is ready to be edited.

These are permanently visible keyboard shortcuts.

The following keyboard shortcuts are active only if Hotstrings application window is active:

Keyboard shortcut / Function Description
F1 About/Help see About / Help
F2 Library content see Library content
F3 Search hotstrings see Search Hotstrings
F5 Clear see Buttons
F7 Delay see Clipboard Delay
F8 Delete hotstring see Buttons
F9 Set hotstring see Buttons

The following keyboard shortcuts are active only if Search Hotstrings application window is active:

Keyboard shortcut / Function Description
F3 Close Search hotstrings see Search Hotstrings
F8 Move hotstring see Search Hotstrings

Library is just a collection of (triggerstring, hotstring) definitions, saved for future use in form of a file.

If Hotstrings application can be compared to a car, then library is a fuel to this car.

By default Hotstrings application is delivered with few example libraries, listed in the following chpaters. Anytime user applies changes to existing definitions or adds new, result of her/his work is saved in any of the chosen libraries.

The Hotstrings application can be downloaded with just few examples of libraries. All libraries stored in /Libraries folder are uploaded in alphabetical order, when application starts.

Among all libraries one plays spcific role. The Hotstrings application recognizes library name PriorityLibrary.csv. That library is uploaded as the last one in the order. See description of this library for further details.


  • The Hotstrings application is just the tool which makes management of big collections of (triggerstring, hotstring) easier. It means that it could be more useful to keep big files in form of static, native libraries (.ahk) whereas some other, which are frequently changed, in format of Hotstrings (.csv). Remove unwanted / not used libraries from folder /Libraries to any other folder.

  • Editing of files / properties of (triggerstring, hotstring) is easier with Hotstring application then ever before. You don't have to manually edit .ahk files anymore, instead of that use full power of Hotstrings GUI.

  • It is advised to group definitions (triggerstring, hotstring) in dedicated files, and not to keep them all in one file. Maybe at the beginning it looks tempting, but in fact, from long time perspective, is a mistake.

  • Reminder: one can move single definitionsbetween libraries. Look into description of Move function, Search GUI window.

  • If user of Windows 10 have enabled notifications & actions for AutoHotkey scripts (Settings → System → Notifications & actions → Get notifications from these senders → AutoHotkey Unicode) then the TrayTip will occure on time of startup, when the first library is uploaded. And when the last library definition is uploaded, the corresponding TrayTip is displayed. When big in volume libraries are uploaded (~tousands of libraries), it could take several seconds to be accomplished.

TrayTip start

TrayTip finish

This library contains collection of (triggerstring, hotstring) definitions which are uploaded as the last in order. Another words, all the library files (.csv) are uploaded from /Library subfolder in alphabetical order, but then the PriorityLibrary.csv is uploaded as the last one. Thanks to that the definitions from that library "cover" any other existing definition.


  • This feature can be helpful if library files are centrally stored, e.g. in version control system of any kind (e.g. Git, SVN, Sharepoint etc.) and automatically managed and uploaded on start-up of your PC, what in your work environment can be a routine administered beyond your control. Nevertheless you don't like some specific definitions. Then you can rule them out thanks to this library: define your own definition of the same triggerstring with different hotstring, e.g. void.

This library contains a stub collection of frequently used abbreviations (e.g. ASCII) and corresponding expansion of abbreviations (e.g. American Standard Code for Information Interchange). Triggerstrings of almost all abbreviations are defined without triggerstring options, but they can be entered without pressing key, just with small letters and then will be automatically capitalized. It speeds up a lot process of text entering, as capital letter in fact requires two key presses instead of just one.

The convention used in this library:

  • to get existing abbreviation in capital letters, just enter it and add EndChar, e.g. <Spacebar>: ascii☐,
  • to get expansion of existing abbreviation just enter it and add </> at the very end: *ascii/ *
input string previous endchar triggerstring trigger replaced by hotstring
Something,☐something ascii ☐ ASCII☐


input string previous endchar triggerstring trigger replaced by hotstring
Something,☐something ascii / American Standard Code for Information Interchange

Something,☐something~~ascii/~~American Standard Code for Information Interchange

This library contains a collection of accents (diacritic) letters, small and capital, e.g. Ă€, Ä, Ăž, Ø, ƙ, Ƙ. If somebody plans to use just some accents without permanent switching to other keyboard layout, then it could be handy to quickly enter diacritics with trick available in triggerstrings of this library. In order to enter small or capital accent letter just enter latin leter and add <^> (caret) immediately after. One will get menu with choice of some available accents related to base latin letter.

Triggerstrings are defined with additional options:

  • Immediate execute (*)

  • Case sensitive (C)

  • Inside word (?)

The convention used in this library:

  • to get accented letter (diacritic) just enter corresponding base letter and add ^, e.g. r^.
input string previous endchar triggerstring trigger replaced by hotstring
Something,☐something r ^ ƙ


Tips: There are available other AutoHotkey tools which enable entering of accented letters (diacritics). To name just two:

  • Diacritic by mslonik (🐘): enable entering of accent / diacritic letters without touching of AltGr (right Alt key).

  • Accents by Skrommel: press a key three times or more to apply accents.

This library containts exact representation of famous AutoCorrect.ahk. The Autocorrect.ahk has been imported to Hotstrings application, so its format was altered from .ahk to .csv. Additionally to make import possible, AutoHotkey code (the first couple of lines from this script) was stripped away before import. As a result only plain AutoHotkey hotstring definitions have been left and imported to Hotstring application.

Its principal purpose is as part of the spell checker to correct common spelling or typing errors, saving time for the user.

As Hotstring application uses dynamic definitions only, all 4 800 definitions from Autocorrect.csv are dynamic, can be edited, disabled and so on at eny given moment. What can be interesting, process of uploading those definitions into computer memory is noticeable and take significant amount of time.


  • Use of this library could be subject of dispute as it let you repeat common typing errors without process of learning (self-improvement).

  • In Hotstrings application by default triggerstring tips are enabled. The purpose of triggerstring tips is to support memory of user and show you which triggerstring are available / can be triggered. The Autocorrect.csv library contains literally tousends of mispellings. They take away precious space in triggerstring tip lists and also slow down a lot process of sorting triggerstring tips. Therefore it is advisable to switch off triggerstring tips for this library. Just enter menu: Libraries configuration → Enable/disable triggerstring tips → untick Autocorrect.csv.

This library contains proper names, which uses capital letters. The purpose of this library is to let you use just small letters also for such proper names. E.g. github is proper name of web portal which provides hosting for software development. Proper name is not github but GitHub. The library supports memory of user and changes automatically such strings into proper names with great speed.

As proper names most of the time are unique text strings and cannot be confused with common, dictionary words, definitions are triggered with Immediate Execute (*) option.

Tip: If company uses unique abbreviation just to name its product, it could be advisable to add its definitions as separate Hotstrings library.

This library contains emojis and sequences of emojis in a form which supports to some degree remembering them.


  • if one would like to put emoji of a cat (animal), can just add one more key </> to such a word to get Unicode representation (emoji icon) of this animal: 🐈.

  • sequence of emojis for flowers can be shown just adding one more key </> to the word flowers: 💐: đŸŒčđŸ€đŸŒ»đŸŒș🌾.

Tip: In Microsoft Windows 10 operating system emojis are available system wide thanks to shortcut <#> + <.> where <#> stands for Windows meta key.

This library contains various abbreviations useful to enter special characters used in physics and mathematics, but not only.

Tip: Big "office" suits (Microsoft Word, Libre Office) contain big collections of definitions dedicated to mathematics and physics. Please consider importing them for the same purpose.

This library contains example definitions related to date/time. The AutoHotkey Date and Time constants can be used to define new (triggerstring, hotstring) definitions of this kind.

Tip: I like when certain file names, e.g. pictures, starts from date. To make sorting of filenames easier I abbreviate it in form "yyyymmdd_". For that purpose I have prepared definition which works good in file manager of my choice (Total Commander).

The libraries are avaiƂable in text format (human-readable) called CSV. All library files have therefore extension .csv. The CSV = Comma Separated Values, special format where "values" are separated by certain, dedicated character, e.g. comma. In case of Hotstrings application the Unicode character "Double Vertical Line" is used: ‖ (U+2016).

It is not enough for text file to have .csv extension to be recognized by Hotstrings application. Such file have to have also dedicated structure.

Section Separator Section Separator Section Separator Section Separator Section Separator Section
triggerstring options ‖ triggerstring ‖ output function ‖ status: Enabled / Disabled ‖ hotstring or group of hotstrings* ‖ optional: comment

* group of hotstrings: if hotstring output function is equal to menu (Menu & Clipboard (MCL) or Menu & SendInput (MSI)) then hotstrings are separated with Unicode character "Broken Bar": Š (U+00A6).


triggerstring options ‖ triggerstring ‖ output function ‖ status: Enabled / Disabled ‖ hotstring or group of hotstrings* ‖ optional: comment
* ‖ bom/ ‖ MSI ‖ En ‖ Bill of Materials©Byte Order Mark ‖

Existing collections of (trriggerstring, hotstring) definitions in form of static auto-replace .ahk files can be imported into Hotstrings application. Before you start, make sure that such a file contains only definitions. It means that if .ahk file contains additionaly some lines of code, that code have to be stripped out first. A good example is process of importing Autocorrect.ahk.

If the file is correctly imported (converted from .ahk to .csv format), then it is automatically loaded and added to list "Select hotstring library".


  • One can find collections of existing auto-replace .ahk files on Internet. Up to now there is no central place where collections are stored, sorry.
  • In so called application office suits are autocorrect collections (Libre Office, Microsoft Office), which can be exported from those and imported to Hotstrings application. This can be especially useful for foreign languages, which are not so greatly supported as it is in case of English language with Autocorrect.ahk.
  • Big collection of autocorrect definitions for various languages in Libre Office is available at GitHub: Libre Office dictionaries.

Existing collections of (trriggerstring, hotstring) definitions in Hotstrings format (.csv) can be exported to format of AutoHotkey (.ahk). Both: static auto-replace .ahk files and dynamic auto-replace .ahk files are supported; dynamic auto-replace definitions uses Hotsting() AutoHotkey function.

Warning! The Hotstrings application offer few advantages over AutoHotkey format, e.g. one triggerstring can be associated with few hotstrings (so called MSI, MCL definitions). If this is a case and you would like to export such definition, only one of them will be active. The rest will be commented out for your convenience.


  • Only Hotstring application provides additional functionalities enabling quick and easy editing of existing (trriggerstring, hotstring) definitions with GUI, optional hotstrings associated with the same triggerstring, triggerstring tips to name just a few. But if these options aren't necessary to you, you can convert existing collections into AutoHotkey format and upload them as any other script.

The triggerstring tips are enabled by default (see menu: Configuration → Triggerstring tips → Enable/Disable) and generated / sorted dynamically on time of writing. When numerous set of libraries are uploaded, the time necessary to display triggerstring tips can significantly increase. It is possible to filter out triggerstring tips for specific libraries, just enter menu: Libraries configuration → Enable/disable triggerstring tips and tick out undesired library.

The GUI of Hotstrings application enable quick hint about amount of loaded hotstrings. In bottom right corner of the Hotstrings window is visible counter Loaded hotstrings.

Loaded hotstrings counter

Language localization is easy in Hotstrings application. In folder ../Hotstrings/Languages you can find by default file English.ini. This file contains definition of all text strings used by Hotstrings application in the following form:

Variable example Equal sign Corresponding text string example
ChangeLanguage = Change language

In order to prepare language file specific for your mother language:

  1. prepare copy of default language file (English.ini) e.g. by copying and pasting it in the same folder (Languages),
  2. change file name of copied file to name of your mother language,
  3. open it in your favorite editor and translate corresponding text strings,
  4. save the .ini file and restart Hotstrings application,
  5. from Hotstrings menu choose Configuration → Change language → and tick your newly prepared language file.
  6. application will restart in order to apply the changes.

Applied change is kept in Configuration.ini. Another words it is preserved between application restarts.

Warning: Text strings are stored within .ini file, with all consequences specific for AutoHotkey. It means that .ini files are not Unicode compliant (not UTF friendly). In order to keep your specific accents (diacritics) save .ini file in corresponding code page. The Hotstrings application can handle specific letters with dedicated function which translates from specific code page to Unicode.

Hotstrings application can be run with parameters. It means that you can start it providin name of the parameters just after name of application in command line, e.g.:

c:\temp\Hotstrings> Hotstrings.ahk <parameter>


c:\temp\Hotstrings> Hotstrings <parameter>

Tip: Running with parameter can be in particular useful when Hotstrings application is run as a link or from within another script file, e.g. batch file.

Parameter name: l (small letter l as in word "light")

In this mode application is run without GUI. Another words there is no chance to change any (triggerstring, hotstring) or any other configuration setting.

There is no way to change the mode of operation to default one (with GUI enabled). Just exit the application and start it over in default mode.

Tip: This mode can be useful in some seldom situations when it is required to limit user choices, e.g. forcing usage of specific libraries and disable altering of library content.

Parameter name: d

For internal use only. In this mode application creates additional folder: ../Hotstrings/Logs/ where are stored files: LogsA_DD A_MM_A_HourA_Min .txt. These files log information about consecutive triggerstring tips.

Other remarks helpful in everyday working with hotstrings.

For example if you use Diacritic (.ahk) together with Hotstrings (.ahk), there is potential collission. It's adviced to load Hotstrings prior to Diacritic.

Create link file (.lnk) to Hotstrings.ahk or Hotstrings.exe file: from context menu in your file manager choose "create link". Move that link file to your autostart folder. In Microsoft Windows 10: c:\users\xxxxxx\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup. The string xxxxxx represents your user name.

Tip: You can change order of application which are started up on time of operating system automatic start (autostart) by changing of the files found in above folder e.g. by adding numbers in front of them. Example: 1_Hotstrings.lnk will guarantee that this link will be the first to be run on autostart.

Some forms, especially at banking web pages, do not accept pasting from clipboard. Probably there are safety reasons behind that. From the other hand the SendInput output function simulates keyboard keypressings, one by one. So to get over this limitation it's enough to edit particular hotstring and switch Select hotstring output function from Clipboard (CL) to SendInput (SI).

The overlapping triggerstrings are two or more different triggerstring where at least the beginning is common.

Example 1 of overlapping triggerstrings

The triggestrings of the two following examples overlap but the first one is one character shorther, than the second one.

No. option triggerstring trigger: hotstring
1 * btw 2 by the way
2 * btw2 2 back to work

Example, execution

content stream triggerstring trigger hotstring
Something,☐something☐ btw ☐ by☐the☐way

Something,☐something☐ btw by☐the☐way☐

Comment: The second hotstring will never be triggered, as always after triggering of the first trigger (w) the hotstring recognizer is reset. The solutions to this issue are shown in the following examples.

Example 2 of overlapping triggerstrings

The triggestrings of the two following examples overlap, but this time both of them are of the same length.

No. option triggerstring trigger: last character hotstring
1 * btw1 1 by the way
2 * btw2 2 back to work

Example, execution

content stream triggerstring trigger hotstring
Something,☐something☐ btw 1 by☐the☐way
☐ btw 2 back☐to☐work

Something,☐something☐ btw1 by☐the☐way☐ btw2 back☐to☐work

Comment: This solution is not very elegant, as one have to keep in mind two triggerstrings and corresponding hotstrings.

Example 3 of overlapping triggerstrings

The space itself can be a part of triggestring as well. What's is important is the length of the triggerstrings. This can be useful to distinguish the abbreviation from its phrase, as in the following example.

option triggerstring trigger: last character hotstring
* api☐ ☐ API
* api/ / Application☐Programming☐Interface

Example, execution

content stream triggerstring trigger hotstring
Something,☐something☐ api ☐ API
☐( api / Application☐Programming☐Interface

Something,☐something☐ api☐API☐(~~api/~~Application☐Programming☐Interface)

Example 4 of overlapping triggerstrings, special feature of Hotstring application: menu

Thanks to Hotstrings application one triggestring can be used to trigger menu with defined list of hotstrings. The first option on the list is the default one. Selection of the hotstring is made by pressing the <↓> or <↑> keys and key. Caution, it doesn't work with mouse clicks.

option triggerstring trigger: last character hotstring
* and Menu & Clipboard (MCL) api/ / API | Application☐Programming☐Interface

Example, execution

content stream triggerstring trigger hotstring
Something,☐something☐ api / menu: API
☐( api / menu: Application☐Programming☐Interface

Something,☐something☐api/ API☐(api/ Application☐Programming☐Interface)

Example 5 of overlapping triggerstrings, recommended

Both strings will have the same length (counting triggerstring + trigger), but different options are applied.

No. option triggerstring trigger: last character hotstring
1 api EndChar API
2 * api/ / Application☐Programming☐Interface

Example, execution

content stream triggerstring trigger hotstring
Something,☐something☐ api ☐ menu: API
☐( api / menu: Application☐Programming☐Interface

Something,☐something☐api☐ API☐(api/ Application☐Programming☐Interface)

Comment: Now after pressing of after api triggerstring the api is naturally capitalized and if on purpose trigger (/) is appended the full meaning of abbreviation is given. Just one key have to pressed additionally.

Interaction of hotstrings pasted from clipboard with clipboard managers

In case if clipboard manager is active (e.g. CopyQ), each time the hotstring which is output by clipboard is triggered with triggerstring the result is copied to buffer of clipboard manager.

The originator and creator of the Hotstrings application is Jack Dunning aka Jack who has created the very first version of Instant Hotstring application.

People from AutoHotkey community, especially those who help at AutoHotkey forum.

Tools used to prepare this documentation

  • ☑ Menu: configuration and the corresponding Configuration.ini
    • ☑ sandbox for hotstrings,
    • ☑ enable / disable "undo" (Ctrl | z) of hotstrings,
    • ☑ setup of "Ending character",
    • ☑ Hotstrings window size and position, including monitor, window size.
  • ☑ Automatic tooltip for triggestrings.
  • ☑ GUI:
    • ☑ comments to hotstrings (stored in .csv files).
    • ☑ library content is marked, edition should be loaded automatically.
    • ☑ search window, a searched result should enable direct edition.
    • ☑ hotkeys to main functions
  • ☑ Hotstrings export (.csv → .ahk).
    • ☑ static hotstrings (:options:triggerstring::hotstring),
    • ☑ dynamic hotstrings (Hotstring("options", "triggestring", "hotstring")).
  • ☑ Hotstrings import (.ahk → .csv) from known autocorrect libraries (English mainly).
  • ☑ Localization (preparation of code to translation into foreign languages).


Help files dedicated to Hotstrings application







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