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Releases: mslonik/Hotstrings


13 May 18:07
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  • regress: it is again possible to switch off single libraries,
  • critical bug in F_Read_IniParam, incorrect processing of .ini parameters.


  • script / application checks if its duplicate is running,
  • when I try to move definition, now it is checked if only one library exists. Also, when I try to delete any definition, now message is displayed only once.
  • Shift + Insert, Shift + Del resets the hotstring recognizer,
  • function F_CheckIf100ms now looks the same as referenced function in the script ShiftFunctions.ahk,
  • improved F_Undo: now it takes into account if v_InputString contains non-alpha characters,
  • added processing of the case when F_Undo is run after RWin was processed,
  • improved processing of the last backtick ` in hotstring. Now it mimics original hotstrings.


  • Triggering of definitions if RWin is pressed (combined Space + Backspace). This new function is configurable from menu.

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24 Dec 07:50
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  • regress: switching off library files does not switch off definitions.


  • When a definition is moved or deleted, now it is checked, if it exists in only one library. If this is a case, information for a user is displayed and existing definition is enabled.

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05 Dec 22:41
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Restored installation features: script / application upon start-up checks if all folders / files are available. If not, they are created.

Default location: c:\Users<user>\AppData\Local
Optional location (if default location is not available): A_ScriptDir (location from where script / application is run.

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03 Dec 13:49
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Restored functionality and fixed bugs:

  • Restore MCL by keyboard and by mouse.
  • Improved handling of gui events. Now gui is opened where it was closed and correctly remembers what and where was changed.
  • Restored static menus. Added handling of Control: if pressed alone resets hotstring recognizer and hides triggerstring tips.
  • Restored display of searched definition after definition is changed.
  • Fixed bug, finding duplicated definitions in Search window.
  • Fixed bugs related to deletion of definition. Now correct definition is deleted / restored.
  • Fixed bug in F_LV1_EnDisDefinition. The definitions containing escape sequences were not disabled.

Improved functionality:

  • Reworked function F_CheckFileEncoding which now is able to fix problem with file encoding.
  • Improved "R" output function: now it is possible to add parameters to executables.
  • Improved code: F_ModifyDef(), F_AddHotstring, F_ChangeExistingDef().

Added functionality:

  • Added handling of "Del" keypress on while ListView has focus.
  • Added new check if no triggestring option is selected.

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24 Nov 08:51
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Fix of critical bug:

  • Due to lack of variable declaration Libraries are not loaded on application start.

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19 Nov 19:35
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  • Added new triggerstring option: C2. It enables auto-capitalization of the first letter of each word in hotstring.
  • Added installer (HotstringsInstaller.exe) which contains example library files, creates shortcut on Desktop etc.
  • Fixed bug, last letter in case of HMenu wasn't printed out correctly.
  • Fixed regress: HMenu can be now called by both keyboard or mouse.

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15 Oct 10:29
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New output functions:

  • P (Picture), over GUI available in commercial version only: hotstring is equal to file access path to picture file; after triggering on screen menu is displayed and user can decide if copy picture directly to Clipboard, display picture MSPaint or copy filepath to Clipboard.
  • R (Run), over GUI available in commercial version only: hotstring is equal to file access path to executable file; after triggering specified application is run.


  • Improvement: two on screen menus (hotstring menu & triggerstring tips menu) cannot be displayed on the same time,
  • Improvement: second instance of Hotstrings (Hotstrings2) and ShiftFunctions now do not capitalize the last letter after hotstring menu is activated by pressing
  • Improved triggerstring tips. Now if two definitions overlap, e.g. psi (->PSI) with option "" and subscript with active option "?", after it is clear that user do not try to enter psi, the subscript is shown, the shortest of all available triggerstring tips.
  • Improved compatibility with ShiftFunctions. Now last letter for SI and MSI of hotstring could be immediately altered into diacritic character by pressing Shift if this function is enabled in ShiftFunctions.
  • Improved behavior of HS3Search window after definition is moved. Now it will show definition in destination library.

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24 Sep 17:49
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  • triggerstring tips can now start with EndChar,
  • improved handling of application shortcuts: more robust to user error,
  • fixed bug: after definition was moved between libraries, it was doubled,
  • commercial version only: simplified entering of license key,
  • fixed bug: disable all definitions with F10, disable all on screen tips with F11,
  • triggerstring tips are now correctly processed even if "S2_ DoubleSpace.csv" library is enabled,
  • fixed issue: when main application shortcut was changed, window title wasn't changed accordingly,
  • improved application icon management, especially in commercial version.

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07 Aug 19:30
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Bug fix:

  • Covered exception of triggerstring containing 2x spaces (2x EndChar). Fixed display of triggerstrings.

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31 Jul 19:32
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Fixed bugs:

  • when triggerstring tips are backspaced, triggrestring tips are displayed incorrectly (regres),
  • when definition is moved between libraries, the triggestring tips are doubled (regres).

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