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mutwo.core v.2.0.0

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@levinericzimmermann levinericzimmermann released this 09 Apr 17:13

mutwo.core v.2.0.0 - 2024-04-09

This is a new release of 'mutwo.core' with breaking changes (therefore we have a new major version). It's simpler, faster, smaller and easier to comprehend than previous versions of 'mutwo.core'. Due to the amount of breaking changes, it's not compatible with pre v.2.0.0 versions. The v.1.X.Y mutwo.core version family existed for ~1.5 year. The v.2.X.Y version family should be much longer maintained, at least 3 years, but ideally even longer.


  • new method Envelope.curve_shape_at, see here
  • new method Envelope.point_at, see here
  • new method Envelope.time_range_to_point_tuple, see here
  • conciste __str__ for mutwo events, see here
  • MutwoObject as base class for all mutwo objects, see here and here
  • general class, see here
  • core_utilities.str_to_number_parser, see here


  • names of basic event classes: SequentialEvent is now Consecution, SimultaneousEvent is now Concurrence, SimpleEvent is now Chronon and ComplexEvent is now Compound, see here and here and here
  • improved performance of Envelope.integrate_interval by a factor of 8, see here
  • type of Duration value from fractions.Fraction to float, see here
  • dropped specific tagged events: instead all events have optional tags from now, see here
  • structure of Envelope class (simplifying it), see here
  • syntactic sugar parser from ???_events.configurations.UNKNOWN_OBJECT_TO_??? to ???, see here
  • DirectTempo and added dedicated WesternTempo, see here
  • Parameter.$PROPERTY to Parameter.$UNIT, see here
  • TempoPoint to Tempo, see here
  • generalize/simplify dynamic parameters, see here
  • core_converters.TempoToBeathLengthInSeconds to core_parameters.Tempo.seconds parameter, see here


  • mutate parameter in many methods of mutwo events and parameters, see here
  • deprecated Envelope.from_points, see here
  • quicktions dependency, see here
  • core_generators module, see here
  • core_utilities.NoSolutionFound, see here
  • core_constants.DurationType and core_constants.ParameterType, see here
  • UndefinedReferenceWarning, see here
  • core_events.RelativeEnvelope, see here