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Car Parking Management System

Team Details

  • Semester: 3rd Sem B. Tech. CSE
  • Section: S1
  • Member-1:Konatham Naga Mukesh,221CS132
  • Member-2:Lakkimsetti Sreayas,221CS134,[email protected]
  • Member-3:Tanay Shekokar,221CS159,[email protected]



With the growing issues of urbanization and limited parking resources, developing a user-friendly Parking Management System is critical. This project provides a comprehensive system that combines parking slot occupancy detection and real-time slot availability display, with the user experience and parking facility efficiency as the top priorities.

This method aims to address frequent urban difficulties such as traffic congestion and long parking search periods, which annoy vehicle owners. By utilizing modern occupancy sensors, central control units, and digital displays, we hope to simplify the parking experience. It detects car presence reliably, updates real-time slot availability, and communicates this information to users, minimizing the time and effort required to find a parking spot. Our unique contribution is the seamless integration of these components, which improves customer pleasure while optimizing space utilization.The system keeps track of entry and exit times, which can be utilized for security and auditing. Furthermore, the obtained data can guide future improvements and data-driven decision-making.

Our Parking Management System, by focusing on improving user experience and facility management, provides a realistic answer to the issues faced by urban parking, ultimately leading to more efficient and user-centric urban transportation solutions.

Logisim Circuit Diagram



Brief Description

Details Let us say this is how the screen looks originally


Each Block is given a button labeled 0,1,2... Depending on block number Over here, each block has 3 LEDs. If the LED is switched on, it means that a particular parking slot in that block is filled Looking at this diagram, the user can choose which block he wants to park in. NOTE: Junction 1 is the entrance. Let us say, the user wants to park in block 2 He presses the button for block 2. image

NOTE: Junction 1 is the entrance. Now, as we can see, the path to Junction2 is generated. At junction1, the north led is on, which means at junction1, the user must go straight. At junction 2, the west led is on, which means at junction 2, the user must go right. If the user follows the above instructions, he will reach the road from which he can enter the parking slot. Now, when the user enters the 3rd slot at block 2. The third sensor(clock), which is present at the entrance of the slot turns on. Which means, the person is going to enter that slot.


Now that this clock is turned on, the path towards block 2 disappears. Bcos the car will be parked in this slot now, and thus doesn't need the directions anymore. Once the car parks in that slot, he will cross the entrance of that slot. Thus, the sensor(clock) for that slot becomes 0 again.


As we can see, Now, on the screen, we can see that the third slot of block 2 which was previously empty is now full as displayed by the LED after the current user parked in that slot Now, let us see what happens in the case of the next user Let us say, the user presses the block2 button and releases it


even though there are no vacant parking slots No path to that block will be shown bcos, that block has no vacant slots

So, the user must select another block Let us assume the user chooses block 0 now He presses and releases the button for block 0


Now, the path for junction 0 is displayed as we can see from the code Go straight from junction1 Go straight at junction2 Take a left at junction3 But, let us say, the user doesn't follow the path and goes to block 6 And parks in the first slot Now, when the user enters the 1st slot at block6 The first sensor(clock), which is present at the entrance of the slot turns on This means, the person is going to enter that slot


Now that this clock is turned on, the path towards block0 disappears Bcos the car will be parked in this slot now, and thus doesn't need the directions anymore Once the car parks in that slot He will cross the entrance of that slot Thus, the sensor(clock) for that slot becomes 0 again

As we can see, Now, on the screen, we can see that the first slot of block 6 which was previously empty is now full as displayed by the LED after the current user parked in that slot Now let us say, the car in the 2nd slot from block 1 is leaving Bcos, the car is leaving, it passes through the entrance of that slot So that sensor(clock) becomes 1


Now when he leaves that slot, The clock sensor becomes 0 again image

As we can see,

The 2nd slot of block1, which was previously filled is now empty Thus, there is a vacant spot available in block1 now So, if the next user presses the block1 button, the path to block1 will be displayed


The aforementioned scenario seamlessly amalgamates all potential possibilities and eloquently articulates the ensuing outcomes therewithin. And this thus, explains what the project does We will soon explain the work in the next section

Let us go in sequential order, starting from pressing a button until parking in a slot Where the work will be explained step by step, and each component will be explained on its first occurrence based on the above-order

The user starts by pressing a button for a particular block The way a button works it When it is pressed, it is considered that the input is 1 The input for the next component will be the AND of the button input (which is 1) as long as it is pressed and the availability of a free slot in that block If a free slot is available, it returns 1, so when the button is pressed, the input will be 1&1 which is 1


As we can see, only 3 slots are filled as per the LEDs This means a free slot is available When the button is pressed, the output is 1


What will happen after this button press is that the path to this block will be displayed by the junctions that are triggered by the 1 output that we get when the button is pressed.

If no free slot is available, it returns 0, so when the button is pressed, the input will be 1&0 which is 0, i.e. there is no change in the circuit and input from this side will remain 0. By default, the input from this block will be 0.


As we can see, bcos all 3 LEDs are blinking, no free slot is available, so even though the the button is pressed, the output will be 0. Bcos, there is no change in the output, pressing the button in this situation won't change anything Bcos this block is filled, a path to this block won't be shown This input is connected to the BlockChooser The input from Block i is connected to the ith port of BlockChooser The Block Chooser will eventually return the BlockNumber of the most recent button which is pressed.


How this works is If button 2 was pressed, the input 2 becomes 1 And simultaneously the clock tick for each flipflop changes from 0 to 1 Bcos the OR gate whose output was initially 0 Returns 1 now And the output for the flipflop connected to input 2, becomes 1


Now, bcos the clock is not ticking and is fixed at 1, even if the user presses multiple buttons, only the 2nd flipflop output will be considered, bcos until the next clock tick, the previous output will be displayed, bcos the OR gate still remains at 1 for the added 1 input, the clock tick doesn't change and is still at 1


Now, after the path is generated, which will be explained later The user will leave, So he is not pressing any button now after releasing the buttons The OR gate returns 0 bcos all inputs are 0 So the next clock tick is activated So the previous input which is block 2 will be shown until another button is pressed


8 outputs connected from 8 D flipflops corresponding to their 8 respective inputs as per the above diagram will be taken as the corresponding inputs for the Priority Encoder The Component marked Pri, is a Priority Encoder Block 0 is input 0 in Pri Block 1 is input 1 in Pri, and so on...... Note: Block 7 is a special button whose functionality will be explained later on The Priority Encoder gives Block Number in binary form as output

As we can see, after pressing the button for Block2, The block number is 010 which is the binary representation for Block2 Block2 will be the output until another clock tick/change, i.e. another button is pressed, so the code will keep displaying the path for block2 until another button is pressed (which will be button 7, the reason will be explained later) Now, this output block number will be taken as input for Path Generator


The PathGenerator will give PathData as output which will be used by the junctions to display the path, i.e. which direction to go towards at each potential junction the user will encounter to go to that path.


This operation is performed using a multiplexer The Input at port k will be the PathData for Block Number k And the selected input will be block number So, depending on the block number, the path is given If the block number is 3, the PathData to reach Block 3 is an output Same for all blocks. This operation is performed using a multiplexer

Now, let me explain what PathData means and what each junction is supposed to do and does for particular PathData. After doing so, I’ll explain the junction layout for the above example.

The Path Generator will generate PathData to reach the particular Block Number PathData is essentially an 8-bit data, which gives information that represents a path.

The first 2 bits represent the direction to take at the first encountered junction The next 2 bits represent the direction to take at the second encountered junction The next 2 bits represent the direction to take at the third encountered junction And so on... Note: At each junction, We can extract the first 2 bits from PathData and call it direction From the first 2 bits of PathData 11 represents the front direction 10 represents the left direction 01 represents the right direction 00 is used for termination (bcos we don't want the user to take a U-turn to reach their block, we don't use 00 to represent the back direction. And after we reached all necessary junctions, the remaining PathData will be 00______, the reason will be explained later, so we do not want any more junctions to display anything) And left shift by 2, so that at the next junction, we can use the next 2 bits for direction Let input direction signify the direction from which, each junction receives the input With regards to input direction at the junction, let 00 represent south 01 represent west 10 represent east 11 represent north

Here is a truth table signifying which light (NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, or WEST) of the junction must be displayed depending on the input direction and Depending on the direction of encountering the junction and the direction displayed based on the 2 data inputs, here is a truth table


In this direction, the input direction is 00, i.e. south If the input is 11, we must go front from the south direction which signifies north, north light is on If the Input is 10, we must go left from the south direction which signifies west, The west light is on If the Input is 01, we must go right from the south direction which signifies east, The east light is on If the input is 00, no light will be on


In this direction, the input direction is 11, i.e. north If the input is 11, we must go front from the north direction which signifies south, the south light is on If the Input is 10, we must go left from the north direction which signifies east, The east light is on If the Input is 01, we must go right from the north direction which signified west, The west light is on If the input is 00, no light will be on


In this direction, the input direction is 10, i.e. west If the input is 11, we must go front from the west direction which signifies east, east light is on If the Input is 10, we must go left from the west direction which signifies north, the north light is on If the Input is 01, we must go right from the west direction which signified south, The south light is on If the input is 00, no light will be on


In this direction, the input direction is 10, i.e. east If the input is 11, we must go front from the east direction which signifies west, the west light is on If the Input is 10, we must go left from the east direction which signifies south, The south light is on If the Input is 01, we must go right from the east direction which signified north, The north light is on If the input is 00, no light will be on Let us assume the display is 0 when direction from path data is 00 to simplification easier, We can add each light with a display so that nothing is displayed when the display is 0 So dis= dir[0] & dir[1];

Here is a truth table signifying the same


Using the same conventions for north as 11, south as 00, east as 01 and west as 10 I want the Output Direction to be the input direction for the next junction So, if there is a junction with multiple outputs, we know what is the input direction for the next junction directly, so we do not need to initialize the Input Direction for further junction except at Junction1 for the entrance So the light that must be displayed must be reversed to the Output Direction Therefore North Light for Output Direction 00 South Light for Output Direction 11 East Light for Output direction 10 West Light for Output Direction 01 And I can decide whether the particular light must be output using this assign NL = dis && (!OutputDir[1] && !OutputDir[0]); assign SL = dis && (OutputDir[1] && OutputDir[0]); assign EL = dis && (OutputDir[1] && !OutputDir[0]); assign WL = dis && (!OutputDir[1] && OutputDir[0]); If we don't encounter 00, dis will be 1 So the above and condition wont be affected

If we encounter a 00, no light is displayed Cos all lights will give output 0 with dis as 0 in and gate And, later on, we’ll see that if no light is displayed, the path is complete, thus we need not display anything, Thus the next junction need not display anything so we can set the first two inputs of path data as 00 for the next junction So that the next junction doesn't display anything

So truth table for Output Direction is opposite to the Light which should be shown Truth Table for Output Direction


K-Map for OutputDir[1] is


Note: if dir is 10, dir[1] is 1 & dir[0] is 0 The function is assign OutputDir[1] = (!dir[1] && !dir[0] && !InputDir[1]) || (!dir[1] && dir[0] && !InputDir[0]) || (dir[1] && dir[0] && InputDir[1]) || (dir[1] && !dir[0] && InputDir[0]);

Based on how the function is, We can use a multiplexer So the effective code is mux m1(!InputDir[1],!InputDir[0],InputDir[0],InputDir[1],dir,OutputDir[1]);

Similarly, for OutputDirection[0] As per the truth table, the K-map is


function is assign OutputDir[0] = (!dir[1] && !dir[0] && !InputDir[0])

|| (!dir[1] && dir[0] && InputDir[1]) || (dir[1] && dir[0] && InputDir[0]) || (dir[1] && !dir[0] && !InputDir[1]);

Based on how the function is, We can use a multiplexer So the effective code is mux m2(!InputDir[0],InputDir[1],!InputDir[1],InputDir[0],dir,OutputDir[0]);

After this, if the next junction is at the left For the junction at the left The code returns the shifted path data, after the left shift of 2 assign NewPath = PathData << 2; Note that, each junction can receive input from only one direction. We are doing so to optimize the project by the usage of a lesser number of components. To do so, we need to ensure that the chosen PathDatas adhere to the above conditions. So, what we do is, when we choose the path data, we ensure that, in every PathData, if a junction is to be encountered, the path to that junction will be unique. This means the input direction to that junction will be unique, Therefore, only one input direction for each junction. This is the path data for each block for the parking layout


And this is the parking layout:


Now for our layout Junction 1 passes New Pathdata to Junction 2 from the south direction If the north light is displayed, it means we are supposed to go to Junction 2 So the first 2 characters will remain the same in NewPath so for junction1 (We make the first 2 characters 00 if we are not supposed to go in that direction, in this case, when North Light is 00) Junction1 j1(InputDir,PathData,NL1,SL1,EL1,WL1,OutputDir1,NewPath1); assign InputDir2 = OutputDir1; assign PathData2[7] = NewPath1[7] && NL1; assign PathData2[6] = NewPath1[6] && NL1; assign PathData2[5:0] = NewPath1[5:0];

Junction 2 passes New Pathdata to Junction 3 from the west direction is east light is on And Junction4 from the north direction if the north light is on If East light is on, the next junction we must go to is Junction 3 So we can add the first two digits of NewPath of Junction3 with the East Light so that for junction3, path data will give output based on the next two digits in Path data Because we are doing and with east lights, If the north light was switched on and the east light was switched off, we were not supposed to go to junction3 So the NewPath for Junction3’s first 2 digits will be 00 This means, nothing will be displayed at Junction3 We similarly do the same with North Light for Junction4

Junction2 j2(InputDir2,PathData2,NL2,SL2,EL2,WL2,OutputDir2,NewPath2); assign InputDir3 = OutputDir2; assign PathData3[7] = NewPath2[7] && EL2; assign PathData3[6] = NewPath2[6] && EL2; assign PathData3[5:0] = NewPath2[5:0]; assign InputDir4 = OutputDir2; assign PathData4[7] = NewPath2[7] && NL2; assign PathData4[6] = NewPath2[6] && NL2; assign PathData4[5:0] = NewPath2[5:0];

Junction 3 and 4 don't pass New Pathdata to any junction So the code for them is Junction3 j3(InputDir3,PathData3,NL3,SL3,EL3,WL3); Junction4 j4(InputDir4,PathData4,NL4,SL4,EL4,WL4);

Let us assume the PathData is 11111000


In this case, the PathData to Block0 is 11111000 As we can see We will encounter junction1 from the south, so the input direction is 00 and at junction1, we consider the first 2 bits from PathData which are 11 Junction displays north light After the left shift, the new path data is 11100000 for Junction 2 We will encounter junction2 from the south, so the input direction is 00 and at junction2, we consider the first 2 bits from PathData which are 11 Junction displays north light Because we chose north light We pass data to junction 4 and 0s to junction 3 Due to this junction 3 doesn't display anything After the left shift, the new path data is 10000000 for Junction 4 As we can see We will encounter junction1 from the south, so the input direction is 00 and at junction1, we consider the first 2 bits from PathData which are 10 Junction displays east light There are no more junctions, so the code ends

Now, for the Car sensors, Let us take an example Now, when the user enters the 3rd slot at block2 The third sensor(clock), which is present at the entrance of the slot turns on This means the person is going to enter that slot


Now that this clock is turned on, the path towards block2 disappears Bcos the car will be parked in this slot now, and thus doesnt need the directions anymore This is done by using button7 which will always display path 00000000 throught which none of the junctions display anything This button input is connected for port7 in block chooser Button 7 is an xor gate to all 21 clocks Earlier all clocks were 0, so 0 1s, even parity, so XOR returns 0 So button 7 is not chosen NOTE: just saying button, but it is not realy a button But when that clock is turned on while car is entering 1 clock shows 1, so 1 1 times, odd parity, so XOR returns 1 So button 7 is chosen, and as mentioned earlier, all junctions dont display anything Once the car parks in that slot He will cross the entrance of that slot Thus, the sensor(clock) for that slot becomes 0 again

Button 7 is an xor gate to all 21 clocks again all clocks were 0, so 0 1s, even parity, so XOR returns 0 So button 7 is not chosen So as per the PathChooser code, the output is block7 for which all junctions still display nothing


As we can see, Now, on the screen, we can see that the third slot of block 2 which was previously empty is now full as displayed by the LED after the current user parked in that slot

Verilog Code


//NOTE: Input B7 will be XOR of all sensors(clocks) present for each slot //The output block number will be the button number which is pressed last (when slot is empty, which is handled in logisim) //Bk is actually is button pressed & if free slot is available(from BlockCircuit code) //Note, simulation may not seem perfect since it is not that very feasible to simulate buttons through veriolog

module dflipflop (input D, input CKT, output reg Q);
    always @(posedge CKT) begin
        Q <= D;

module PriorityEncoder(i,y);
    input [7:0]i;
    output [2:0]y;

    assign y[2]=i[4] | i[5] | i[6] | i[7];
    assign y[1]=i[2] | i[3] | i[6] | i[7];
    assign y[0]=i[1] | i[3] | i[5] | i[7];


module BlockChooser(B,F);
    input [7:0]B;
    wire CKT;
    wire [7:0]W;
    output [2:0]F;

    or O1(CKT,B[0],B[1],B[2],B[3],B[4],B[5],B[6],B[7]);
    dflipflop s0 (.D(B[0]), .CKT(CKT), .Q(W[0]));
    dflipflop s1 (.D(B[1]), .CKT(CKT), .Q(W[1]));
    dflipflop s2 (.D(B[2]), .CKT(CKT), .Q(W[2]));
    dflipflop s3 (.D(B[3]), .CKT(CKT), .Q(W[3]));
    dflipflop s4 (.D(B[4]), .CKT(CKT), .Q(W[4]));
    dflipflop s5 (.D(B[5]), .CKT(CKT), .Q(W[5]));
    dflipflop s6 (.D(B[6]), .CKT(CKT), .Q(W[6]));
    dflipflop s7 (.D(B[7]), .CKT(CKT), .Q(W[7]));
    PriorityEncoder p1(B,F);


module BlockChooser_tb;

reg [7:0]B;
wire [2:0]F;

BlockChooser b1(B,F);

initial begin
initial begin
    $display("|B0 |B1 |B2 |B3 |B4 |B5 |B6 |B7 | BlockNumber |");
    $monitor("| %b | %b | %b | %b | %b | %b | %b | %b |     %b     |",B[0],B[1],B[2],B[3],B[4],B[5],B[6],B[7],F);
    //Let B and be something intially
    //let Button 5 be pressed now
    #110 B=8'b00100000;
    //button is released now

    //For a while no button is pressed 
    //But still, path to block 5 is shown

    //When car is parked, button 7 will get activated
    //Can be understood from logisim code
    //When car is entering, only 1 out of the 21 sensors(clocks) is 1 (odd parity, so xor gives 1 as output)
    //So the xor part will give output 1 which is button 7 
    //So button 7 is pressed technically
    //Once the car is parked
    //That sensor(clock) will return 0  
    //So xor of all will become 0 again, as 0 sensors are 1 (0 is even parity, so xor gives 0 as output)
    //So button is released again
    //And path to block 7, empty path is shown
    #170 B=8'b10000000;

    //let Button 1 be pressed now
    #210 B=8'b00000010;
    //button is released now
    //For a while no button is pressed 
    //But still, path to block 1 is shown

    //When car is parked, button 7 will get activated
    //Can be understood from logisim code
    //When car is entering, only 1 out of the 21 sensors(clocks) is 1 (odd parity, so xor gives 1 as output)
    //So the xor part will give output 1 which is button 7 
    //So button 7 is pressed technically
    //Once the car is parked
    //That sensor(clock) will return 0  
    //So xor of all will become 0 again, as 0 sensors are 1 (0 is even parity, so xor gives 0 as output)
    //So button is released again
    //And path to block 7, empty path is shown
    #270 B=8'b10000000;


initial #10000 $finish;
module dflipflop (input D, input CKT, output reg Q);
    always @(posedge CKT) begin
        Q <= D;

module block (input D1, input D2, input D3, input CKT1, input CKT2, input CKT3, output Q1, output Q2, output Q3, output Free);
    wire Q1_wire, Q2_wire, Q3_wire;
    dflipflop s1 (.D(D1), .CKT(CKT1), .Q(Q1_wire));
    dflipflop s2 (.D(D2), .CKT(CKT2), .Q(Q2_wire));
    dflipflop s3 (.D(D3), .CKT(CKT3), .Q(Q3_wire));
    assign Q1 = Q1_wire;
    assign Q2 = Q2_wire;
    assign Q3 = Q3_wire;

    nand m1(Free, Q1,Q2,Q3);

module block_tb;

reg D1,D2,D3,CKT1=0,CKT2=0,CKT3=0;
wire Q1,Q2,Q3,free;
block d(D1,D2,D3,CKT1,CKT2,CKT3,Q1,Q2,Q3,free);

always begin

always begin

always begin

initial begin
initial begin
    $display("|Q1 |Q2 |Q3 |Free?|");
    $monitor("| %b | %b | %b |  %b  |",Q1,Q2,Q3,free);
    #20 D1=1'b1;
    #40 D2=1'b1;
    #60 D3=1'b1;
    #80 D1=1'b0;
    #100 D1=1'b1;
    #120 D1=1'b0;
    #140 D3=1'b0;
    #160 D2=1'b0;

initial #5000 $finish;

<summary>Junction Code</summary>
module mux(a,b,c,d,sel,out);   // 4*1 mux

input a,b,c,d;
input [1:0]sel;
output out;

assign out = (!sel[1] && !sel[0] && a)
                || (!sel[1] && sel[0] && b)
                || (sel[1] && !sel[0] && c)
                || (sel[1] && sel[0] && d);


module Junction4(InputDir,PathData,NL,SL,EL,WL);
    input [1:0]InputDir;
    output [1:0]OutputDir;
    input [7:0]PathData;
    output [7:0]NewPath;
    output NL,SL,EL,WL;

    wire [1:0]dir;
    assign dir = PathData[7:6];

    wire dis;
    assign dis = dir[0] || dir[1];

    mux m1(!InputDir[1],!InputDir[0],InputDir[0],InputDir[1],dir,OutputDir[1]);
    mux m2(!InputDir[0],InputDir[1],!InputDir[1],InputDir[0],dir,OutputDir[0]);

    assign NL = dis && (!OutputDir[1] && !OutputDir[0]);
    assign SL = dis && (OutputDir[1] && OutputDir[0]);
    assign EL = dis && (OutputDir[1] && !OutputDir[0]);
    assign WL = dis && (!OutputDir[1] && OutputDir[0]);

    assign NewPath = PathData << 2;


module Junction4_tb;

    reg [1:0] InputDir;
    reg [7:0] PathData;
    wire NL, SL, EL, WL;
    wire [1:0] OutputDir;

    Junction4 uut (InputDir,PathData,NL,SL,EL,WL);

    initial begin
        $dumpvars(0, Junction4_tb);

        $display("| InputDir | PathData    | NL  | SL  | EL  | WL  |");
        $monitor("|    %b    |   %b  |  %b  |  %b  |  %b  |  %b  |",
                 InputDir, PathData, NL, SL, EL, WL);

        InputDir = 2'b00;
        PathData = 8'b00000000;
        #10 PathData = 8'b01000000;
        #20 PathData = 8'b10000000;
        #30 PathData = 8'b11000000;
        InputDir = 2'b11;
        PathData = 8'b00000000;
        #50 PathData = 8'b01000000;
        #60 PathData = 8'b10000000;
        #70 PathData = 8'b11000000;
        InputDir = 2'b01;
        PathData = 8'b00000000;
        #90 PathData = 8'b01000000;
        #100 PathData = 8'b10000000;
        #110 PathData = 8'b11000000;
        InputDir = 2'b10;
        PathData = 8'b00000000;
        #130 PathData = 8'b01000000;
        #140 PathData = 8'b10000000;
        #150 PathData = 8'b11000000;
        #1000 $display("--------------------------------------------------");


//We choose path data such that there is only one unique input direction to each junction
// Eg. The only path to Junction3 is 1101, 11 at Junction1 and 01 at Junction2
// Junction3 can only recieve input from Junction2

//Block input will be given from the Button code

module Display(Block,PathData,NL1,SL1,EL1,WL1,NL2,SL2,EL2,WL2,NL3,SL3,EL3,WL3,NL4,SL4,EL4,WL4);

    input [2:0]Block;
    wire [1:0]InputDir;
    output [7:0]PathData;

    assign InputDir=2'b00;
    PathFinder m1(Block,PathData);

    output NL1,SL1,EL1,WL1,NL2,SL2,EL2,WL2,NL3,SL3,EL3,WL3,NL4,SL4,EL4,WL4;
    wire [1:0]InputDir2,InputDir3,InputDir4;
    wire [1:0]OutputDir1,OutputDir2;
    wire [7:0]NewPath1,NewPath2;
    wire [7:0]PathData2,PathData3,PathData4;
    Junction1 j1(InputDir,PathData,NL1,SL1,EL1,WL1,OutputDir1,NewPath1);
    assign InputDir2 = OutputDir1;
    assign PathData2[7] = NewPath1[7] && NL1;
    assign PathData2[6] = NewPath1[6] && NL1;
    assign PathData2[5:0] = NewPath1[5:0];
    Junction2 j2(InputDir2,PathData2,NL2,SL2,EL2,WL2,OutputDir2,NewPath2);
    assign InputDir3 = OutputDir2;
    assign PathData3[7] = NewPath2[7] && EL2;
    assign PathData3[6] = NewPath2[6] && EL2;
    assign PathData3[5:0] = NewPath2[5:0];
    assign InputDir4 = OutputDir2;
    assign PathData4[7] = NewPath2[7] && NL2;
    assign PathData4[6] = NewPath2[6] && NL2;
    assign PathData4[5:0] = NewPath2[5:0];
    Junction3 j3(InputDir3,PathData3,NL3,SL3,EL3,WL3);
    Junction4 j4(InputDir4,PathData4,NL4,SL4,EL4,WL4);

//Multiplexer for each out index required for PathFinder
module mux1(a,i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,o);

input [2:0]a;
input i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7;
output o;

assign o = (!a[2] && !a[1] && !a[0] && i0) ||
   (!a[2] && !a[1] && a[0] && i1) ||
   (!a[2] && a[1] && !a[0] && i2) ||
   (!a[2] && a[1] && a[0] && i3) ||
   (a[2] && !a[1] && !a[0] && i4) ||
   (a[2] && !a[1] && a[0] && i5) ||
   (a[2] && a[1] && !a[0] && i6) ||
   (a[2] && a[1] && a[0] && i7);


module PathFinder(a,out);        //Like 8*1 mux

input [2:0]a;
output [7:0]out;
wire [7:0]a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7;

assign a0=8'b11111000;
assign a1=8'b11110000;
assign a2=8'b11010000;
assign a3=8'b11011100;
assign a4=8'b11000000;
assign a5=8'b11010000;
assign a6=8'b11010100;
assign a7=8'b00000000;

mux1 m7(a,a0[7],a1[7],a2[7],a3[7],a4[7],a5[7],a6[7],a7[7],out[7]);
mux1 m6(a,a0[6],a1[6],a2[6],a3[6],a4[6],a5[6],a6[6],a7[6],out[6]);
mux1 m5(a,a0[5],a1[5],a2[5],a3[5],a4[5],a5[5],a6[5],a7[5],out[5]);
mux1 m4(a,a0[4],a1[4],a2[4],a3[4],a4[4],a5[4],a6[4],a7[4],out[4]);
mux1 m3(a,a0[3],a1[3],a2[3],a3[3],a4[3],a5[3],a6[3],a7[3],out[3]);
mux1 m2(a,a0[2],a1[2],a2[2],a3[2],a4[2],a5[2],a6[2],a7[2],out[2]);
assign out[1]=1'b0;
assign out[0]=1'b0;


module mux(a,b,c,d,sel,out);   // 4*1 mux

input a,b,c,d;
input [1:0]sel;
output out;

assign out = (!sel[1] && !sel[0] && a)
                || (!sel[1] && sel[0] && b)
                || (sel[1] && !sel[0] && c)
                || (sel[1] && sel[0] && d);


module Junction1(InputDir,PathData,NL,SL,EL,WL,OutputDir,NewPath);
    input [1:0]InputDir;
    output [1:0]OutputDir;
    input [7:0]PathData;
    output [7:0]NewPath;
    output NL,SL,EL,WL;

    wire [1:0]dir;
    assign dir = PathData[7:6];

    wire dis;
    assign dis = dir[0] || dir[1];

    mux m1(!InputDir[1],!InputDir[0],InputDir[0],InputDir[1],dir,OutputDir[1]);
    mux m2(!InputDir[0],InputDir[1],!InputDir[1],InputDir[0],dir,OutputDir[0]);

    assign NL = dis && (!OutputDir[1] && !OutputDir[0]);
    assign SL = dis && (OutputDir[1] && OutputDir[0]);
    assign EL = dis && (OutputDir[1] && !OutputDir[0]);
    assign WL = dis && (!OutputDir[1] && OutputDir[0]);

    assign NewPath = PathData << 2;


module Junction2(InputDir,PathData,NL,SL,EL,WL,OutputDir,NewPath);
    input [1:0]InputDir;
    output [1:0]OutputDir;
    input [7:0]PathData;
    output [7:0]NewPath;
    output NL,SL,EL,WL;

    wire [1:0]dir;
    assign dir = PathData[7:6];

    wire dis;
    assign dis = dir[0] || dir[1];

    mux m1(!InputDir[1],!InputDir[0],InputDir[0],InputDir[1],dir,OutputDir[1]);
    mux m2(!InputDir[0],InputDir[1],!InputDir[1],InputDir[0],dir,OutputDir[0]);

    assign NL = dis && (!OutputDir[1] && !OutputDir[0]);
    assign SL = dis && (OutputDir[1] && OutputDir[0]);
    assign EL = dis && (OutputDir[1] && !OutputDir[0]);
    assign WL = dis && (!OutputDir[1] && OutputDir[0]);

    assign NewPath = PathData << 2;


module Junction3(InputDir,PathData,NL,SL,EL,WL);
    input [1:0]InputDir;
    output [1:0]OutputDir;
    input [7:0]PathData;
    output [7:0]NewPath;
    output NL,SL,EL,WL;

    wire [1:0]dir;
    assign dir = PathData[7:6];

    wire dis;
    assign dis = dir[0] || dir[1];
    mux m1(!InputDir[1],!InputDir[0],InputDir[0],InputDir[1],dir,OutputDir[1]);
    mux m2(!InputDir[0],InputDir[1],!InputDir[1],InputDir[0],dir,OutputDir[0]);

    assign NL = dis && (!OutputDir[1] && !OutputDir[0]);
    assign SL = dis && (OutputDir[1] && OutputDir[0]);
    assign EL = dis && (OutputDir[1] && !OutputDir[0]);
    assign WL = dis && (!OutputDir[1] && OutputDir[0]);

    assign NewPath = PathData << 2;


module Junction4(InputDir,PathData,NL,SL,EL,WL);
    input [1:0]InputDir;
    output [1:0]OutputDir;
    input [7:0]PathData;
    output [7:0]NewPath;
    output NL,SL,EL,WL;

    wire [1:0]dir;
    assign dir = PathData[7:6];

    wire dis;
    assign dis = dir[0] || dir[1];

    mux m1(!InputDir[1],!InputDir[0],InputDir[0],InputDir[1],dir,OutputDir[1]);
    mux m2(!InputDir[0],InputDir[1],!InputDir[1],InputDir[0],dir,OutputDir[0]);

    assign NL = dis && (!OutputDir[1] && !OutputDir[0]);
    assign SL = dis && (OutputDir[1] && OutputDir[0]);
    assign EL = dis && (OutputDir[1] && !OutputDir[0]);
    assign WL = dis && (!OutputDir[1] && OutputDir[0]);

    assign NewPath = PathData << 2;


module Display_tb;

    reg [2:0] Block;
wire [7:0] PathData;
    wire NL1, SL1, EL1, WL1;
    wire NL2, SL2, EL2, WL2;
    wire NL3, SL3, EL3, WL3;
    wire NL4, SL4, EL4, WL4;
    Display d1(Block,PathData,NL1,SL1,EL1,WL1,NL2,SL2,EL2,WL2,NL3,SL3,EL3,WL3,NL4,SL4,EL4,WL4);
    initial begin
        $dumpvars(0, Display_tb);

        $display("| Block | PathData | NL1 | SL1 | EL1 | WL1 | NL2 | SL2 | EL2 | WL2 | NL3 | SL3 | EL3 | WL3 | NL4 | SL4 | EL4 | WL4 |");
        $monitor("|  %b  | %b |  %b  |  %b  |  %b  |  %b  |  %b  |  %b  |  %b  |  %b  |  %b  |  %b  |  %b  |  %b  |  %b  |  %b  |  %b  |  %b  |",
                 Block, PathData, NL1, SL1, EL1, WL1, NL2, SL2, EL2, WL2, NL3, SL3, EL3, WL3, NL4, SL4, EL4, WL4);
    #10 Block= Block + 3'b001;
        #1000 $display("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");





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