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Dupenukem is a simple command line utility for file deduplication.

⚠️ Warning

This is a personal project for learning and experimenting with the Rust programming language. It doesn't claim to be fast or efficient by any means. It doesn't support Windows (at present). Moreover, it's designed to perform destructive operations such as deleting files from your computer. Please use with caution.

If you're looking for a serious file deduplication software there is fclones which is highly performant and popular. There must be other alternatives too.

Having said that, I've used dupenukem to clean my Dropbox folder and a couple of external hard drives. I plan to ship features and improvements based on my use case, or just use as an opportunity to code in rust.

It has been tested only on MacOS, although it should theoretically work on Linux too. As I don't have access to a Windows machine, there is no plan to support Windows at least in the near future.


I am still figuring out how to use github workflows for building and distributing binaries. In the meanwhile, you can install it using cargo, directly from github,

    cargo install --git

Or build from source, again using cargo.

    git clone [email protected]:naiquevin/dupenukem.git
    cd dupenukem
    cargo build --release

    # Copy the binary to some dir in your PATH
    cp target/release/dupenukem ~/bin

    # You can now run it
    dupenukem --help


dupenukem provides three commands for a three step deduplication workflow:

Step 1: Finding duplicates and generating a snapshot

The find command accepts a rootdir and finds all duplicate files under it. The output is what is called a "snapshot". This is nothing but text representation of the state of duplicate files inside the directory captured at that moment. This output is printed to stdout and users must store it inside a file.

The snapshot format is explained in detail later in the example section.

Step 2: Editing the snapshot and validating changes

Once the snapshot file is generated, the user is supposed to edit it in order to tell this tool what should be done with the duplicate files. Only 2 options are currently supported:

  1. duplicate files can be marked for deletion
  2. duplicate files can be marked for symlinking i.e. a duplicate file will be replaced with a symlink to an original one (can be decided by the user)

An updated snapshot can be validated using the validate command which basically checks for compatibility of the snapshot and the changes w.r.t the current state of the files. This is to protect against data loss in case any changes get made to a previously identified duplicate file.

Step 3: Applying the changes

Once a user-edited snapshot has been validated it can be given as input to the apply command, which will actually execute the actions. The apply command also implicitly runs the validate step again considering the time-of-check to time-of-use (TOCTOU) nature of the workflow.

As it performs destructive operations, two safeguards are implemented:

  1. The apply command can be run with a --dry-run flag which will cause all actions to be only logged and not actually executed. When run without the --dry-run flag, the user is also asked for yes/no confirmation to proceed.

  2. Before deleting a file or replacing it with symlink, a backup is taken at another location (preserving the original directory structure). The user may delete the backup directory after verifying the actual changes performed on disk.

The apply command is also idempotent i.e. if run multiple times, the already applied changes will be skipped. More accurately, the apply command tries to get the files into the intended state indicated by the action marker. If a file is already in that state, it will no-op and move on. This way, the user may incrementally fix and verify one group of duplicates or even one file at a time.


It's easier to explain the usage in detail with the help of an example. For that let's first create a dummy directory with a few duplicate files.

    mkdir ~/dpnktest
    cd ~/dpnktest
    mkdir foo bar cat

    echo ONE > foo/1.txt
    cp foo/1.txt bar/

    echo TWO > foo/2.txt
    cp foo/2.txt cat

    echo THREE > foo/3.txt
    echo FOUR > bar/4.txt

This resulting dir structure will be:

    $ tree --charset=ascii
    |-- bar
    |   |-- 1.txt
    |   `-- 4.txt
    |-- cat
    |   `-- 2.txt
    `-- foo
        |-- 1.txt
        |-- 2.txt
        `-- 3.txt

    4 directories, 6 files

Now let's use dupenukem to find and fix duplicates inside this root directory. It's assumed that the user running dupenukem has the permissions to read and write files inside the root directory.

We'll begin by running the find command:

    $ dupenukem find -v ~/dpnktest | tee ~/dpnktest_snapshot.txt
    [2024-03-26T12:58:06Z INFO  dupenukem] Generating snapshot for dir: /Users/vineet/dpnktest
    [2024-03-26T12:58:06Z INFO  dupenukem] A max of 8 bytes space can be freed by deduplication
    #! Root Directory: /Users/vineet/dpnktest
    #! Generated at: Tue, 26 Mar 2024 18:28:06 +0530

    keep cat/2.txt
    keep foo/2.txt

    keep foo/1.txt
    keep bar/1.txt

    # Reference:
    # keep <target> = keep the target path as it is
    # delete <target> = delete the target path
    # symlink <target> [-> <src>] = Replace target with a symlink
    # .       If 'src' is specified, it can either be an absolute or
    # .       relative (to 'target'). Else one of the duplicates marked
    # .       as 'keep' will be considered. If 'src' is not specified,
    # .       a relative symlink will be created.
    # This section is a comment and will be ignored by the tool

Things to note:

  • Two groups of duplicate files have been found. Each group has a unique identifier - 13062064944137093030 and 10098984572146910405. These are nothing but 64-bit xxhash3 hashes of the contents of the files.

  • Under every group (indicated by the hash within square brackets), duplicate files in that group are listed along with an "action marker" which currently says keep for the files. Note that the file paths are relative to the root directory.

  • The snapshot only contains duplicate files. For e.g. the files foo/3.txt and bar/4.txt have no duplicates so they are not included in the snapshot. Also, only the duplicate files located under the root dir are considered. Eg. If bar/4.txt happens to be a copy of ~/some/other/root/dir/4.txt, it will still be excluded from the snapshot.

  • At the beginning of the output, there are a couple of lines prefixed with #!, which are for storing/defining metadata. Users must not modify these lines.

  • Near the end of the output there is a block of text with all lines prefixed with #. These are comments. The snapshot includes a simple reference for the action markers that the user may use when editing the file.

  • Notice the log lines before the snapshot output. Logs are printed to stderr and the level can be controlled using the -v option. Starting version 0.2.0 (unreleased), the find command logs the max space that can be freed up by deduplication.

  • Finally, we've redirected the (std) output to the file ~/dpnktest_snapshot.txt in order to store the snapshot.

Now let's ask dupenukem to fix the duplicates as follows,

  1. delete cat/2.txt
  2. replace bar/1.txt with a symlink that points to foo/1.txt

To do that we'll edit the file as follows (excluding metadata and comments for brevity):


    delete cat/2.txt
    keep foo/2.txt

    keep foo/1.txt
    symlink bar/1.txt


After making the above changes, we should validate the snapshot file.

    $ dupenukem validate ~/dpnktest_snapshot.txt
    Snapshot is valid!
    No. of pending action(s): 2

Before proceeding with the apply command, let's consider the case where some other process modifies the bar/1.txt file in the meanwhile. Then the validate command would fail as bar/1.txt would no longer be a duplicate of foo/1.txt.

However in this example, the snapshot is valid and there are 2 pending actions to be performed. Before actually executing these actions we can run the apply command with --dry-run flag to see what exactly will happen:

    $ dupenukem apply --dry-run ~/dpnktest_snapshot.txt
    [DRY RUN] File to be replaced with symlink: bar/1.txt -> ../foo/1.txt
    [DRY RUN] File to be deleted: cat/2.txt
    [DRY RUN] Backup will be stored under /Users/vineet/.dupenukem/backups
    [DRY RUN] 8 bytes of space will be freed up

Notice the second last line that mentions the backup location inside ~/.dupenukem/backups. It's assumed that the current user has permissions to write to this location. Backups will be taken inside a new directory under this location, with the directory name derived from the current timestamp. This will ensure that multiple backups can coexist. This also implies that it's up to the user to cleanup older backups that are no longer required. The user can also choose to override the backup directory by specifying the --backup-dir option.

The last line mentions the amount of space that will be freed.

Let's now proceed with running the apply command without the --dry-run flag.

    $ dupenukem apply ~/dpnktest_snapshot.txt
    > All changes will be executed. Do you want to proceed? Yes
    8 bytes of space has been freed up

Without the --dry-run flag, it asks for confirmation before executing the actions. Let's inspect the directory structure now using the same tree command:

    $ cd ~/dpnktest
    $ tree --charset=ascii
    |-- bar
    |   |-- 1.txt -> ../foo/1.txt
    |   `-- 4.txt
    |-- cat
    `-- foo
        |-- 1.txt
        |-- 2.txt
        `-- 3.txt

    4 directories, 5 files

And the desired changes can be seen.

The backup can be found under the default backup directory ~/.dupenukem/backups.

    $ tree --charset=ascii ~/.dupenukem/backups
    `-- 20240116160509
        |-- bar
        |   `-- 1.txt
        `-- cat
            `-- 2.txt

    4 directories, 2 files

Notice the dir name derived from timestamp and that the directory structure is preserved. After verifying the changes, if the user wishes to restore any files, it can be done easily. If everything looks good, they may easily delete the backup dir ~/.dupenukem/backups/20240116160509.

The apply command is idempotent i.e. if we try running the apply command once again, it will no-op.

Now let's see what happens if we run the find command once again on the current state of the ~/dpnktest directory.

    $ dupenukem find -v ~/dpnktest
    [2024-03-26T13:10:08Z INFO  dupenukem] Generating snapshot for dir: /Users/vineet/dpnktest
    [2024-03-26T13:10:08Z INFO  dupenukem] A max of 0 bytes space can be freed by deduplication
    #! Root Directory: /Users/vineet/dpnktest
    #! Generated at: Tue, 26 Mar 2024 18:40:08 +0530

    keep foo/1.txt
    symlink bar/1.txt -> ../foo/1.txt

    # Reference:
    # keep <target> = keep the target path as it is
    # delete <target> = delete the target path
    # symlink <target> [-> <src>] = Replace target with a symlink
    # .       If 'src' is specified, it can either be an absolute or
    # .       relative (to 'target'). Else one of the duplicates marked
    # .       as 'keep' will be considered. If 'src' is not specified,
    # .       a relative symlink will be created.
    # This section is a comment and will be ignored by the tool

This time, it found only 1 group of 2 duplicate files among which one is already a symlink to the other. Technically, there is no duplication anymore. If you wish to not include already deduplicated group such as this one, you can run the find command with the --skip-deduped flag.

Symlink preferences

Implicit v/s Explicit symlink source paths

In the above example, we saw that to replace a file with a symlink we added the symlink marker. On running the apply command, bar/1.txt was replaced with a symlink pointing to foo/1.txt.

This means dupenukem will use use the other duplicate file marked as keep as the symlink source path. But what if more than two duplicates are found, out of which 2 of them are marked as keep? Consider the following example:


    keep foo/1.txt
    symlink bar/1.txt
    keep cat/one.txt


In this case, dupenukem will take the first entry from lexicographically sorted list of all files marked with keep. That would be cat/one.txt in case of this example.

Suppose the user wants that the symlink source path for bar/1.txt should be foo/1.txt instead, they can explicitly mention it as follows,


    keep foo/1.txt
    symlink bar/1.txt -> ../foo/1.txt
    keep cat/one.txt


Note that the explicitly mentioned source path is relative to the symlink (target) and not relative to the root directory.

Relative v/s absolute symlinks

For most use cases, relative symlinks are desirable. Hence the default behaviour (in case of implicit symlinks) is to use relative source paths. But absolute symlinks are also supported - the user just needs to explicitly specify the absolute source path, similar to the previous example:


    keep foo/1.txt
    symlink bar/1.txt -> /Users/vineet/dpnktest/foo/1.txt
    keep cat/one.txt


On running apply, bar/1.txt will be replaced with a symlink to the absolute source path.

    $ cd ~/dpnktest
    $ readlink bar/1.txt

Deleting all files in a group

By default, deletion of all files in a group is not allowed. Hence, the validation and apply steps would fail in case of such input. But often users end up noticing such files through dupenukem, hence this functionality is supported behind the command line flag --allow-full-deletion. Note that this flag needs to be specified for both, validate and apply steps.


Basic file exclusions by exact path are supported with the --exclude flag. For example, when used to scan the Dropbox folder, it makes sense to exclude the drop cache directories.

    $ dupenukem find --exclude .dropbox.cache ~/Dropbox

How are duplicate files identified?

dupenukem recursively traverses the root directory (in breadth-first manner) and then finds duplicate files in 3 steps:

  1. First the file sizes are compared. All files with unique sizes are discarded and only the rest go through to the next step. The assumption is that duplicate files will have same sizes. As the sizes are obtained from file metadata, this step is extremely fast and significantly reduces the IO in the next step.

  2. In this step, files are grouped by 64-bit xxh3 hashes of the file content. The xxh3 hashes are also used as the group identifiers in the snapshot output.

  3. In the last step, it confirms that all files in a group (i.e. having same xxh3 hashes) have the same sha256 hashes as well. This confirmation is optional but enabled by default. To disable it, the --quick flag can be used with the find command.

Future improvements

  • Improve the exclude functionality - support exclusions based on glob/patterns as well as min/max sizes (similar to rsync)
  • Use async programming where applicable
  • Add support for hardlinks
  • Add commands backup management - restoring, clean up etc.
  • May be support Windows at some point
