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Repository with scripts for statistical analyses

1. Rejection Sampling with continuous uni- and multivariate distributions

The file rejection_samp.R contains the function rej_samp that performs rejection sampling to obtain samples from a target probability distribution given samples from an unknown probability distribution .


Function rej_samp takes 6 arguments:

  • A vector or matrix S containing sampled values; if the distribution is multivariate, rows correspond to the different statistical units
  • An acceptance rate M (default is 50)
  • A target distribution function g (default is dunif)
  • An optional vector containing parameters for g, gparams (default is NULL)
  • An optional boolean value plot indicating if plots of the distributions are required (default is TRUE)
  • An optional cumulative distribution function pg (default is NULL); this is required if plot=T in order to truncate the target distribution within the possible range given S


  • Compute an approximation of the unknown for all using kernel density estimation function kde from R package ks on matrix S
  • Simulate random variables uniformly distributed between 0 and 1, where is the number of samples in S
  • For , accept sample if


Function rej_samp returns a list with 2 elements:

  • a vector or matrix containing the retained elements of S
  • a boolean vector of size the number of rows in S indicating whether the statistical unit is retained


Univariate example

To obtain samples From a uniform distribution given a uniform distribution, you can use the following command:

S = rexp(100000)
Sunif = rej_samp(S,M=10,g=dunif,plot=TRUE,pg=punif)

We obtain the following plot based on 10244 retained samples: Rejection sampling example

Bivariate example

To obtain samples From a bivariate uniform distribution given a bivariate normal distribution with parameters, you can use the following command:

S2d = mvrnorm(100000,c(-1,1),matrix(c(1,0,0,1),ncol=2))
Sunif2d = rej_samp(S2d,M=50,g=mvdunif,plot=TRUE,pg=pnorm)

We obtain the following plot based on 3890 retained samples: Rejection sampling example


Repository with scripts for statistical analyses







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