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Detect whether a DOM KeyboardEvent key event is printable; that is, typed by a user. This is useful for custom input components that need ignore control keys such as Alt and only be triggered when 'regular', printable keys are pressed such as a or .


Detecting whether a DOM UI event key is printable has become more complicated since KeyboardEvent.keyCode was deprecated (see, as you can no longer simply specify the ranges of printable key codes (an approach chosen by

Instead, we rely on the W3C UI Events KeyboardEvent specification to determine whether a keyboard event is caused by a printable key press. A printable key here is defined by the W3C spec as a "key string", i.e. a "character typed by the user". To do this, we check the event's key attribute against a list of known non-printable keys (called "named key attribute values"). If the key is not in this list, we determine it to be printable.


import isPrintableKeyEvent from "is-printable-key-event";

element.addEventListener("keydown", function (event) {
  if (isPrintableKeyEvent(event) === false) {
    return; // ignore key down

  // do something with input
