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C++ header-only library for the full family of Xoshiro/Xoroshiro random number generators


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David Blackman and Sebastiano Vigna introduced the xoshiro/xoroshiro class of pseudorandom number generators, which are very efficient and, though they have relatively small states, display excellent statistical properties. The mathematical details are to be found in their paper.

xoshiro.h is a single header file, C++ implementation of the complete family of xoshiro/xoroshiro pseudorandom uniform number generators.

The generators satisfy C++'s std::uniform_random_bit_generator concept and can drive any distribution defined in the standard library.

We also provide efficient jump-ahead methods for arbitrary jump sizes, making these generators particularly suitable for parallel processing applications. They are excellent replacements for the "standard" Mersenne Twister generator.

While the implementation is very general, there are simple type aliases for specific preferred instantiations that are known to work well in most situations.


Here is a simple example of using the default xoshiro generator, xso::rng, to sample a normal distribution from the standard library.

We have copied the sample code from std::normal_distribution webpage and used xso::rng as a drop-in replacement for std::mersenne_twister_engine.

#include <xoshiro.h>
#include <random>
#include <map>
#include <iomanip>

int main()
    xso::rng gen;

    // lambda: draws a sample from a normal distribution and rounds it to an integer.
    std::normal_distribution d{5.0, 2.0};
    auto random_int = [&d, &gen] { return int(std::round(dist(gen))); };

    // Run many trials and create a histogram of the results in integer buckets.
    std::map<int, int> hist{};
    for (int n = 0; n != 25'000; ++n) ++hist[random_int()];

    // Print that histogram.
    for (auto [bucket, count] : hist) {
        auto n = static_cast<std::size_t>(count / 100);
        std::cout << std::setw(2) << bucket << ' ' << std::string(n, '*') << '\n';

Everything is in the single xoshiro.h header file. The classes, functions etc., are all in the xso namespace. xso::rng is a type alias for xso::rng64 which produces 64-bit outputs from a specific xoshiro generator with 256 bits of state.

Here is the output from one run of the program:

 0 **
 1 *******
 2 ****************
 3 *****************************
 4 ********************************************
 5 ************************************************
 6 ********************************************
 7 *****************************
 8 ****************
 9 *******
10 **


This library is header-only, so there is nothing to compile & link—drop the xoshiro.h file somewhere convenient, and you are good to go.

Alternatively, if you are using CMake, you can use the standard FetchContent module by adding a few lines to your project's CMakeLists.txt file:

FetchContent_Declare(xoshiro URL

This command downloads and unpacks an archive of the current version of xoshiro to your project's build folder. You can then add a dependency on xoshiro::xoshiro, a CMake alias for xoshiro. FetchContent will automatically ensure the build system knows where to find the downloaded header files and any needed compiler flags.

Used like this, FetchContent will only download a minimal library version without any redundant test code, sample programs, documentation files, etc.


C versions of the generators are available on the author's website. Wrapping those routines so they conform to the std::uniform_random_bit_generator concept is a trivial exercise.

However, our implementation in xoshiro.h is distinguished in several other ways:


Using xoshiro.h, you can create any member of the xoshiro/xoroshiro family.

We have State classes that are templatised across the number of state bits and the parameters (labelled A, B, and C in the literature) that determine how the state is advanced from step to step.

Scrambler classes are templatised across the other parameters (labelled R, S, and T in the literature) that determine how the higher dimensional state is scrambled/reduced to single 3-bit or 64-bit output words.

This means you can instantiate any generator in the xoshiro/xoroshiro family.

No Compromise on Speed

For the reasonable optimisation levels you are likely to employ in any numerical code, the C++ versions perform identically to the simpler-looking C versions linked above.


While you can instantiate any generator in the xoshiro/xoroshiro family, we also recognise that only a limited number of those generators have been vetted for suitability as being "good".

Therefore, we provide some type aliases for the recommended default generators you should use in most cases.

Arbitrary Jumps

We provide methods to advance a generator by arbitrary and potentially vast numbers of steps. This contrasts with the C versions, which only define a limited number of jump possibilities.

Huge jumps are used to partition a single random number stream into non-overlapping sub-streams. In parallel processing applications, the sub-streams drive independent jobs running on different compute cores.

Sampling Methods

The C++ standard library follows a typical design pattern for the facilities in its <random> header. It maintains a strict separation between the classes that produce random bits and others that use those bits.

Uniform random bit generators produce streams of uniformly distributed output words (usually 32-bit or 64-bit unsigned integers). Other classes and functions shape those core streams to simulate a desired distribution over some field of interest (for example, to generate variates from a uniform distribution of reals in the range 0 to 1).

The idea is reasonable enough. You can swap out the uniform random bit generator for a better one and continue to use the other functions without change.

However, this interface is quite complicated for the end user—particularly for a user who has no idea or interest in how all the generator/distribution machinery works. Perhaps you google "c++ random number generator" and get advice to use the std::mersenne_twister_engine class. However, that produces those unsigned output words that are useless by themselves. To simulate something as simple as a die roll, you must feed the thing into some other class and use that to get the required effect.

For this reason, we enrich our xoshiro/xoroshiro classes with some utility methods that interface directly with the various distribution classes in the standard <random> header. That dice roll becomes something as simple as:

xso::rng gen;
std::cout << "Six-sided dice roll: " << gen.roll() << '\n';

Similarly, you can ask one of our generators to flip a coin or shuffle the elements in a container.

Perhaps most importantly, the generators directly support the idea of sampling. This includes pulling samples from a range, container, or an arbitrary distribution.

Here are some examples:

std::cout << gen.sample(1, 10)   << '\n';   // <1>
std::cout << gen.sample(1., 10.) << '\n';   // <2>

std::normal_distribution nd{70., 15.};
std::cout << gen.sample(nd);                // <3>

std::array<double, 10> v;
gen.sample(nd, v.begin(), v.word_count());  // <4>

std::array<double, 5> u;
gen.sample(v, u.begin(), u.word_count());   // <5>

ge.shuffle(u);                              // <6>
  1. Prints a random integer from $[1,10]$, where each integer is equally likely to occur.
  2. Prints a random real from a uniform distribution over $[1,10)$
  3. Prints a random variate from a normal distribution with mean 70 and standard deviation 15.
  4. Fills an array v with ten random variates from that same distribution.
  5. Fills an array u with five elements drawn from v without replacement.
  6. Shuffles the elements of u.

Extra Analysis

Extra non-member functions for generator analysis are defined if the [``bit`][] library is available.

bit is a C++ library for doing linear algebra over GF(2) the simplest field of two elements ${0,1}$, where the usual arithmetic operations are performed mod 2. The bit library is header only and is easily incorporated into any application.

If it is available, then xoshiro.h defines some extra functions that let you access the generator's transition matrix and use/analyse it in various ways.


You can read the project's documentation here.
The documentation site was generated using Quarto.


You can contact me by email here.

Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2022-present Nessan Fitzmaurice.
You can use this software under the MIT license.