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Automatic cropping and rotation of pictures using openCV


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Script which automatically crops and rotates pictures. There are 3 main "objects" :

  • a Mosaic - which is a scan of multiple pictures all scanned at once. The source data is made of mosaics.
  • a Contour - the script detects the main contours in the mosaic (eventually trying to narrow the contours down to the exact contours / sides of the pictures in the mosaic)
  • a Picture - which is the inside of a contour, cropped / extracted from the mosaic, remodeled into a rectangle shape, and rotated.

Project structure

  • data/mosaic/source : mosaics from the scanning you've done
  • project/pictures_per_mosaic.csv : Metadata file, which logs how many pictures are supposed to be found in the mosaic. This is used to determine whether the automatic contouring is successful
  • project/rotation_metadata.csv : Metadata file, which logs, based on the cropped pictures, by how many 90° rotations they should be rotated. The metadata is generated by running the file. Which shows pictures, asks you to validate the correct rotation, and it automatically writes into the .csv file.
  • Data folders
    • data/contoured/failure : when in a mosaic, the number of pictures detected differ from the true number of pictures (referenced in pictures_per_mosaic.csv), or when one of the contours has strictly more than 5 corners (which means there are some issues with the contour : like an outlier point). 5 is accepted because it can come from a scission that has been done (explanations later). The failing mosaic is copied into data/to_treat_manually, where you'll have to do the cropping yourself.
    • data/contoured/success : log of the contours done well. Steps stored in a .jpg file
    • data/cropped : the contours are then extracted from the original picture. Since the contour may not be 100% straight, it is reshaped / rotated into a straight rectangle using the warpAffine method (not Perspective because the angles are already 90% : there's no need to try to extrapolate what a front view would look like : it is already a front view, with 90° angles : they are just rotated)
    • data/rotated_automatic : cropped pictures are then rotated. Method : trying 4 rotations of 90°, determining the rotation where the highest / cleanest number of faces are detected. Order of priority :
      • Number of faces detected with accuracy = 1
      • 2nd highest accuracy score after 1
      • Highest area of faces captured above the middle line, weighted by the accuracy (this assumes in most pictures with faces that the faces are above the middle - which is not really correct - it doesn't work all the time)
      • 2 last methods of ranking are useless and deprecated
        • lowest density of points (eyes, nose, tips of mouth) : it seemed like well identified faces have a spread out distribution of points. Hence a lower density
        • highest identified area of faces (weighted by the accuracy)
      • This method gives a 90% accuracy on rotations : good, considering it is not able to rotate the landscapes, since there's no face on those. Hence the % is even higher when there are faces on the picture.
  • project/results/results_contours.csv : logs the configuration used for the run, and all the information related to how accurate the contouring was (# contours found, areas of main contours, # points per contour, whether the # contours found corresponds to the # of pictures). We're at a 89% accuracy per mosaic
  • project/results/results_rotations.csv : Per picture, per run, logs what 90° rotation was picked, whether it matches the correct rotation (if correct one has been logged in project/rotation_metadata.csv), and the info captured about each 90° rotation, to retrace the decision.

Process and commands

  • Need to install poetry and run poetry install to install all the libraries
  • Drop your mosaics into the data/mosaic/source folder
  • Typical command to run :
    • python3 -log_c -log_r -exco "fail_only" -excr -exro --no-show_contouring --no-show_cropping --no-show_rotation
      • This will run through all the mosaics in source
      • -log_c : log the results of the contour accuracy in results_contours.csv
      • -log_r : log the results of the rotation accuracy in results_rotations.csv
      • -exco "fail_only" : exports the contour summary only when the contouring in the mosaic fails. Exports to data/contoured/failure
      • -excr : exports the cropped + warpAffine pictures to data/cropped
      • -exro : exports the rotated picture to data/rotated_automatic
      • --no-show_contouring : does not show the steps of the contouring
      • --no-show_cropping : does not show the steps of the cropping the pictures
      • --no-show_rotation : does not show the steps of the rotation of the pictures
    • Possible argument :
      • -n 20 : runs the 20 first mosaics of the data/mosaic/source folder
      • -m "mamie0003.jpg" "mamie0000.jpg" "mamie0001.jpg" : runs all the steps only for this list of 3 mosaics.


  • See the mosaics and pictures already dropped in the data folders.
  • For 1 specific example :
    • Step one : Treating mamie0009.jpg mosaic first
    • Step two : Contour is successful. 3 main contours identified (3 pictures are supposed to be found) & contours have no more than 5 corners. The picture at the bottom is not straight, it has a rectangle
    • Step three : cropping can only be done on a "rectangle", which has a top left corner, and a bottom right corner. It is not possible to extract from a numpy array an "angled" rectangle. What's extracted is the bounding rectangle, with its rotation + center of rotation captured, though. If no other modification was made, we would end up with the black edges seen in this picture;
    • Step four : using the metadata available for that rectangle, we rotate it with the warpAffine method.
    • Step five : rotation is done using the method explained above, in section Project structure


  • This To Do will obviously never be done
  • Get rid of absolute paths in constant
  • Document the manual processes
    • Semi automatic cropping + rotation (pointing pixels by chunks of 4 pixels to log the corners of the pictures)
      • all_steps_manual() and all_steps_manual_multiple() in : which does - once contour has been drawn by user, does the cropping + asks the user for the correct rotation
      • rotate_manual() and rotate_manual_multiple() in : displays the pictures to the user, requests them to rotate the picture multiple times (pressing space) until the orientation is correct, press o to validate : it then writes the picture + logs the correct rotation in rotation_metadata.csv
  • Clean up objects methods vs functions that are using objects in different places + cleaner imports of objects


Automatic cropping and rotation of pictures using openCV








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