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Snakemake workflow: crispr-screens

DOI Snakemake Tests CodeFactor

A Snakemake workflow for the analysis of CRISPR screens.

If you use this workflow in a paper, don't forget to give credits to the authors by citing the URL of this (original) repository and its DOI (see above).

Instruction of how to use crispr-screens can be found here:

Installation of required software

Conda/Mamba and Apptainer

For reproducibility, crispr-screen uses (containerized) Conda environments.

Please follow the instructions here for a detailed guide to install Conda/Mamba, and optionally, but highly recommended, Apptainer.


To install Snakemake create the following environment with mamba:

$ mamba create -n snakemake snakemake

Activate the environment as follows:

$ mamba activate snakemake

If you want to deploy Snakemake on an HPC system using slurm also run:

$ pip install snakemake-executor-plugin-slurm


Depending on your HPC/cloud system you may also need to install a storage plugin. For more information on this see:

Workflow code

The easiest way to obtain the workflow code is to use snakefetch:

$ pip install snakefetch
$ snakefetch --outdir /path/to/analysis --repo-version v0.6.0 --url
Downloading archive file for version v0.6.0 from
Extracting config and workflow directories from tar.gz file to /path/to/analysis...

This will copy the config and workflow directories to the path set with the --outdir flag.

Preparing raw sequencing data

In the directory containing config/workflow create a directory called reads:

$ cd /path/to/analysis
$ mdkir -p reads 

All fastq files can be copied here. Only single end data is processed.


All files must have the extension fastq.gz

sgRNA library sequences

In the directory containing config/workflow create a directory called resources:

$ mdkir -p resources

Copy the fasta file with sgRNA names as a header to this directory.

If you only have a text file containing the sgRNA names and sequences in different columns, this can be used instead (csv format).


All sgRNA names must be in the following format: GENE_sgGENE_sgRNAnumber (e.g. B2M_sgB2M_1).

If no fasta file has been generated yet, but a csv file is available that contains sgRNA sequences and gene names in separate column, then this can be copied into the resources directory instead. The workflow will generate the fasta file from this automatically. The columns that contains this information must be included in config.yaml under "csv".

sgRNA library meta data and analysis settings

Analysis settings are stored in config/config.yml:

    sg_length: 20
    vector: "N" # Vector sequence to be removed from reads (N for none)
    left_trim : 0 # Trim n bases from 5' end of reads
    species: human
csv: # If no fasta is available, provide a csv file with sgRNA sequences
  name_column: 3 # Column number with gene names
  sequence_column: 2 # Column number with sgRNA sequences
mismatch: 0 # Mismatches allowed during alignment
  skip: none # Skip mageck, bagel2, both, or none
    extra_mageck_arguments: "" 
    mageck_control_genes: all # All or file with control genes
    fdr: 0.25 # FDR threshold for downstream mageck analysis
    apply_CNV_correction: False # Apply CNV correction to mageck results
    cell_line: K562_HAEMATOPOIETIC_AND_LYMPHOID_TISSUE # Cell line for CNV correction
      run: True # Perform pathway analysis on mageck results
      data: both # enriched, depleted, or both
      dbs: ["GO_Molecular_Function_2023","GO_Biological_Process_2023","Reactome_2022"]
      top_genes: 50 # Number of top genes to consider for pathway analysis (overrides fdr, use 0 to disable)
      terms: 10 # Number of terms to plot
    cpu: 4
    time: 60
    cpu: 4
    time: 60
    cpu: 8
    time: 120
    cpu: 2
    time: 60

If your sgRNA lengths are uniform, set that length (l) with sg_length and set vector to "N". This will only keep the the first l nucleotides of the reads during trimming.

When sgRNA lengths vary within the library, then provide the vector sequence (i.e. the DNA sequence (spacer/scaffold) immediately downstream of the last nucleotide of the sgRNA sequence). This will trim off that sequence from the reads during trimming.

With the left_trim option, one can set the number of bases the be trimmed at the 5' end of the read. This is done before any other trimming events.

Sample comparisons for MAGeCK and/or BAGEL2

In config/stats.csv the pairwise comparisons between samples for MAGeCK and/or BAGEL2 can be defined:

test control bagel2
day18_1 plasmid n
day18_2 plasmid n
day18_1;day18_2 plasmid y

Test and control samples should be included in the test and control columns, respectively. Replicate conditions can be put in the sample column, separated by a semi-colon (;).

If you want to disable BAGEL2 analysis of some comparisons, add "n" to the bagel2 column.

Configuration of Snakemake

Running Snakemake can entail quite a few command line flags. To make this easier these can be set in a global profile that is defined in a user-specific configuration directory in order to simplify this process.

For example, a profile config.yaml can be stored at /home/user/.config/snakemake/profile:

cores: 40
latency-wait: 20
use-conda: True
use-apptainer: True
keep-going: False
rerun-incomplete: True
printshellcmds: True
cache: True
show-failed-logs: True

When running on a slurm-based HPC, the following lines can be included in config.yaml:

executor: slurm
jobs: 100
apptainer-args: "--bind '/parent_dir/of/analysis'" # if analysis in not in /home/$USER
        slurm_partition: icelake
        slurm_account: <ACCOUNT>

Some system have limited space allocated to /tmp, which can be problematic when using Apptainer. Add the following line to ~/.bashrc to set a different temporary directory location:

export APPTAINER_TMPDIR=~/rds/hpc-work/apptainer_tmp

Dry-run of the analysis

Before running the actual analyis with your own data, a dry-run can be performed:

$ cd path/to/analysis/directory
$ snakemake -np

Snakemake will create the DAG of jobs and print the shell command, but it will not execute anything.

Visualization of workflow

To visualize the workflow run (this command excludes the target rule):

$ mkdir -p images
$ snakemake --forceall --rulegraph | grep -v '\-> 0\|0\[label = \"all\"' | dot -Tpng > images/rule_graph.png

Running the analysis

If the dry run has worked, the actual analysis can be initiated as follows:

$ snakemake --profile /home/user/.config/snakemake/profile


Always make sure to use the absolute path (i.e. /home/user/.config/...) rather than the relative path (~/.config/...) when providing the path for the profile file.

Report of the results

When the analysis has finished succesfully, an HTML report can be created as follows:

$ snakemake --report report.html

This report will contain run time information for the Snakemake rules, as well as figures generated by the workflow, and the code used to create these.