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Merge pull request #5 from noaa-oar-arl/dev
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amcz committed Oct 21, 2020
2 parents e703bfc + ea46b77 commit 2b21f11
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Showing 9 changed files with 2,001 additions and 776 deletions.
375 changes: 375 additions & 0 deletions utilhysplit/
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@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
import datetime
import os
import sys
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import logging
import pandas as pd
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import hysplit
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# 01/28/2020 AMC cdump2awips created to make a netcdf file appropriate for input into AWIPS
# was modified in the forked version of MONET to make this work.

# combine_cdump creates a 6 dimensional xarray dataarray object from cdump files.
# TO DO: use the hysp_massload function in rather than the one here.

# Notes from Jorge.
# global attribute time_origin=2020-02-04 16:20:47
# ensid variable is an integer.
# "ensemble_tag" variable is a string
# dimension order is time, ensid, latitude, longitude
# one time period per file.

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def mass_loading(xrash):
# returns mass loading in each level.
#return hysplit.calc_aml(xrash)
return hysplit.hysp_massload(xrash)

def meters2FL(meters):
flight_level = meters * 3.28084 / 100.0
return int(np.ceil(flight_level / 10.0) * 10)

#def get_topbottom(lev):
# top = 'FL' + str(meters2FL(lev[-1]))
# bottom = 'FL' + str(meters2FL(lev[0]))
#print('level', lev[0], bottom)
#print('level', lev[-1], top)
# return top, bottom

#def handle_levels(levlist):
# nlev = len(levlist)
# divide into three pieces
# piece = int(np.floor(nlev/3.0))
# jjj = 0
# lev1 = levlist[0:piece]
# lev2 = levlist[piece:2 * piece]
# lev3 = levlist[2 * piece:]
#print(piece, lev1, lev2, lev3)
# return lev1, lev2, lev3

class Cdump2Awips:

def __init__(self, xrash,
munit='unit', fileformat='NETCDF4',
xrash1 : xarray data-array output by combine_datset of in monetio
outname : str
munit : str
fileformat : str
source_file_description : str
source_location: tuple (float,float) (latitude,longitude)
globalhash : dictionary used in add_global_attributes method.
netcdf files for AWIPS2.
coordinates are latitude, longitude, time, ensid.
Although time is a variable only one time per file.
Each level containing concentrations is a variable.
#self.dt = dt

self.dfmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
self.outname = outname
self.munit = munit # mass unit for concentration
self.massunit = munit # mass unit for column mass loading.
self.fileformat = fileformat
self.jobid = jobid
self.coordlist = ('time', 'ensid', 'longitude', 'latitude')

self.globalhash = globalhash

if 'sample time hours' in xrash.attrs:
dt = xrash.attrs['sample time hours']
dt = 1

# mass loading should be in g/m2 to compare to satellite.
# concentration should be in mg/m3 to compare to threshold levels.
self.sample_time = np.timedelta64(int(dt), 'h')
# stack the ensemble and source dimensions so it is one dimension
self.xrash = xrash.stack(ensemble=('ens', 'source'))
# put dimensionsin correct order.
self.xrash = self.xrash.transpose('time', 'ensemble', 'x', 'y', 'z',
# array with mass loading rather than concentration.
mass = mass_loading(xrash)
# if concentration unit is mg then make mass loading unit in g.
if self.munit == 'mg':
mass = mass / 1000.0
self.massunit = 'g'
self.mass = mass.stack(ensemble=('ens', 'source'))
self.mass = self.mass.transpose('time', 'ensemble', 'x', 'y',
self.levelra = xrash.z.values = xrash.values

def create_all_files(self):
flist = [self.make_dataset(x) for x in
return flist
#for iii, tm in enumerate(self.xrash.time.values):
# self.filenamelist.append(self.make_dataset(iii))

def add_global_attributes(self, fid):
logger.debug('Adding global attribut')
fid.jobid = self.jobid
fid.time_origin =
fid.concentration_mass_unit = self.munit
fid.massloading_mass_unit = self.massunit

if 'MER' in self.globalhash.keys():
fid.MER = self.globalhash['MER']
if 'MER_unit' in self.globalhash.keys():
fid.MER_unit = self.globalhash['MER_unit']
if 'source_latitude' in self.globalhash.keys():
fid.soure_latitude = self.globalhash['source_latitude']
if 'source_longitude' in self.globalhash.keys():
fid.soure_longitude = self.globalhash['source_longitude']
if 'source_name' in self.globalhash.keys():
fid.source_name = self.globalhash['source_name']
if 'emission_start' in self.globalhash.keys():
fid.emission_start = \
if 'emission_duration_hours' in self.globalhash.keys():
fid.emission_duration_hours =\

return fid

def make_conc_level(self, fid, variable_name, min_level, max_level):
coordlist = self.coordlist
concid = fid.createVariable(variable_name, 'f4', coordlist)
concid.units = self.munit + '/m3'
concid.long_name = 'Concentration Array'
#concid.bottomlevel_meters = min_meters
#concid.toplevel_meters= max_meters
concid.bottomlevel = min_level
#top, bottom = get_topbottom(lev1)
concid.toplevel = max_level
return concid

def make_dataset(self,iii):
xrash = self.xrash.copy()
munit = self.munit
sample_time = self.sample_time
date1 = xrash.time[iii].values
datestr = pd.to_datetime(date1).strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%MUTC")
#outname = '{}_{}_t{:02d}.nc'.format(self.outname, datestr,iii)
outname = '{}_{}.nc'.format(self.outname, iii)
fid = Dataset(outname, 'w', format='NETCDF4')
fid = self.add_global_attributes(fid)

lat_shape = xrash.shape[3]
lon_shape = xrash.shape[2]
lat = fid.createDimension('latitude', lat_shape)
lon = fid.createDimension('longitude', lon_shape)
#level = fid.createDimension('levels',len(levelra))

clevs = [0.2, 2, 4, 10, 100]
clevels = fid.createDimension('contour_levels', len(clevs))
ens_shape = xrash.coords['ensemble'].shape[0]
ensemble = fid.createDimension('ensid', ens_shape)

time = fid.createDimension('time', 1) # one time per file
bnds = fid.createDimension('bnds', 2) # two bounds per time.

#origin = fid.createDimension('origins',hxr.attrs['Number Start Locations'])
origin = fid.createDimension('origins', 1)
# Scalar variables

#latra, lonra = hf.getlatlon(hxr)
latra = xrash.latitude[:, 0]
lonra = xrash.longitude[0]

# DIMENSIONS are ensemble tag, latitude, longitude
levs = xrash.z.values
#lev1, lev2, lev3 = handle_levels(levs)

#concid_list = [self.make_conc_level(x) for x in xrash.z.values]
concid_list = []
for jjj, level in enumerate(xrash.z.values):
maxlev = 'FL{}'.format(meters2FL(level))
if jjj>0:
minlev = 'FL{}'.format(meters2FL(xrash.z.values[jjj-1]))
minlev = 'SFC'
varname = maxlev
#print('cdump2netcdf HERE ', jjj, level, minlev, maxlev, varname)
concid_list.append(self.make_conc_level(fid,varname, minlev,

massid = fid.createVariable('MassLoading', 'f4', self.coordlist)
massid.units = self.massunit + '/m2'
massid.long_name = 'Mass Loading from SFC to ' + maxlev

# Standard Contour levels for concentration in mg/m3
clevelid = fid.createVariable(
'Contour_levels', 'f4', ('contour_levels'))
clevelid[:] = clevs

# Dimension with different ensemble members.
ensembleid = fid.createVariable('ensemble', 'str', ('ensid'))
ensid = fid.createVariable('ensid', 'i4', ('ensid'))
sourceid = fid.createVariable('source', 'str', ('ensid'))

latid = fid.createVariable('latitude', 'f4', ('latitude'))
latid.long_name = 'latitude degrees north from the equator'
latid.units = 'degrees_north'
latid.point_spacing = 'even'
lonid = fid.createVariable('longitude', 'f4', ('longitude'))
lonid.long_name = 'longitude degrees east from the greenwhich meridian'
lonid.units = 'degrees_east'
lonid.point_spacing = 'even'

#levelid = fid.createVariable('levels','int',('levels'))
# attributes for levels
#levelid.long_name = 'Top height of each layer'
# levelid.units='m'

timeid = fid.createVariable('time', 'f4', ('time'))
# attributes for time grid.
timeid.units = 'days since 1970-01-01 00:00:00'
timeid.standard_name = 'time'
timeid.bounds = 'time_bnds'
timeid.calendar = 'gregorian'

time_bnds = fid.createVariable('time_bnds', 'f4', ('time', 'bnds'))

# Put data into variables
# only one time per file.

epoch = np.datetime64('1970-01-01T00:00:00Z')
#date1 = xrash.time[iii].values
t1 = (xrash.time[iii].values - epoch) / np.timedelta64(1, 's')
print('HERE', t1, type(t1))
# change seconds to days
t1 = t1 / (24.0 * 60 * 60)
print('HERE', t1, type(t1))
t2 = ((xrash.time[iii].values + sample_time) -
epoch) / np.timedelta64(1, 's')

print('HERE', t2, type(t2))
t2 = t2 / (24.0 * 60 * 60)
print('HERE', t2, type(t2))

temp = xrash.loc[dict(time=date1)]
#print('SHAPE', temp.values.shape)

mult = 1
#print('going into loop')
for jjj, concid in enumerate(concid_list):
#logger.debug('adding concentration info')
#print('in loop', jjj)
lev = self.xrash.z.values[jjj]
concid[:] = makeconc(self.xrash.copy(),date1,lev,
#print('add massload')
#logger.debug('adding massloading info')
massid[:] = makeconc(self.mass, date1, dotranspose=False, level=None)

latid[:] = latra
lonid[:] = lonra
#levelid[:] = levelra
timeid[:] = t1
time_bnds[:] = [[t1, t2]]
# these may be duplicated since ensemble and source
# dimensions are stacked.
ensembleid[:] = self.xrash.coords['ens'].values
sourceid[:] = self.xrash.coords['source'].values
ensid[:] = np.arange(1, ens_shape+1)
logger.debug('made file {}'.format(outname))
return outname

def makeconc(xrash, date1, level, mult=1, dotranspose=False, verbose=False):
xrash : xarray data-array
date1 : datetime.datetime object
level : list of level names
c1 : data array with concentration from multiple levels combined.
# this is for mass loading.
if not level:
c1 = mult * xrash.sel(time=date1)
c1 = mult * xrash.sel(time=date1, z=level)
#logger.debug('shape for conc {}'.format(c1.shape))
#dhash = thickness_hash(xrash)
#tlist = []
#total_thickness = 0
#for lev in level:
# tlist.append(dhash[lev])
# total_thickness += dhash[lev]
#c1 = mult * xrash.sel(time=date1, z=level)
#if verbose:
# print('MAX BEFORE ', np.max(c1))
#print('length', len(level), '\n', tlist, dhash)
#c1 = mass_loading_B(c1, tlist)
#c1 = c1 / total_thickness
if verbose:
print('Max AFTER', np.max(c1))
c1 = c1.expand_dims('time')
# this line is for netcdf awips output
if dotranspose:
c1 = c1.transpose('time', 'ensemble', 'y', 'x')
if verbose:
print('C1', c1)
if verbose:
return c1

def maketestblist():
#Need list of tuples. (filename, sourcetag, mettag)
d1 = datetime.datetime(2008, 8, 8, 12)
d2 = datetime.datetime(2008, 8, 8, 13)
blist = []
dname = '/pub/Scratch/alicec/KASATOCHI/2020/cylens/'
fname = 'cdump.Aegec00'
blist.append((os.path.join(dname, fname), 'S1', 'gec00'))
fname = 'cdump.Aegep01'
blist.append((os.path.join(dname, fname), 'S1', 'gep01'))
return blist

def maketestncfile():
blist = maketestblist()
oname = ''
d1 = datetime.datetime(2008, 8, 8, 12)
d2 = datetime.datetime(2008, 8, 8, 13)
xrash = maketestra()
cdump2awips(xrash, oname)

def maketestra():
d1 = datetime.datetime(2008,8,8,10)
d2 = datetime.datetime(2008,8,8,13)
#d1 = None
#d2 = None
blist = maketestblist()
if d1 and d2:
drange = [d1,d2]
drange = None
xrash = hysplit.combine_dataset(blist, drange=drange)
return xrash
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion utilhysplit/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
import numpy as np
import datetime
import pandas as pd

import monet

def coarsen(small, large):
Expand Down

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