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Subhajit Sahu edited this page Feb 3, 2021 · 28 revisions

Obtain values that cycle through an iterable.

Similar: repeat, cycle, rotate, reverse.

function cycle(x, i, n)
// x: an iterable
// i: start index [0]
// n: number of values [-1 ⇒ Inf]
const xiterable = require('extra-iterable');

var x = [1, 2, 3];
[...xiterable.cycle(x, 0, 2)];
// → [1, 2]

[...xiterable.cycle(x, 0, 4)];
// → [1, 2, 3, 1]

[...xiterable.cycle(x, 1, 6)];
// → [2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1]


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