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Permission macOS

Norihiro Kamae edited this page Aug 20, 2022 · 2 revisions

After installation, you need to set permission to capture raw packets.

Elevate plugin's permission (OBS 28)

Instead of allowing raw-packet capture, you may configure to elevate the plugin to the super user. If you want this, run this command. (I didn't test this method but it should work.)

cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/obs-studio/plugins/obs-h8819-source.plugin/Contents/Resources/
sudo chown root obs-h8819-proc
sudo chmod +s obs-h8819-proc

Choose 1st line or 2nd line based on your install location.

Elevate plugin's permission (OBS 27)

Instead of allowing raw-packet capture, you may configure to elevate the plugin to the super user. If you want this, run this command. (I didn't test this method but it should work.)

cd /Library/Application\ Support/obs-studio/plugins/obs-h8819-source/data # if you install for everyone
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/obs-studio/plugins/obs-h8819-source/data # if you install for current user only
sudo chown root obs-h8819-proc
sudo chmod +s obs-h8819-proc

Choose 1st line or 2nd line based on your install location.

Allow raw-packet capture

To allow raw-packet capture on your device, run this command for example.

sudo chmod og+rw /dev/bpf*

By this command, everyone on your computer can capture raw-packet.

Group permissions

In either way, you might need to consider configuring group permissions if other user account login to your system and want to forbit them to capture packets.
