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This is a web-based data management system created for Infinity Culinary Training as part of the CHEFREG project.In this project, we created software prototypes of a data management tool, which was divided up into three parts:

  • Mobile application
  • Web-based data management tool with the following components:
    • Data entry
    • Data reporting
    • Data management



  1. Store student information
  2. View overall statistics
  3. Filter statistics by year(s) of admission or class number(s)
  4. View all student information
  5. View/edit/delete a specific student's information
  6. Sort, filter and search student information


  • Python 3.6.3

Running the project

  • Ensure that Django is installed
  • Clone this repository
    • git clone && cd ictchefs
  • Install the required libraries
    • pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Make the necessary migrations
    • python3 makemigrations
    • python3 migrate
  • Run the project
    • python3 runserver

Deploying on Heroku

  • Install the Heroku Toolbelt
    • Sign up to Heroku
    • Open a terminal and login to your account:
      • heroku login
  • Clone this repository:
    • git clone && cd ictchefs
  • Login to Heroku using the Toolbelt:
    • heroku login
  • Inside the project root, create a Heroku app:
    • heroku create test-ictchefs or heroku create if you want Heroku to pick a name for you
  • Add a MySQL database to your app:
    • heroku addons:create cleardb:ignite
  • Push to deploy:
    • git push heroku master
  • Migrate the database:
    • heroku run python migrate