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Security: novasamatech/nova-spektr


Security Policy

Reporting a Security Vulnerability

If you believe you have found a security vulnerability in Nova Spektr, please help us by responsibly disclosing it to our security team. We appreciate your efforts to ensure the security and privacy of our users.

Please do not create public GitHub issues or discussions for security vulnerabilities.

To report a security vulnerability, please follow these steps:

  1. Email us at [email protected] with a detailed description of the vulnerability. Include the following information:
  • Your name and affiliation (if any).
  • A clear and concise description of the vulnerability, including how it can be exploited.
  • The affected versions of the Nova Spektr.
  • Steps to reproduce the vulnerability, if possible.
  1. Our security team will work with you to understand and validate the vulnerability.

  2. Once the vulnerability is confirmed, we will work on a fix. We aim to release patches and updates promptly.

Security Best Practices

While we strive to make Nova Spektr as secure as possible, security is a shared responsibility. Here are some best practices for using our wallet and contributing to its security:

For Users:

  1. Keep Your Software Updated: Ensure you are using the latest version of Nova Spektr.

  2. Beware of Phishing: Be cautious of phishing attempts. Always verify the authenticity of the software and websites you interact with.

For Contributors:

  1. Code Review: Thoroughly review your code for security vulnerabilities, such as input validation and sanitization.

  2. Dependency Management: Keep your project's dependencies up to date and review them for known vulnerabilities regularly.

  3. Secure Coding Practices: Follow secure coding practices, such as avoiding hardcoded secrets and using cryptographic libraries correctly.

  4. Testing: Implement comprehensive testing, including security testing, in your development process.

  5. Reporting Vulnerabilities: If you discover a security issue during development, follow responsible disclosure practices.

Security Contact Information

For security-related concerns or to report a vulnerability, please contact our security team at [email protected].

Thank you for helping us make Nova Spektr more secure!

There aren’t any published security advisories