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Nullstone module to launch a standard GCP network. This module will create a public and private subnet in a provided region.

Public subnet access internet through Default Internet gateway and private subnet access internet through Cloud Router and NAT Gateway.


  • public_subnets: list(string)
    • Network ranges for public subnets created in the VPC. Able to access the internet through Default Internet gateway.
    • Default: ["", ""]
  • private_subnets: list(string)
    • Network ranges for private subnets created in the VPC. Able to access the internet through Cloud Router and NAT Gateway.
    • Default: ["", ""]


  • vpc_name: string

    • The name of the VPC being created
  • subnets: map

    • A map with keys of form subnet_region/subnet_name and values being the outputs of the google_compute_subnetwork resources used to create corresponding subnets.

    Sample subnet map for private subnet:

      "us-west1/private-subnet-1" = {
          "creation_timestamp" = "2021-07-21T20:27:27.850-07:00"
          "description" = ""
          "fingerprint" = tostring(null)
          "gateway_address" = ""
          "id" = "projects/experimental-320320/regions/us-west1/subnetworks/private-subnet-1"
          "ip_cidr_range" = ""
          "log_config" = tolist([])
          "name" = "private-subnet-1"
          "network" = ""
          "private_ip_google_access" = true
          "private_ipv6_google_access" = "DISABLE_GOOGLE_ACCESS"
          "project" = "experimental-320320"
          "region" = "us-west1"
          "secondary_ip_range" = tolist([])
          "self_link" = ""
          "timeouts" = null /* object */
  • public_subnet_names: list(string)

    • The names of the public subnets being created
  • private_subnet_names: list(string)

    • The names of the private subnets being created
  • public_subnets_ids: list(string)

    • The IDs of the public subnets being created
  • private_subnets_ids: list(string)

    • The IDs of the private subnets being created
  • cloud_nat: string

    • Id of Cloud NAT (For example: experimental-320320/us-west1/nullstone-vpc-router/nullstone-vpc-nat)
  • cloud_router: string

    • Id of Cloud Router (For example: projects/experimental-320320/regions/us-west1/routers/nullstone-vpc-router)