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okx-code edited this page Feb 27, 2019 · 55 revisions

This page specifies all the functions in Catholicon, and what arguments they take. Inputs are automatically coerced to the required type if possible, but output types are strict. x specifies the first argument to a function, y the second. Valid types are: any, str, num, int, flt, bool, atom, list[], tuple[], stream[], fun(), escape(), two_char(). Most functions are vectorisable if reasonably possible.

The difference between fun() and escape() is that fun() is an Elixir anonymous function, and escape() is a function represented by the code. two_char() means the function uses the next character in the code.

Name Spec Function
² num -> num Square; x * x
num -> flt Square root.
any, any -> bool x != y
½ num -> num Halve.
Ȧ str, str -> str Concatenate x with y.
any, any -> list[any, any] Yields a list with the two arguments as its contents
Ċ -> any Retrieves and evaluates a line of input.
num -> flt Increment.
Ė str, int Convert y from base x to base 10.
int, int Convert y from base 10 to base x.
Ġ str -> str Removes the first character of x.
int -> list[int] 0..x
İ int -> list[int] 1..x
Ŀ int, int -> list[int] x..y
list[any] -> any Picks a random element from x.
int -> list[int] Digits.
Ȯ list[int] -> int Undigits.
list[num] -> num Sum.
list[num] -> num Product.
str -> int Convert x from base 2 to base 10.
int -> str Convert x from base 10 to base 2.
int -> bool Is even?
int -> bool Is odd?
num -> num Decrement.
Ż int -> int Bit count; count the number of one bits in the binary representation of x.
A any -> any Assign x to the variable A.
B -> any Read variable A (default: 16)
C -> int Read the last literal integer created. Example: +10C is 20 (default: 36)
D -> any Read the current value in a loop (default: -1)
E -> int 10
F -> int 100
G -> int 1000
H -> any The first input
I -> int 500.
a num -> num 1 - x
b -> flt Returns a uniformly random number [0, 1)
c -> flt Returns a normal deviate float - that is, the mean is 0 and the standard deviation is 1.
d str -> bool Is empty?
e str -> any Evaluate.
f list[any] -> list[any] Prepend 0.
g int -> int x mod 2.
h any -> any 2 to the power of x.
i int -> bool Is prime?
j int, int -> int Bitwise AND.
k int, int -> int Arithmetic left bitshift.
l int, int -> int Arithmetic right bitshift.
m int, int -> int Bitwise XOR.
n int, int -> int Bitwise OR.
o int -> int Bitwise NOT.
p bool, bool -> bool Boolean AND. x && y
q bool, bool -> bool Boolean OR. x || y
r bool -> bool Boolean NOT. !x
s list[any] -> list[list[any]] Permutations
t int, list[any] Permutations of length x
any -> any Yield; return x. Can be used to separate arguments (ie Ȧ1 2 is 12)
! escape(-> any) -> any Execute x until it returns the same value twice in a row. In replacement for the lack of a value, uses the previous value or the input for the first exeuction.
# any -> fun Convert x into a function.
$ fun -> any Run the function x.
$ str -> str Upcase.
& escape(-> any) -> fun(-> any) Escape. Example: $%1 returns 1, as %1 returns fn -> 1 and $ evaluatates it. This is different to # as does not evaluate the code, and instead escapes it. It is then evaluated when the method is called.
% int, int -> int Modulo.
' escape(-> any) -> str Convert to a string.
( any -> any Print with newline.
) any -> any Print without newline.
* num, num -> num Multiply.
+ num, num -> num Add.
, num -> num Multiply by 1000.
- num, num -> num Subtract.
. num -> num Divide by 100.
) any -> any Print without newline.
/ num, num -> num Divide.
: list[any], list[any] -> list[any] List concatenate.
; list[any], list[any] -> list[any] List subtraction; removes the first occurrence of an item in x for each item in y.
< num, num -> bool Less than?
= any, any -> bool x == y
> num, num -> bool Greater than?
? two_char() -> str Get the next character literally.
@ escape(-> any) -> str Codepoints.
_ to_char(any) -> any Two character monads - see below.
` two_char() -> any Two character nilads - see below.
ȧ int, int -> int GCD.
num -> num Absolute.
ċ num -> int Ceil.
num -> int Floor.
ė num -> int Round.
str -> str Uppercase the first character and lowercase the rest
ġ str -> str Downcase.
str -> str Trim; remove leading and trailing whitespace.
flt -> str Returns a fraction in its most simplified form as a string, ie ṁ"0.5" is 1/2.
str -> flt Split by / and divide. Example: ė"4/5" is 0.8.
ȯ str, str -> list[str] Split x on y.
str, str -> int Count the amount of times y appears in x.
str, int -> str Get the character at element y modulo the length of x in x.
any -> int Length.
num, escape(num -> bool) -> list[num] Decompose x into the largest values matching y. Example: ṫ35ẇ√ -> decompose(35, num -> is_whole_num(sqrt(num))) decomposes into square numbers and returns [25, 9, 1]
num -> bool Is whole number?
list[any], escape(any -> any) -> list[any] Map each element of the x by y.
str, int -> str Pad x by leading spaces to length y.
ż str, int -> str Pad x by trailing spaces to length y.
-> str abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
-> str bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz
-> str aeiou
Γ str, str, str -> str Replace.
π -> num Pi - 3.141592...
ρ num, escape(num -> bool) -> num Nth-that-matches; returns the nth integer for which the function returns true (0-indexed)
σ num, escape(num -> bool) -> num Above, but 1-indexed.
τ -> num Tau - 6.28318...
φ -> num Golden ratio - 1.61803...
Ǎ int -> int Factorial.
Č num, num -> num Maximum.
Ď num, num -> num Minimum.
Ě num, num -> num Power.
Ǧ num -> int Square root, then floor.
Ǐ int, int -> int LCM.
Ǩ str -> str Decode from base 16.
Ľ str -> str Encode into base 16.
Ň str -> str Decode from base 32.
Ǒ str -> str Encode into base 32.
Ř str -> str Decode from base 64.
Š str -> str Encode into base 64.
Ť list[any] -> list[any] Reverse.
Ǔ num -> num Double.
Ž int, list[any] -> any Get the element x in the list y. Can vectorise to getting multiple elements in a list.
ǎ any -> list[any] Group by consecutive equal elements / group adjacent
č list[num] -> list[num] Cumulative sum.
ď list[any] -> list[any] Flattens a list of nested lists.
ě list[any] -> escape(any -> any) Reduce by the implicit variable and the loop variable.
ǧ int -> list[int] Prime factors.
ȟ list[any] -> any Head; get the first element
ǐ list[any] -> list[any] Tail; get everything but the first element.
ǰ list[num] -> list[num] Deltas; differences between elements.
ǩ list[any] -> any Maximum.
ľ list[any] -> any Minimum.
ň two_char(), list[any] -> list[any] Map over the next character. ňṡ finds the length of each element in y (but you can also use ř)
ǒ list[any], int Duplicate each element of x, y times.
ř list[list[any]] Length of each for each in x.
š list[any], any -> any Count the amount of y in x.
ť str -> list[str] Graphemes (characters).
ǔ str, str -> bool y contains x
num -> num Per-mille; divide by 1000.
num, num -> bool Less than or equal to?
num, num -> bool Greater or equal to?
any, any -> bool x === y
-> int OS time in milliseconds. Note that this is a single character.
δ any -> bool If x, then 1, else 0.
~ n/a Close escaped code. Example: ='a~?a -> =('a~, ?a) results in true.

` nilads

Name Value
`Ȧ 16
`Ḃ 32
`Ċ 64
`Ḋ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
`Ė 3.141592653589793
`Ġ 1.618033988749895
`Ḟ 6.283185307179586
`Ḣ 27
`İ 28 - 1
`J̇ 28
`K̇ 29
`L̇ 210
`Ṁ 211
`Ṅ 215
`Ȯ 216
`Ṗ 231
`Q̇ 232
`Ṙ 263
`Ṡ 264
`Ṫ 1/3
`U̇ 1/4
`V̇ 1/5
`Ẇ 2/3
`Ẋ 3/4
`Ẏ 2/5
`Ż 3/5
`ȧ 4/5
`ḃ 16

_ monads

Name Spec Value
_Ȧ num -> num x * 10
_Ḃ num -> num acos(x)
_Ċ num -> num acosh(x)
_Ḋ num -> num asin(x)
_Ė num -> num asinh(x)
_Ḟ num -> num atan(x)
_Ġ num -> num atanh(x)
_Ḣ num -> num cos(x)
_İ num -> num cosh(x)
_J̇ num -> num erf(x) - error function
_K̇ num -> num erfc(x) - 1-erf(x)
_L̇ num -> num exp(x)
_Ṁ num -> num log(x)
_Ṅ num -> num log10(x)
_Ȯ num -> num log2(x)
_Ṗ num -> num sin(x)
_Q̇ num -> num sinh(x)
_Ṙ num -> num tan(x)
_Ṡ num -> num tanh(x)
_Ṫ str -> atom Convert to an atom.


You can also represent positive integers by typing them in normally. Ḋ99 is 100. Strings can be represented with double quote marks: Ȧ"a""b" is ab.

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