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okx-code edited this page Jul 10, 2017 · 74 revisions

Here's the list of tokens that manipulate items on the stack. Nilads take no values from the stack, monads take one, and dyads take two.

The general rule for the character chosen for a function:

  • Nilad/general maths; standard alphabetical character
  • Monad taking int; uppercase bold
  • Monad taking list; lowercase bold
  • Dyads; double struck
  • Loops, conditionals etc; uppercase greek
  • Variables; lowercase greek.

Special Cases:

  • For certain characters, the ) character is not required at the end if the end is the end of the file.

Additionally, if a token takes a list but instead an int is popped, the int will be exploded into a list and vice versa.

Token Input Function
ͻ .. ) Infinite loop.
Get first input line
Get second input line
Get third input line
Γ .. ) any Perform the operation(s) .. on each element in the list.
Implicit exclusive range if integer.
Δ .. ) any If integer, create inclusive range or if list, add one to each value.
Then perform the operation(s) .. on each element.
Θ Push currently looped value or 100 if not in loop
Λ .. ) list Keep those in the list where <elem> .. is equal to 1
Ξ .. ) any If int and equal to 1, or if list and contains 1, do ..
Π any Assign the next variable to the top value in the stack
Σ .. ) list Keep those in the list where <elem> .. is equal to 0
Φ Push index in loop or 256 if not in loop
Ψ list Apply the next token to each element in the list
& .. ) Create a list of the elements pushed in ..
÷ Terminate loop/conditional etc, if the top of the stack is truthy
# Else statement
$ Wrap stack to array
( .. ) Decompress a base 255 string
) Close loop/conditional etc.
.. - .. Assert that both sides evaluate to a truthy value
/ any Delete from underneath: a, b -> b
: int Previous prime
; int Next prime
> int Increment
< int Decrement
_ list Push each element to the stack
B int Compress a number into base 255
D any Duplicate
I Take one line of input
N .. ) int N times do ..
Q Terminate program
R Randomly choose 1 or 0
U any Duplicate from underneath: a, b -> a, b, a
\ any Delete
^ stack Delete all except top: a, b, c, d -> d
c Infinite list of perfect numbers (0-indexed)
f Infinite list of fibonacci numbers (well, up until 2^63-1)
p int Infinite list of polygonal numbers with side length a.
t Shortcut for 3p
q Shortcut for 4p
𝐀 int Absolute
𝐁 int Calculate all possible substrings
𝐂 int Get the characters
𝐃 int Get the largest divisor under a.
𝐄 int Check for palindromity
𝐅 int Get all factors
𝐈 int Inclusive range: (0 .. n]
𝐋 int Get the first n primes
𝐌 int Check for primality
𝐍 int Compute -a
𝐎 int Logical NOT (in Neim, only 1 is truthy)
𝐏 int Prime factors
𝐐 any Check that all elements are equal
𝐑 int Exclusive range: [0 .. n)
𝐒 int Create a singleton list out of this
𝐓 int Factorial
𝐔 int Unique prime factors
𝐕 int Proper divisors.
𝐗 int Get all prefixes
𝐜 int Divisor count.
𝐝 list Get deltas (differences) between elements
𝐠 list Get greatest element
𝐣 list Join elements into an int
𝐥 list Length
𝐦 list Get smallest element
𝐧 any Get the length, then create an inclusive range.
𝐨 list Sort
𝐩 list Product
𝐫 any Reverse
𝐬 list Sum
𝐭 int Check if composite
𝐮 list Uniquify
𝐱 int Get all suffixes
𝔸 any, any Append b to the end of a
𝔻 int, int Add
int, int Check for coprimality
𝔼 int, int Check for equality
𝔾 int, int Is a > b?
𝕀 int, list Index of a in b
𝕃 int, int Is a < b?
𝕄 int, int Modulo
𝕆 int, int Logical OR
int, int Get the ath polygonal number for a polygon with b sides.
any, any Check for equality, ignoring types
int, int Repeat a, b times
𝕊 int, int Subtract
𝕋 int, int Multiply
𝕌 list, list Only keep mutual elements [that are in both lists]
𝕍 int, int Integer division
𝕎 int, int Power
𝕏 int, int [first .. second)
𝕒 int, int Logical AND
𝕓 any Bifurcate; duplicate and reverse
𝕔 list, int Get closest value to int in list
𝕕 int, list Get the ath element of b.
𝕖 list, int Get first b elements of a
𝕗 list, int Get last b elements of a
𝕘 list, int Remove the first b elements of a
𝕘 list Remove the first element of a
𝕙 list, int Remove the last b elements of a
𝕙 list Remove the last element of a
𝕚 int, list Check that the int is in the list
𝕞 int, int Check that a is a multiple of b
𝕟 int, int Concatenate
𝕠 list, int Count the amount of b in a.
𝕣 int, int Repeat b, a times
𝕤 int, int Subtract, then get absolute.
int Multiply by 2
int Divide by 2
int Modulo 2
int Add 2
int Subtract 2
int, list End all current loops/conditionals etc, and run 𝕚.
int Square
int Modulo 2, then perform logical NOT.
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